mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Does not include the Icon pack. When using the UI it may throw up some missing .paa file errors. Replacements will need to be found if we want to use those.
63 lines
3.8 KiB
63 lines
3.8 KiB
#define ACTION_MENU "ActionMenu"
[ACTION_MENU, "Action Menu", {[player] call cse_fnc_isAwake && vehicle player == cameraOn}, 2, "", {}, false] call cse_fnc_createRadialInteraction_F;
cse_fnc_openActionMenu_GUI = {
["ActionMenu"] call cse_fnc_openRadialInteractionMenu_F;
if ([player] call cse_fnc_canInteract && {animationState player == 'deadState' || animationState player == 'unconscious'} && {(vehicle player == player)}) then {
[player, 'amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon'] call cse_fnc_broadcastAnim;
["radius_menu", (["radius_menu","menu",[0,0,0,0]] call cse_fnc_getKeyBindingFromProfile_F), cse_fnc_openActionMenu_GUI, 800] call cse_fnc_addKeyBindingForMenu_F;
["radius_menu","menu","Open Action Menu","Opens the CSE Radial Action Menu"] call cse_fnc_settingsDefineDetails_F;
cse_fnc_playerCanInteractWithPerson = {
private ["_person","_modify"];
_person = _this select 0;
_modify = _this select 1;
_return = false;
if (_person isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
_return = switch (_modify) do {
case 0: {([_person] call cse_fnc_isAwake)};
case 1: {true};
default {false};
[ACTION_MENU,"interaction", "Interact", {["ActionMenu", "interaction", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_interact.paa", 0, "Interact with"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
[ACTION_MENU,"equipment", "Equipment", {["ActionMenu", "equipment", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_backpack_radio.paa", 1, "Equipment & Gear"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
[ACTION_MENU,"medical_menu", "Medical", {["ActionMenu", "medical_menu", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_examine_patient.paa", 2, "Medical Interaction"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
[ACTION_MENU,"group_actions", "Group", {["ActionMenu", "group_actions", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_group.paa", 3, "Your Group"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
[ACTION_MENU,"survival", "Survival", {["ActionMenu", "survival", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_survival.paa", 4, "Survival actions"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
if ([] call cse_fnc_isLoaded_ALiVE_Mod) then {
[ACTION_MENU,"alive_actions", "ALiVE", {["ActionMenu", "alive_actions", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_alive_mod.paa", 5, "ALiVE actions"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
[ACTION_MENU,"custom_actions", "Custom", {["ActionMenu", "custom_actions", _this select 1] call cse_fnc_categoryHasActionsAvailable_F}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_lines_horizontal_s.paa", 6, "Custom actions"] call cse_fnc_createCategoryRadialMenu_F;
// Entries
[ACTION_MENU,"custom_actions", [["Curator", {getAssignedCuratorLogic player in allCurators}, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_curator.paa", {closeDialog 0; openCuratorInterface; }, "Open Curator Interface"]] ] call cse_fnc_addMultipleEntriesToRadialCategory_F;
["myID_1", true, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_group.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_2", true, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_backpack_radio.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_3", true, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_interact.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_4", true, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_survival.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_1", false, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_group.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_2", false, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_backpack_radio.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_3", false, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_interact.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
["myID_4", false, CSE_ICON_PATH + "icon_survival.paa", [1,1,1,1]] call cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon;
*/ |