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327 lines
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327 lines
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class CfgWeapons {
class ItemCore;
class ACE_ItemCore;
class CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo;
class InventoryFirstAidKitItem_Base_F;
class MedikitItem;
class FirstAidKit: ItemCore {
type = 0;
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: InventoryFirstAidKitItem_Base_F {
mass = 4;
class Medikit: ItemCore {
type = 0;
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: MedikitItem {
mass = 60;
class ACE_fieldDressing: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
model = QPATHTOF(data\bandage.p3d);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\fieldDressing_ca.paa);
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Display);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bandage_Basic_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 0.6;
class ACE_packingBandage: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\packingBandage_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\packingbandage.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Packing_Bandage_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 0.6;
class ACE_elasticBandage: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\elasticBandage_ca.paa);
model = "\A3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Medical\Bandage_F.p3d";
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bandage_Elastic_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 0.6;
class ACE_tourniquet: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\tourniquet_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\tourniquet.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Tourniquet_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
class ACE_splint: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(splint_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\splint_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\splint.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(splint_Desc_Short);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 2;
class ACE_morphine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Morphine_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\morphine_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\morphine.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Morphine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Morphine_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
class ACE_adenosine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Adenosine_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\adenosine_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\adenosine.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(adenosine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(adenosine_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
class ACE_atropine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 1;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Atropine_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\atropine_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\atropine.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Atropine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Atropine_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
class ACE_epinephrine: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\epinephrine_ca.paa);
model = QPATHTOF(data\epinephrine.p3d);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Epinephrine_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;
class ACE_plasmaIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_1000ml.p3d);
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_plasma_1000ml_ca.paa)};
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\plasmaIV_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 10;
class ACE_plasmaIV_500: ACE_plasmaIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_500);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_500ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_plasma_500ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 5;
class ACE_plasmaIV_250: ACE_plasmaIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Plasma_IV_250);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_250ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_plasma_250ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 2.5;
class ACE_bloodIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_1000ml.p3d);
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\bloodIV_ca.paa);
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_blood_1000ml_ca.paa)};
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Blood_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Blood_IV_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 10;
class ACE_bloodIV_500: ACE_bloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV_500);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_500ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_blood_500ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 5;
class ACE_bloodIV_250: ACE_bloodIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Blood_IV_250);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_250ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_blood_250ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 2.5;
class ACE_salineIV: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_1000ml.p3d);
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_saline_1000ml_ca.paa)};
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\salineIV_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Saline_IV_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Saline_IV_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 10;
class ACE_salineIV_500: ACE_salineIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV_500);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_500ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_saline_500ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 5;
class ACE_salineIV_250: ACE_salineIV {
displayName = CSTRING(Saline_IV_250);
model = QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_250ml.p3d);
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\IVBag_saline_250ml_ca.paa)};
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 2.5;
class ACE_quikclot: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(QuikClot_Display);
model = QPATHTOF(data\QuikClot.p3d);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\quickclot_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(QuikClot_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(QuikClot_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 0.6;
class ACE_personalAidKit: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Display);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\personal_aid_kit_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Aid_Kit_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 10;
class ACE_surgicalKit: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName= CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Display);
model = QPATHTOF(data\surgical_kit.p3d);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\surgicalKit_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(SurgicalKit_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 15;
class ACE_suture: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = CSTRING(Suture_Display);
model = QPATHTOF(data\suture.p3d);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\suture_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Suture_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Suture_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 0.1;
class ACE_bodyBag: ACE_ItemCore {
scope = 2;
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
displayName = "$STR_a3_cfgvehicles_land_bodybag_01_black_f0";
model = QPATHTOF(data\bodybagItem.p3d);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\bodybag_ca.paa);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(Bodybag_Desc_Short);
descriptionUse = CSTRING(Bodybag_Desc_Use);
ACE_isMedicalItem = 1;
GVAR(bodyBagObject) = "ACE_bodyBagObject";
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 7;
class ACE_bodyBag_blue: ACE_bodyBag {
displayName = "$STR_a3_cfgvehicles_land_bodybag_01_blue_f0";
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\bodybag_blue_ca.paa);
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\bodybagItem_blue_co.paa)};
GVAR(bodyBagObject) = "ACE_bodyBagObject_blue";
class ACE_bodyBag_white: ACE_bodyBag {
displayName = "$STR_a3_cfgvehicles_land_bodybag_01_white_f0";
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\bodybag_white_ca.paa);
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {QPATHTOF(data\bodybagItem_white_co.paa)};
GVAR(bodyBagObject) = "ACE_bodyBagObject_white";
// Since base game doesn't support misc. items, this is needed to filling inventories in the editor
class ACE_painkillers_Item: ACE_ItemCore {
displayName = CSTRING(painkillers_Display);
author = ECSTRING(common,ACETeam);
scope = 2;
scopeArsenal = 0;
descriptionShort = CSTRING(painkillers_Desc_Short);
picture = QPATHTOF(ui\painkillers_ca.paa);
class ItemInfo: CBA_MiscItem_ItemInfo {
mass = 1;