mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Interconnects the rangecard and scopes modules * Hides the zeroing text when the vanilla zeroing is overwritten * Makes the scopes module fully compatible with any 3rd party weapon pack without the need for addition compat pbos (though their use is still recommended)
249 lines
11 KiB
249 lines
11 KiB
* Authors: Ruthberg
* Updates the range card data
* Arguments:
* 0: zero range <NUMBER>
* 1: ammo class <STRING>
* 2: magazine class <STRING>
* 3: weapon class <STRING>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [mode] call ace_rangecard_fnc_openRangeCard
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define __dsp (uiNamespace getVariable "RangleCard_Display")
private ["_airFriction", "_ammoConfig", "_atmosphereModel", "_barrelLength", "_barrelTwist", "_bc", "_boreHeight", "_cacheEntry", "_column", "_control", "_dragModel", "_i", "_muzzleVelocity", "_offset", "_row", "_weaponConfig", "_initSpeed", "_initSpeedCoef"];
params ["_zeroRange", "_ammoClass", "_magazineClass", "_weaponClass"];
if (_ammoClass == "" || _magazineClass == "" || _weaponClass == "") exitWith {};
ctrlDelete _x;
} forEach GVAR(controls);
GVAR(controls) = [];
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_offset = if (_row < 5) then {0} else {0.003};
_control = (__dsp ctrlCreate ["RangeCard_RscText", 790000 + _row]);
_control ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX + 0.183, safeZoneY + 0.374 + 0.027 * _row + _offset, 0.062, 0.025];
if (_row in [0, 8, 18, 28, 38, 48]) then {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [1, 1, 1, 1];
} else {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetText Str(100 + _row * 50);
GVAR(controls) pushBack _control;
for "_column" from 0 to 8 do {
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_offset = if (_row < 5) then {0} else {0.003};
_control = (__dsp ctrlCreate ["RangeCard_RscText", 90000 + _column * 100 + _row]);
_control ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX + 0.249 + _column * 0.055, safeZoneY + 0.374 + 0.027 * _row + _offset, 0.052, 0.025];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetText "-0.0";
GVAR(controls) pushBack _control;
for "_column" from 0 to 2 do {
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_offset = if (_row < 5) then {0} else {0.003};
_control = (__dsp ctrlCreate ["RangeCard_RscText", 90000 + (9 +_column) * 100 + _row]);
_control ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX + 0.743 + _column * 0.049, safeZoneY + 0.374 + 0.027 * _row + _offset, 0.047, 0.025];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetText "-0.0";
GVAR(controls) pushBack _control;
for "_column" from 0 to 2 do {
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_offset = if (_row < 5) then {0} else {0.003};
_control = (__dsp ctrlCreate ["RangeCard_RscText", 90000 + (12 +_column) * 100 + _row]);
_control ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX + 0.892 + _column * 0.049, safeZoneY + 0.374 + 0.027 * _row + _offset, 0.047, 0.025];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
_control ctrlSetText "-0.0";
GVAR(controls) pushBack _control;
lnbClear 770100;
lnbClear 770200;
lnbClear 770300;
lnbClear 770400;
GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage) = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(rangeCardDataLead) = [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(rangeCardDataMVs) = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
GVAR(lastValidRow) = [];
GVAR(currentUnit) = 2;
GVAR(rangeCardStartRange) = 100;
GVAR(rangeCardIncrement) = 50;
GVAR(rangeCardEndRange) = GVAR(rangeCardStartRange) + 49 * GVAR(rangeCardIncrement);
_ammoConfig = _ammoClass call EFUNC(advanced_ballistics,readAmmoDataFromConfig);
_weaponConfig = _weaponClass call EFUNC(advanced_ballistics,readWeaponDataFromConfig);
_airFriction = _ammoConfig select 0;
_barrelTwist = _weaponConfig select 0;
_barrelLength = _weaponConfig select 2;
_muzzleVelocity = 0;
_bc = 0;
if (count (_ammoConfig select 6) > 0) then {
_bc = (_ammoConfig select 6) select 0;
_dragModel = _ammoConfig select 5;
_atmosphereModel = _ammoConfig select 8;
_boreHeight = 3.81;
private _useABConfig = (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]);
if (_bc == 0) then {
_useABConfig = false;
if (_barrelLength > 0 && _useABConfig) then {
_muzzleVelocity = [_barrelLength, _ammoConfig select 10, _ammoConfig select 11, 0] call EFUNC(advanced_ballistics,calculateBarrelLengthVelocityShift);
} else {
_initSpeed = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineClass >> "initSpeed");
_initSpeedCoef = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "initSpeed");
if (_initSpeedCoef < 0) then {
_initSpeed = _initSpeed * -_initSpeedCoef;
if (_initSpeedCoef > 0) then {
_initSpeed = _initSpeedCoef;
_muzzleVelocity = _initSpeed;
if (_useABConfig) then {
ctrlSetText [770000, format["%1'' - %2 gr (%3)", round((_ammoConfig select 1) * 39.3700787) / 1000, round((_ammoConfig select 3) * 15.4323584), _ammoClass]];
if (_barrelLength > 0 && _barrelTwist > 0) then {
ctrlSetText [770002, format["Barrel: %1'' 1:%2'' twist", round(2 * _barrelLength * 0.0393700787) / 2, round(_barrelTwist * 0.0393700787)]];
} else {
ctrlSetText [770002, ""];
} else {
ctrlSetText [770000, getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineClass >> "displayNameShort")];
ctrlSetText [770002, getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponClass >> "displayName")];
lnbAddRow [770100, ["4mps Wind(MRADs)", "1mps LEAD(MRADs)"]];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then {
