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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
- Add stackable wound handler system for easy 3rd party extensibility and overriding of default wound handler. - Change mapping from wound type -> damage types, to damage type -> wound types. Improves the semantics and makes configuration easier to reason about. - Allow damage types to influence wound properties (bleed, size, etc.) with configurable variance parameters. - Allow configuration of wound type variance per damage type. Enabling more logically driven variance for sensible but still varied end results. - Improve handling of non-selection-specific damage events. The wound handler now receives all incoming damages and may apply damage to multiple selections (previously only ever one) if the damage type is not configured to be selection specific (with new config property `selectionSpecific`). - Add debug script for testing explosion damage events at varied ranges. - Add custom fire wound handler.
177 lines
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177 lines
7.3 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: commy2, SilentSpike
* HandleDamage EH where wound events are raised based on incoming damage.
* Be aware that for each source of damage, the EH can fire multiple times (once for each hitpoint).
* We store these incoming damages and compare them on our final hitpoint: "ace_hdbracket".
* Arguments:
* Handle damage EH
* Return Value:
* Damage to be inflicted <NUMBER>
* Public: No
params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_shooter", "_ammo", "_hitPointIndex", "_instigator", "_hitpoint"];
// HD sometimes triggers for remote units - ignore.
if !(local _unit) exitWith {nil};
// Get missing meta info
private _oldDamage = 0;
if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "") then {
_hitPoint = "#structural";
_oldDamage = damage _unit;
} else {
_oldDamage = _unit getHitIndex _hitPointIndex;
// Damage can be disabled with old variable or via sqf command allowDamage
if !(isDamageAllowed _unit && {_unit getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allowDamage), true]}) exitWith {_oldDamage};
private _newDamage = _damage - _oldDamage;
// Get armor value of hitpoint and calculate damage before armor
private _armor = [_unit, _hitpoint] call FUNC(getHitpointArmor);
private _realDamage = _newDamage * _armor;
TRACE_4("Received hit",_hitpoint,_ammo,_newDamage,_realDamage);
// Drowning doesn't fire the EH for each hitpoint so the "ace_hdbracket" code never runs
// Damage occurs in consistent increments
if (
_hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural" &&
{getOxygenRemaining _unit <= 0.5} &&
{_damage isEqualTo (_oldDamage + 0.005)}
) exitWith {
[QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, [[_newDamage, "Body", _newDamage]], _unit, "drowning"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Crashing a vehicle doesn't fire the EH for each hitpoint so the "ace_hdbracket" code never runs
// It does fire the EH multiple times, but this seems to scale with the intensity of the crash
private _vehicle = vehicle _unit;
if (
EGVAR(medical,enableVehicleCrashes) &&
{_hitPoint isEqualTo "#structural"} &&
{_ammo isEqualTo ""} &&
{_vehicle != _unit} &&
{vectorMagnitude (velocity _vehicle) > 5}
// todo: no way to detect if stationary and another vehicle hits you
) exitWith {
[QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, [[_newDamage, _hitPoint, _newDamage]], _unit, "vehiclecrash"]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// This hitpoint is set to trigger last, evaluate all the stored damage values
// to determine where wounds are applied
if (_hitPoint isEqualTo "ace_hdbracket") exitWith {
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,lastDamageSource), _shooter];
_unit setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,lastInstigator), _instigator];
private _damageStructural = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($#structural), [0,0]];
// --- Head
private _damageHead = [
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitFace), [0,0]],
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitNeck), [0,0]],
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitHead), [0,0]]
_damageHead sort false;
_damageHead = _damageHead select 0;
// --- Body
private _damageBody = [
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitPelvis), [0,0]],
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitAbdomen), [0,0]],
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitDiaphragm), [0,0]],
_unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitChest), [0,0]]
// HitBody removed as it's a placeholder hitpoint and the high armor value (1000) throws the calculations off
_damageBody sort false;
_damageBody = _damageBody select 0;
// --- Arms and Legs
private _damageLeftArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftArm), [0,0]];
private _damageRightArm = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightArm), [0,0]];
private _damageLeftLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitLeftLeg), [0,0]];
private _damageRightLeg = _unit getVariable [QGVAR($HitRightLeg), [0,0]];
// Find hit point that received the maxium damage
// Priority used for sorting if incoming damage is equal
private _allDamages = [
[_damageHead select 0, PRIORITY_HEAD, _damageHead select 1, "Head"],
[_damageBody select 0, PRIORITY_BODY, _damageBody select 1, "Body"],
[_damageLeftArm select 0, PRIORITY_LEFT_ARM, _damageLeftArm select 1, "LeftArm"],
[_damageRightArm select 0, PRIORITY_RIGHT_ARM, _damageRightArm select 1, "RightArm"],
[_damageLeftLeg select 0, PRIORITY_LEFT_LEG, _damageLeftLeg select 1, "LeftLeg"],
[_damageRightLeg select 0, PRIORITY_RIGHT_LEG, _damageRightLeg select 1, "RightLeg"],
[_damageStructural select 0, PRIORITY_STRUCTURAL, _damageStructural select 1, "#structural"]
_allDamages sort false;
_allDamages = _allDamages apply {[_x select 2, _x select 3, _x select 0]};
// Environmental damage sources all have empty ammo string
// No explicit source given, we infer from differences between them
if (_ammo isEqualTo "") then {
// Any collision with terrain/vehicle/object has a shooter
// Check this first because burning can happen at any velocity
if !(isNull _shooter) then {
If shooter != unit then they hit unit, otherwise it could be:
- Unit hitting anything at speed
- An empty vehicle hitting unit
- A physX object hitting unit
Assume fall damage for downward velocity because it's most common
if (_shooter == _unit && {(velocity _unit select 2) < -2}) then {
_ammo = "falling";
} else {
_ammo = "collision";
} else {
// Anything else is almost guaranteed to be fire damage
_ammo = "fire";
TRACE_5("Fire Damage",_unit,_shooter,_instigator,_damage,_allDamages);
// No wounds for minor damage
// TODO check if this needs to be changed for burning damage (occurs as lots of small events that we add together)
if ((_allDamages select 0 select 0) > 1E-3) then {
[QEGVAR(medical,woundReceived), [_unit, _allDamages, _shooter, _ammo]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
// Clear stored damages otherwise they will influence future damage events
// (aka wounds will pile onto the historically most damaged hitpoint)
_unit setVariable [_x, nil];
} forEach [
// Damages are stored for "ace_hdbracket" event triggered last
_unit setVariable [format [QGVAR($%1), _hitPoint], [_realDamage, _newDamage]];
// Engine damage to these hitpoints controls blood visuals, limping, weapon sway
// Handled in fnc_damageBodyPart, persist here
if (_hitPoint in ["hithead", "hitbody", "hithands", "hitlegs"]) exitWith {_oldDamage};
// We store our own damage values so engine damage is unnecessary