mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Using the "external" view is limited by the server difficulty setting. Instead the spectator external camera has been replaced with an oribtal camera as was originally planned to be added alongside the default views.
499 lines
18 KiB
499 lines
18 KiB
* Author: SilentSpike
* Handles spectator interface events
* Arguments:
* 0: Event name <STRING>
* 1: Event arguments <ANY>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Example:
* ["onLoad",_this] call ace_spectator_fnc_handleInterface
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_mode",["_args",[]]];
switch (toLower _mode) do {
case "onload": {
_args params ["_display"];
// Always show interface and hide map upon opening
[_display,nil,nil,!GVAR(showInterface),GVAR(showMap)] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
// Keep unit list and tree up to date
[FUNC(handleUnits), 21, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Handle 3D unit icons
GVAR(iconHandler) = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",FUNC(handleIcons)];
// Populate the help window
private "_help";
_help = (_display displayCtrl IDC_HELP) controlsGroupCtrl IDC_HELP_LIST;
_i = _help lbAdd (_x select 0);
if ((_x select 1) == "") then {
_help lbSetPicture [_i,"\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\dot_CA.paa"];
_help lbSetPictureColor [_i,[COL_FORE]];
} else {
_help lbSetTooltip [_i,_x select 1];
} forEach [
[localize LSTRING(uiControls),""],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleUnits),"1"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleHelp),"2"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleTools),"3"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleCompass),"4"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleIcons),"5"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleMap),"M"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleInterface),"Backspace"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamControls),""],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamForward),"W"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamBackward),"S"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamLeft),"A"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamRight),"D"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamUp),"Q"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamDown),"Z"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamPan),"RMB (Hold)"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamDolly),"LMB (Hold)"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamBoost),"Shift (Hold)"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamFocus),"F"],
[localize LSTRING(attributeControls),""],
[localize LSTRING(nextCam),"Up Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(prevCam),"Down Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(nextUnit),"Right Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(prevUnit),"Left Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(nextVis),"N"],
[localize LSTRING(prevVis),"Ctrl + N"],
[localize LSTRING(adjZoom),"Scrollwheel"],
[localize LSTRING(adjSpeed),"Ctrl + Scrollwheel"],
[localize LSTRING(incZoom),"Num-/Num+"],
[localize LSTRING(incSpeed),"Ctrl + Num-/Num+"],
[localize LSTRING(reZoom),"Alt + Num-"],
[localize LSTRING(reSpeed),"Alt + Num+"]
// Handle support for BI's respawn counter
if !(isNull (GETUVAR(RscRespawnCounter,displayNull))) then {
private ["_counter","_title","_back","_timer","_frame","_x","_y"];
_counter = GETUVAR(RscRespawnCounter,displayNull);
_title = _counter displayCtrl 1001;
_back = _counter displayCtrl 1002;
_timer = _counter displayCtrl 1003;
_frame = _counter ctrlCreate ["RscFrame",1008];
_x = safeZoneX + safeZoneW - TOOL_W * 4 - MARGIN * 3;
_y = safeZoneY + safeZoneH - TOOL_H;
// Timer
_title ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,TOOL_W,TOOL_H];
_back ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,TOOL_W,TOOL_H];
_timer ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,TOOL_W,TOOL_H];
_frame ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,TOOL_W,TOOL_H];
_title ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0];
_back ctrlSetBackgroundColor [COL_BACK];
_timer ctrlSetFontHeight TOOL_H;
_frame ctrlSetTextColor [COL_FORE];
_title ctrlCommit 0;
_back ctrlCommit 0;
_timer ctrlCommit 0;
_frame ctrlCommit 0;
},[],0.5] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
case "onunload": {
// Kill GUI PFHs
removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",GVAR(iconHandler)];
GVAR(camHandler) = nil;
GVAR(compHandler) = nil;
GVAR(iconHandler) = nil;
GVAR(toolHandler) = nil;
// Reset variables
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
GVAR(camDolly) = [0,0];
GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
GVAR(heldKeys) = [];
GVAR(heldKeys) resize 255;
GVAR(mouse) = [false,false];
GVAR(mousePos) = [0.5,0.5];
GVAR(treeSel) = objNull;
// Mouse events
case "onmousebuttondown": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_button"];
GVAR(mouse) set [_button,true];
