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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: esteldunedain, LorenLuke
* Update the map tool and plotting board markers. Update their position, size, rotation and visibility.
* Arguments:
* 0: Map control <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [CONTROL] call ace_maptools_fnc_updateMapToolMarkers
* Public: No
params ["_mapCtrl"];
if (GVAR(plottingBoard_Shown) == 0) then {
// Hide all plotting board markers when board is put away
if (_y select 4 != 0) then {
_x setMarkerAlpha 0;
_y set [4, 0];
} forEach GVAR(plottingBoard_markers);
} else {
if !([ACE_player, "ACE_PlottingBoard"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)) exitWith {};
if (GVAR(plottingBoard_moveToMouse)) then {
GVAR(plottingBoard_pos) = _mapCtrl ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition;
GVAR(plottingBoard_moveToMouse) = false; // we only need to do this once after opening the map tool
getResolution params ["_resWidth", "_resHeight", "", "", "_aspectRatio"];
private _scaleX = 32 * PLOTTINGBOARD_TEXTUREWIDTH * CONSTANT_SCALE * (call FUNC(calculateMapScale));
private _scaleY = _scaleX * ((_resWidth / _resHeight) / _aspectRatio); // handle bad aspect ratios
_mapCtrl drawIcon [QPATHTOF(data\plottingBoardBack.paa), [1, 1, 1, 1], GVAR(plottingBoard_pos), _scaleX, _scaleY, GVAR(plottingBoard_angle), "", 0];
_mapCtrl drawIcon [QPATHTOF(data\plottingBoardAcrylic.paa), [1, 1, 1, 1], GVAR(plottingBoard_pos), _scaleX, _scaleY, GVAR(plottingBoard_acrylicAngle), "", 0];
// Show ruler
if (GVAR(plottingBoard_Shown) == 2) then {
_mapCtrl drawIcon [QPATHTOF(data\plottingBoardRuler.paa), [1, 1, 1, 1], GVAR(plottingBoard_pos), _scaleX, _scaleY, GVAR(plottingBoard_rulerAngle), "", 0];
private _marker = "";
private _angle = GVAR(plottingBoard_acrylicAngle);
private _boardPos = GVAR(plottingBoard_pos);
private _count = -1;
private _rotatedPolyPos = [];
private _rotatedPos = [];
_marker = _x;
_y params ["_markerPos", "_polyline", "_lastAngle", "_lastBoardPos", "_lastAlpha"];
// Show all plotting board markers when the board is shown
if (_lastAlpha != 1) then {
_marker setMarkerAlpha 1;
_y set [4, 1];
// If nothing has changed, don't update marker
if (_angle == _lastAngle && {_boardPos isEqualTo _lastBoardPos}) then {
_count = count _polyline;
// Rotate all points of polyline
if (_count >= 4) then { // polylines need at least 2 points (2 components per point)
_rotatedPolyline = [];
for "_i" from 0 to _count - 1 step 2 do {
_rotatedPolyPos = [[0, 0], [_polyline select _i, _polyline select (_i + 1)], -_angle] call CBA_fnc_vectRotate2D;
_rotatedPolyline append (_rotatedPolyPos vectorAdd _boardPos);
_marker setMarkerPolyline _rotatedPolyline;
// Rotate marker position, regardless of marker type
_rotatedPos = [[0, 0], _markerPos, -_angle] call CBA_fnc_vectRotate2D;
_marker setMarkerPos (_boardPos vectorAdd _rotatedPos);
_y set [2, _angle];
_y set [3, +_boardPos];
} forEach GVAR(plottingBoard_markers);
if ((GVAR(mapTool_Shown) > 0) && {[ACE_player, "ACE_MapTools"] call EFUNC(common,hasItem)}) then {
// Open map tools in center of screen when toggled to be shown
if (GVAR(mapTool_moveToMouse)) then {
GVAR(mapTool_pos) = _mapCtrl ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition;
GVAR(mapTool_moveToMouse) = false; // we only need to do this once after opening the map tool
private _rotatingTexture = "";
private _textureWidth = 0;
if (GVAR(mapTool_Shown) == 1) then {
_rotatingTexture = QPATHTOF(data\mapToolRotatingNormal.paa);
_textureWidth = TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_M;
} else {
_rotatingTexture = QPATHTOF(data\mapToolRotatingSmall.paa);
_textureWidth = TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_M / 2;
if (GVAR(freedrawing)) then {
[_mapCtrl, _textureWidth] call FUNC(drawLinesOnRoamer);
// Update scale of both parts
getResolution params ["_resWidth", "_resHeight", "", "", "_aspectRatio"];
private _scaleX = 32 * _textureWidth * CONSTANT_SCALE * (call FUNC(calculateMapScale));
private _scaleY = _scaleX * ((_resWidth / _resHeight) / _aspectRatio); // handle bad aspect ratios
// Position of the fixed part
private _pos = GVAR(mapTool_pos) vectorAdd [0, _textureWidth * CENTER_OFFSET_Y_PERC];
_mapCtrl drawIcon [QPATHTOF(data\mapToolFixed.paa), [1, 1, 1, 1], _pos, _scaleX, _scaleY, 0, "", 0];
// Position and rotation of the rotating part
_pos = GVAR(mapTool_pos) vectorAdd ([sin GVAR(mapTool_angle), cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)] vectorMultiply (_textureWidth * CENTER_OFFSET_Y_PERC));
_mapCtrl drawIcon [_rotatingTexture, [1, 1, 1, 1], _pos, _scaleX, _scaleY, GVAR(mapTool_angle), "", 0];