lnbAddRow [770100, ["Air/Ammo Temp", "Air/Ammo Temp"]];
lnbAddRow [770200, ["-15°C", " -5°C", " 5°C", " 10°C", " 15°C", " 20°C", " 25°C", " 30°C", " 35°C"]];
lnbAddRow [770300, ["-15°C", " 10°C", " 35°C", "-15°C", " 10°C", " 35°C"]];
ctrlSetText [77003, format["%1m ZERO", round(_zeroRange)]];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then {
ctrlSetText [770001, format["Drop Tables for B.P.: %1mb; Corrected for MVV at Air/Ammo Temperatures -15-35 °C", round(EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceBarometricPressure) * 100) / 100]];
ctrlSetText [77004 , format["B.P.: %1mb", round(EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceBarometricPressure) * 100) / 100]];
} else {
ctrlSetText [770001, ""];
ctrlSetText [77004 , ""];
_cacheEntry = missionNamespace getVariable format[QGVAR(%1_%2_%3_%4), _zeroRange, _ammoClass, _weaponClass, missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]];
if (isNil {_cacheEntry}) then {
private _scopeBaseAngle = 0;
private _offset = [_scopeBaseAngle, _zeroRange, _muzzleVelocity, _airFriction, 1000, _boreHeight, EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceTemperature), EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceBarometricPressure), EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceHumidity), _bc, _dragModel, _atmosphereModel, _useABConfig] call EFUNC(scopes,calculateZeroAngle);
_scopeBaseAngle = _scopeBaseAngle + _offset;
if (_offset < 0.01) exitWith {};
} forEach [1, 2, 3];
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false] && missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,ammoTemperatureEnabled), false]) then {
private _mvShift = [_ammoConfig select 9, _x] call EFUNC(advanced_ballistics,calculateAmmoTemperatureVelocityShift);
private _mv = _muzzleVelocity + _mvShift;
[_scopeBaseAngle,0,_boreHeight,_airFriction,_mv,_x,EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceBarometricPressure),EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceHumidity),1000,[4,0],3,0,1,GVAR(rangeCardEndRange),_bc,_dragModel,_atmosphereModel,true,1.5,1,46,23,_forEachIndex,_useABConfig] call FUNC(calculateSolution);
} forEach [-15, -5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35];
} else {
[_scopeBaseAngle,0,_boreHeight,_airFriction,_muzzleVelocity,15,EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceBarometricPressure),EGVAR(scopes,zeroReferenceHumidity),1000,[4,0],3,0,1,GVAR(rangeCardEndRange),_bc,_dragModel,_atmosphereModel,true,1.5,1,46,23,4,_useABConfig] call FUNC(calculateSolution);
for "_i" from 0 to 9 do {
GVAR(lastValidRow) pushBack count (GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) select _i);
while {count (GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) select _i) < 50} do {
if (missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]) then {
(GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) select _i) pushBack "###";
(GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage) select _i) pushBack "##";
(GVAR(rangeCardDataLead) select _i) pushBack "##";
} else {
(GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) select _i) pushBack "";
(GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage) select _i) pushBack "";
(GVAR(rangeCardDataLead) select _i) pushBack "";
missionNamespace setVariable [format[QGVAR(%1_%2_%3_%4), _zeroRange, _ammoClass, _weaponClass, missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(advanced_ballistics,enabled), false]], [GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation), GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage), GVAR(rangeCardDataLead), GVAR(rangeCardDataMVs), GVAR(lastValidRow)]];
} else {
GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) = _cacheEntry select 0;
GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage) = _cacheEntry select 1;
GVAR(rangeCardDataLead) = _cacheEntry select 2;
GVAR(rangeCardDataMVs) = _cacheEntry select 3;
GVAR(lastValidRow) = _cacheEntry select 4;
lnbAddRow [770200, GVAR(rangeCardDataMVs)];
for "_column" from 0 to 8 do {
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_control = (__dsp displayCtrl (90000 + _column * 100 + _row));
_control ctrlSetText ((GVAR(rangeCardDataElevation) select _column) select _row);
if (_row >= (GVAR(lastValidRow) select _column)) then {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 0.6];
} else {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1.0];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_control = (__dsp displayCtrl (90000 + (9 + _forEachIndex) * 100 + _row));
_control ctrlSetText ((GVAR(rangeCardDataWindage) select _x) select _row);
if (_row >= (GVAR(lastValidRow) select _x)) then {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 0.6];
} else {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1.0];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [0, 3, 8];
for "_row" from 0 to 49 do {
_control = (__dsp displayCtrl (90000 + (12 + _forEachIndex) * 100 + _row));
_control ctrlSetText ((GVAR(rangeCardDataLead) select _x) select _row);
if (_row >= (GVAR(lastValidRow) select _x)) then {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 0.6];
} else {
_control ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1.0];
_control ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [0, 3, 8];
if (_useABConfig) then {
ctrlSetText [770020, "For best results keep ammunition at ambient air temperature. Tables calculated for the above listed barrel"];
ctrlSetText [770021, "and load with optic mounted 1.5'' above line of bore."];
} else {
ctrlSetText [770020, ""];
ctrlSetText [770021, ""];