
92 lines
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* Author: KoffeinFlummi
* Calculates the angle offset necessary to hit the current target.
* Arguments:
* 0: distance to target in meters
* 1: current angle of the turret
* 2: maximum elevation of the turret
* 3: initSpeed of the projectile
* 4: airFriction of the projectile
* 5: maximum timeToLive of the projectile
* 6: simulationStep of the projectile
* Return Value:
* offset from the current angle necessary to hit the target
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define PRECISION 0.1
private ["_distance","_angleTarget","_maxElev","_initSpeed","_airFriction","_timeToLive","_timeToLive","_simulationStep","_angle","_posTargetX","_posTargetY","_posX","_posY","_velocityX","_velocityY","_velocityMagnitude"];
_distance = _this select 0;
_angleTarget = _this select 1;
_maxElev = _this select 2;
_initSpeed = _this select 3;
_airFriction = _this select 4;
_timeToLive = _this select 5;
_simulationStep = _this select 6;
if (_simulationStep == 0) exitWith {_angleTarget};
FUNC(traceBullet) = {
private ["_distance", "_angleTarget", "_maxElev", "_initSpeed", "_airFriction", "_timeToLive", "_simulationStep", "_angle", "_posTargetX", "_posTargetY", "_posX", "_posY", "_velocityX", "_velocityY", "_velocityMagnitude"];
_distance = _this select 0;
_angleTarget = _this select 1;
_maxElev = _this select 2;
_initSpeed = _this select 3;
_airFriction = _this select 4;
_timeToLive = _this select 5;
_simulationStep = _this select 6;
_angle = _this select 7;
_angle = _angle - _angleTarget;
_angleTarget = 0;
_posTargetX = (cos _angleTarget) * _distance;
_posTargetY = (sin _angleTarget) * _distance;
_posX = 0;
_posY = 0;
_velocityX = (cos _angle) * _initSpeed;
_velocityY = (sin _angle) * _initSpeed;
// trace the path of the bullet
for "_i" from 1 to ((floor (_timeToLive / _simulationStep)) + 1) do {
_velocityMagnitude = sqrt (_velocityX^2 + _velocityY^2);
_velocityX = _velocityX + _simulationStep * (_velocityX * _velocityMagnitude * _airFriction);
_velocityY = _velocityY + _simulationStep * (_velocityY * _velocityMagnitude * _airFriction - 9.81);
_posX = _posX + _velocityX * _simulationStep;
_posY = _posY + _velocityY * _simulationStep;
if (_posX >= _posTargetX) exitWith {}; // bullet passed the target
_posY - _posTargetY
if ((_this + [_maxElev]) call FUNC(traceBullet) < 0) exitWith {_maxElev - _angleTarget};
// Newton Method / Secand Method
_angle1 = _angleTarget;
_angle2 = _maxElev;
_it2 = 0;
_f1 = (_this + [_angle1]) call FUNC(traceBullet);
if ((abs _f1) <= PRECISION) exitWith {0};
while {(abs _f1) > PRECISION} do {
_f2 = (_this + [_angle2]) call FUNC(traceBullet);
_temp = _angle2-_f2*(_angle2-_angle1)/(_f2-_f1);
_angle1 = _angle2;
_angle2 = _temp;
_f1 = _f2;
_it2 = _it2+1;
//player globalChat format ["it1: %1 | _angle1: %2 | it2: %3 | _angle2: %4",_it1, _angle-_angleTarget, _it2, _angle2-_angleTarget];
_angle - _angleTarget