2015-01-12 21:14:27 -08:00

58 lines
1.6 KiB

* Author: commy2
* Add an ACE action to an object. Note: This function is global.
* Argument:
* 0: Object the action should be assigned to (Object)
* 1: Name of the action shown in the menu (String)
* 2: Distance the player can be away from the object (Number)
* 3: Condition (Code or String)
* 4: Statement (Code or String)
* 5: Show the action even if the conditon is not met (Bool or Number)
* 6: Priority (Number, optional default: 0)
* Return value:
* ID of the action (used to remove it later).
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_object", "_displayName", "_distance", "_condition", "_statement", "_showDisabled", "_priority", "_actionsVar", "_id", "_actionIDs", "_actions"];
_object = _this select 0;
_displayName = _this select 1;
_distance = _this select 2;
_condition = _this select 3;
_statement = _this select 4;
_showDisabled = _this select 5;
_priority = _this select 6;
if (typeName _condition == "STRING") then {
_condition = compile _condition;
if (typeName _statement == "STRING") then {
_statement = compile _statement;
if (typeName _showDisabled == "SCALAR") then {
_showDisabled = _showDisabled > 0;
if (isNil "_priority") then {
_priority = 0;
_actionsVar = _object getVariable [QGVAR(Interactions), [-1, [], []]];
_id = (_actionsVar select 0) + 1;
_actionIDs = _actionsVar select 1;
_actions = _actionsVar select 2;
_actionIDs pushBack _id;
_actions pushBack [_displayName, _distance, _condition, _statement, _showDisabled, _priority];
_object setVariable [QGVAR(Interactions), [_id, _actionIDs, _actions], true];