// Detect right click
if ((_button == 1) && (GVAR(camMode) == 1)) then {
// In first person toggle sights mode
GVAR(camGun) = !GVAR(camGun);
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
case "onmousebuttonup": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_button"];
GVAR(mouse) set [_button,false];
if (_button == 0) then { GVAR(camDolly) = [0,0]; };
case "onmousezchanged": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_zChange"];
// Scroll to modify distance value in third person
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
// Scroll to change speed, modifier for zoom
if (GVAR(ctrlKey)) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) + _zChange * 0.2] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) + _zChange * 0.1] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
GVAR(camDistance) = ((GVAR(camDistance) - _zChange * 2) max 5) min 50;
case "onmousemoving": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_x","_y"];
[_x,_y] call FUNC(handleMouse);
// Keyboard events
case "onkeydown": {
_args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
if ((alive player) && {_dik in (actionKeys "curatorInterface")} && {!isNull (getAssignedCuratorLogic player)}) exitWith {
[QGVAR(zeus)] call FUNC(interrupt);
["zeus"] call FUNC(handleInterface);
if ((isServer || {serverCommandAvailable "#kick"}) && {_dik in (actionKeys "Chat" + actionKeys "PrevChannel" + actionKeys "NextChannel")}) exitWith {
// Handle held keys (prevent repeat calling)
if (GVAR(heldKeys) param [_dik,false]) exitwith {};
// Exclude movement/adjustment keys so that speed can be adjusted on fly
if !(_dik in [16,17,30,31,32,44,74,78]) then {
GVAR(heldKeys) set [_dik,true];
switch (_dik) do {
case 1: { // Esc
[QGVAR(escape)] call FUNC(interrupt);
["escape"] call FUNC(handleInterface);
case 2: { // 1
[_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 3: { // 2
[_display,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 4: { // 3
[_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 5: { // 4
[_display,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 6: { // 5
GVAR(showIcons) = !GVAR(showIcons);
case 14: { // Backspace
[_display,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 16: { // Q
GVAR(camBoom) = 0.5 * GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift);
case 17: { // W
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift)];
case 29: { // Ctrl
GVAR(ctrlKey) = true;
case 30: { // A
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, -GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift)];
case 31: { // S
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, -GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift)];
case 32: { // D
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift)];
case 33: { // F
private ["_sel","_vector"];
_sel = GVAR(treeSel);
if ((GVAR(camMode) == 0) && {!isNull _sel} && {_sel in GVAR(unitList)}) then {
_vector = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]) vectorDiff (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,25]);
[nil,nil,nil,(getPosATL _sel) vectorAdd _vector] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
case 44: { // Z
GVAR(camBoom) = -0.5 * GVAR(camSpeed) * ([1, 2] select _shift);
case 49: { // N
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
if (_ctrl) then {
[nil,nil,-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
} else {
[nil,nil,1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 50: { // M
[_display,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 57: { // Spacebar
// Freecam attachment here, if in external then set cam pos and attach
case 74: { // Num -
if (_alt) exitWith { [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, 1.25] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes); };
if (_ctrl) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) - 0.05] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) - 0.01] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
case 78: { // Num +
if (_alt) exitWith { [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, 2.5] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes); };
if (_ctrl) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) + 0.05] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) + 0.01] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
case 200: { // Up arrow
[-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 203: { // Left arrow
[nil,1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 205: { // Right arrow
[nil,-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 208: { // Down arrow
[1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case "onkeyup": {
_args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
// No longer being held
GVAR(heldKeys) set [_dik,nil];
switch (_dik) do {
case 16: { // Q
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
case 17: { // W
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, 0];
case 29: { // Ctrl
GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
case 30: { // A
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, 0];
