mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Dedmen Miller d034324e88 More trivial code cleanup ()
* Added a3 include pboprefix

* Add defineDIKCodes header

* defineDIKCodes include case correct

* Use ui_f dikcodes

* Fix fnc_checkfiles macro and dll condition

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_getVehiclePos

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_getVehiclePosComplex

* Add defineResincl ui_f include

* Remove include guard from defineResincl

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_handleMouseButton

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_setMarkerJIP

* Semicolon after include

* Add defineResinclDesign ui_f include

* Incorrect macro usage fnc_rearmSuccessLocal

* Incorrect macro usage fnc_rearmSuccessLocal

* Stray backslash in fnc_camshake

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_startNozzleInHandsPFH

* Incorrect amcro usage in fnc_tag

* Incorrect macro usage in fnc_moduleGlobalSetSkill

* Reenable linux checkFiles

* Non-captialized requiredAddons

* Non-captialized requiredAddons
2019-03-21 08:52:32 -05:00

200 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "\a3\ui_f\hpp\defineDIKCodes.inc"
* Author: Nelson Duarte, AACO, SilentSpike
* Function used to handle key down event
* Arguments:
* 0: Spectator display <DISPLAY>
* 1: Key DIK code <NUMBER>
* 2: State of shift <BOOL>
* 3: State of ctrl <BOOL>
* 4: State of alt <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* _this call ace_spectator_fnc_ui_handleKeyDown
* Public: No
params ["","_key","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
// Handle map toggle
if (_key == DIK_M) exitWith {
[] call FUNC(ui_toggleMap);
// Handle very fast speed
if (_key == DIK_LALT) exitWith {
[true] call FUNC(cam_toggleSlow);
// Handle escape menu
if (_key == DIK_ESCAPE) exitWith {
if (GVAR(uiMapVisible)) then {
[] call FUNC(ui_toggleMap);
} else {
if (GVAR(uiForced)) then {
private _displayType = ["RscDisplayInterrupt","RscDisplayMPInterrupt"] select isMultiplayer;
SPEC_DISPLAY createDisplay _displayType;
} else {
[false] call FUNC(setSpectator);
// Handle perspective cycling
if (_key in [DIK_SPACE, DIK_NUMPADENTER]) exitWith {
private _oldMode = GVAR(camMode);
private _modes = GVAR(availableModes);
// Get current index and index count
private _iMode = (_modes find _oldMode) max 0;
private _countModes = count _modes;
if (_countModes != 0) then {
_iMode = (_iMode + 1) % _countModes;
if (_iMode < 0) then { _iMode = _countModes + _iMode; };
private _newMode = _modes select _iMode;
[_newMode] call FUNC(cam_setCameraMode);
// Handle vision mode cycling
if (_key == DIK_N) exitWith {
private _oldVision = GVAR(camVision);
private _visions = GVAR(availableVisions);
// Get current index and index count
private _iVision = (_visions find _oldVision) max 0;
private _countVisions = count _visions;
if (_countVisions != 0) then {
_iVision = (_iVision + 1) % _countVisions;
if (_iVision < 0) then { _iVision = _countVisions + _iVision; };
private _newVision = _visions select _iVision;
[_newVision] call FUNC(cam_setVisionMode);
// Handle postive change in draw
if (_key == DIK_PGUP) exitWith {
setViewDistance ((viewDistance + 250) min MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE);
// Handle negative change in draw
if (_key == DIK_PGDN) exitWith {
setViewDistance ((viewDistance - 250) max MIN_VIEW_DISTANCE);
// Handle spectate lights
if (_key == DIK_L) exitWith {
if (GVAR(camLight)) then {
{ deleteVehicle _x; } forEach GVAR(camLights);
GVAR(camLights) = [];
} else {
private _cameraLight = "#lightpoint" createvehicleLocal getPosASL GVAR(camera);
_cameraLight setLightBrightness 2;
_cameraLight setLightAmbient [1,1,1];
_cameraLight setLightColor [0,0,0];
_cameraLight lightAttachObject [GVAR(camera), [0,0,0]];
private _pointerLight = "#lightpoint" createvehicleLocal getPosASL GVAR(camera);
_pointerLight setLightBrightness 1;
_pointerLight setLightAmbient [1,1,1];
_pointerLight setLightColor [0,0,0];
GVAR(camLights) = [_cameraLight, _pointerLight];
GVAR(camLight) = !GVAR(camLight);
// Handle toggling the UI
if (_key == DIK_BACKSPACE) exitWith {
[] call FUNC(ui_toggleUI);
// Handle toggling help
if (_key == DIK_F1) exitWith {
GVAR(uiHelpVisible) = !GVAR(uiHelpVisible);
[] call FUNC(ui_updateHelp);
CTRL_HELP ctrlShow GVAR(uiHelpVisible);
CTRL_HELP_BACK ctrlShow GVAR(uiHelpVisible);
// Handle toggle focus info widget
if (_key == DIK_I) exitWith {
GVAR(uiWidgetVisible) = !GVAR(uiWidgetVisible);
[] call FUNC(ui_updateWidget);
// Handle toggling projectile drawing
if (_key == DIK_P) exitWith {
GVAR(drawProjectiles) = !GVAR(drawProjectiles);
// Handle toggling unit drawing
if (_key == DIK_O) exitWith {
GVAR(drawUnits) = !GVAR(drawUnits);
// Handle getting next focus target
if (_key == DIK_RIGHT) exitWith {
[true] call FUNC(switchFocus);
// Handle getting previous focus target
if (_key == DIK_LEFT) exitWith {
[false] call FUNC(switchFocus);
// If the zeus key is pressed and unit is curator, open zeus interface
if ((_key in (actionKeys "CuratorInterface")) && {!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic player)}) exitWith {
// Close the UI and disable camera input
[false] call FUNC(ui);
GVAR(camera) camCommand "manual off";
// Display XEH handles re-opening
// Set the curator camera to the spectator camera location
[{!isNull curatorCamera},{
curatorCamera setPosASL (getPosASL GVAR(camera));
curatorCamera setDir (getDirVisual GVAR(camera));
// Curator tracks its own vision mode
[getAssignedCuratorLogic player, 0] call bis_fnc_toggleCuratorVisionMode;
}] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
false // default to unhandled