mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
1.54 Armor Translate selectiosn to hitpoints Calc newDamage using hitIndex (because sel is translated) Fix isFalling never being reset Cache hitpointIndex to reset damage Normalize Limb Armor to 1.54 Cleanup Cleanup
85 lines
3.2 KiB
85 lines
3.2 KiB
* Author: KoffeinFlummi, Glowbal
* Callback when the treatment is completed
* Arguments:
* 0: The medic <OBJECT>
* 1: The patient <OBJECT>
* 2: SelectionName <STRING>
* 3: Treatment classname <STRING>
* 4: Items available <ARRAY<STRING>>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_config", "_callback", "_weaponSelect", "_lastAnim"];
params ["_args"];
_args params ["_caller", "_target", "_selectionName", "_className", "_items", "_usersOfItems"];
if (primaryWeapon _caller == "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon") then {
_caller removeWeapon "ACE_FakePrimaryWeapon";
if (vehicle _caller == _caller) then {
_lastAnim = _caller getvariable [QGVAR(treatmentPrevAnimCaller), ""];
//Don't play another medic animation (when player is rapidily treating)
TRACE_2("Reseting to old animation", animationState player, _lastAnim);
switch (toLower _lastAnim) do {
case "ainvpknlmstpslaywrfldnon_medic": {_lastAnim = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"};
case "ainvppnemstpslaywrfldnon_medic": {_lastAnim = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon"};
case "ainvpknlmstpslaywnondnon_medic": {_lastAnim = "AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon"};
case "ainvppnemstpslaywpstdnon_medic": {_lastAnim = "AinvPpneMstpSlayWpstDnon"};
case "ainvpknlmstpslaywpstdnon_medic": {_lastAnim = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWpstDnon"};
[_caller, _lastAnim, 2] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
_caller setvariable [QGVAR(treatmentPrevAnimCaller), nil];
_weaponSelect = (_caller getvariable [QGVAR(selectedWeaponOnTreatment), []]);
if ((_weaponSelect params [["_previousWeapon", ""]]) && {(_previousWeapon != "") && {_previousWeapon in (weapons _caller)}}) then {
for "_index" from 0 to 99 do {
_caller action ["SwitchWeapon", _caller, _caller, _index];
//Just check weapon, muzzle and mode (ignore ammo in case they were reloading)
if (((weaponState _caller) select [0,3]) isEqualTo (_weaponSelect select [0,3])) exitWith {TRACE_1("Restoring", (weaponState _caller));};
if ((weaponState _caller) isEqualTo ["","","","",0]) exitWith {ERROR("weaponState not found");};
} else {
_caller action ["SwitchWeapon", _caller, _caller, 99];
// Record specific callback
_config = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Basic" >> _className);
if (GVAR(level) >= 2) then {
_config = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Actions" >> "Advanced" >> _className);
_callback = getText (_config >> "callbackSuccess");
if (isNil _callback) then {
_callback = compile _callback;
} else {
_callback = missionNamespace getvariable _callback;
//Get current damage before treatment (for litter)
_previousDamage = if (_selectionName in GVAR(SELECTIONS)) then {
_target getHitPointDamage ([_target, _selectionName, true] call FUNC(translateSelections));
} else {
damage _target;
_args call _callback;
_args pushBack _previousDamage;
_args call FUNC(createLitter);
//If we're not already tracking vitals, start:
if (!(_target getvariable [QGVAR(addedToUnitLoop),false])) then {
[_target] call FUNC(addToInjuredCollection);
["medical_treatmentSuccess", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _className]] call EFUNC(common,localEvent);