case 31: { // S
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, 0];
case 32: { // D
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, 0];
case 44: { // Z
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
// Tree events
case "ontreedblclick": {
// Update camera view when listbox unit is double clicked on
_args params ["_tree","_sel"];
// Ensure a unit was selected
if (count _sel == 3) then {
private ["_netID","_newUnit","_newMode"];
_netID = (_args select 0) tvData _sel;
_newUnit = objectFromNetId _netID;
// When unit is reselected, toggle camera mode
if (_newUnit == GVAR(camUnit) || GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
_newMode = [2,2,1] select GVAR(camMode);
[_newMode,_newUnit] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
case "ontreeselchanged": {
_args params ["_tree","_sel"];
if (count _sel == 3) then {
GVAR(treeSel) = objectFromNetId (_tree tvData _sel);
} else {
GVAR(treeSel) = objNull;
case "onunitsupdate": {
_args params ["_tree"];
private ["_cachedUnits","_cachedGrps","_cachedSides","_s","_g","_grp","_u","_unit","_side"];
// Cache existing group and side nodes and cull removed data
_cachedUnits = [];
_cachedGrps = [];
_cachedSides = [];
for "_s" from 0 to ((_tree tvCount []) - 1) do {
for "_g" from 0 to ((_tree tvCount [_s]) - 1) do {
_grp = groupFromNetID (_tree tvData [_s,_g]);
if (_grp in GVAR(groupList)) then {
_cachedGrps pushBack _grp;
_cachedGrps pushBack _g;
for "_u" from 0 to ((_tree tvCount [_s,_g])) do {
_unit = objectFromNetId (_tree tvData [_s,_g,_u]);
if (_unit in GVAR(unitList)) then {
_cachedUnits pushBack _unit;
} else {
_tree tvDelete [_s,_g,_u];
} else {
_tree tvDelete [_s,_g];
if ((_tree tvCount [_s]) > 0) then {
_cachedSides pushBack (_tree tvText [_s]);
_cachedSides pushBack _s;
} else {
_tree tvDelete [_s];
// Update the tree from the unit list
_grp = group _x;
_side = [side _grp] call BIS_fnc_sideName;
// Use correct side node
if !(_side in _cachedSides) then {
// Add side node
_s = _tree tvAdd [[], _side];
_tree tvExpand [_s];
_cachedSides pushBack _side;
_cachedSides pushBack _s;
} else {
// If side already processed, use existing node
_s = _cachedSides select ((_cachedSides find _side) + 1);
// Use correct group node
if !(_grp in _cachedGrps) then {
// Add group node
_g = _tree tvAdd [[_s], groupID _grp];
_tree tvSetData [[_s,_g], netID _grp];
_cachedGrps pushBack _grp;
_cachedGrps pushBack _g;
} else {
// If group already processed, use existing node
_g = _cachedGrps select ((_cachedGrps find _grp) + 1);
_u = _tree tvAdd [[_s,_g], GETVAR(_x,GVAR(uName),"")];
_tree tvSetData [[_s,_g,_u], netID _x];
_tree tvSetPicture [[_s,_g,_u], GETVAR(_x,GVAR(uIcon),"")];
_tree tvSetPictureColor [[_s,_g,_u], GETVAR(_grp,GVAR(gColor),[ARR_4(1,1,1,1)])];
_tree tvSort [[_s,_g],false];
} forEach (GVAR(unitList) - _cachedUnits);
_tree tvSort [[],false];
if ((_tree tvCount []) <= 0) then {
_tree tvAdd [[], localize LSTRING(units_none)];
// Map events
case "onmapclick": {
_args params ["_map","_button","_x","_y","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
private ["_newPos","_oldZ"];
if ((GVAR(camMode) == 0) && (_button == 0)) then {
_newPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_x,_y];
_oldZ = (ASLtoATL GVAR(camPos)) select 2;
_newPos set [2, _oldZ];
[nil,nil,nil, _newPos] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
// Interrupt events
case "escape": {
private "_dlg";
createDialog (["RscDisplayInterrupt", "RscDisplayMPInterrupt"] select isMultiplayer);
_dlg = finddisplay 49;
_dlg displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
_key = _this select 1;
!(_key == 1)
// Disable save, respawn, options & manual buttons
(_dlg displayCtrl 103) ctrlEnable false;
if !(alive player) then {
(_dlg displayCtrl 1010) ctrlEnable false;
(_dlg displayCtrl 101) ctrlEnable false;
(_dlg displayCtrl 122) ctrlEnable false;
// Initalize abort button (the "spawn" is a necessary evil)
(_dlg displayCtrl 104) ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick",{_this spawn {
_display = ctrlparent (_this select 0);
_abort = [localize "str_msg_confirm_return_lobby",nil,localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_yes",localize "str_disp_xbox_hint_no",_display,nil,true] call BIS_fnc_guiMessage;
if (_abort) then {_display closeDisplay 2; failMission "loser"};
// PFH to re-open display when menu closes
if !(isNull (findDisplay 49)) exitWith {};
// If still a spectator then re-enter the interface
[QGVAR(escape),false] call FUNC(interrupt);
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
},0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
case "zeus": {
// PFH to re-open display when menu closes
if !((isNull curatorCamera) && {isNull (GETMVAR(bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit,objNull))}) exitWith {};
// If still a spectator then re-enter the interface
[QGVAR(zeus),false] call FUNC(interrupt);
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
},0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
},[],5] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);