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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Improve getPylonTurret by using getAllPylonsInfo * Fix indentation Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
89 lines
3.3 KiB
89 lines
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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Tuupertunut
* Returns information about every magazine that can be rearmed in the vehicle. Multiple mags of
* same class in the same turret are grouped together for practical reasons.
* Arguments:
* 0: Vehicle <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Magazine info <ARRAY of ARRAYs>
* Child arrays:
* 0: Magazine class <STRING>
* 1: Turret path <ARRAY>
* 2: Is pylon magazine <BOOLEAN>
* 3: Pylon index (-1 if not pylon) <NUMBER>
* 4: Max magazines <NUMBER>
* 5: Current magazines <NUMBER>
* 6: Max rounds per magazine <NUMBER>
* 7: Current rounds in magazines <ARRAY of NUMBERs>
* Example:
* [tank] call ace_rearm_fnc_getNeedRearmMagazines
* Public: No
params ["_vehicle"];
private _magazineInfo = [];
// 1.70 pylons
private _pylonConfigs = configProperties [configOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "Pylons", "isClass _x"];
private _pylonConfig = _x;
// Strangely, a 1-based index.
private _pylonIndex = _forEachIndex + 1;
// Retrieving pylon magazine by index. If the pylon is empty, it is marked with "".
private _pylonMagazine = (getPylonMagazines _vehicle) select (_pylonIndex - 1);
// Only care about pylons that have a magazine.
if (!(_pylonMagazine isEqualTo "")) then {
private _maxRounds = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _pylonMagazine >> "count");
private _currentRounds = _vehicle ammoOnPylon _pylonIndex;
if (_currentRounds < _maxRounds) then {
// getPylonTurret expects 0 based index, and returns driver turret as [-1]
private _pylonTurret = [_vehicle, _forEachIndex] call EFUNC(common,getPylonTurret);
_magazineInfo pushBack [_pylonMagazine, _pylonTurret, true, _pylonIndex, 1, 1, _maxRounds, [_currentRounds]];
} forEach _pylonConfigs;
private _turrets = [_vehicle] call FUNC(getAllRearmTurrets);
private _turretPath = _x;
private _magazines = [_vehicle, _turretPath] call FUNC(getTurretConfigMagazines);
// _magazines without duplicates
private _magazineClasses = _magazines arrayIntersect _magazines;
private _magazineClass = _x;
private _maxMagazines = [_vehicle, _turretPath, _magazineClass] call FUNC(getMaxMagazines);
private _maxRoundsPerMag = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazineClass >> "count");
/* Array of ammo counts in every magazine. Example: [200, 200, 152] means 2 mags with 200
* rounds and 1 mag with 152 rounds. */
private _currentRounds = [_vehicle, _turretPath, _magazineClass] call FUNC(getTurretMagazineAmmo);
private _currentMagazines = count _currentRounds;
/* If there is space for new magazines or if some magazines are not full, add the magazine
* type to _magazineInfo. */
if ((_currentMagazines < _maxMagazines) || {({_x < _maxRoundsPerMag} count _currentRounds) > 0}) then {
if (_magazineClass == "FakeWeapon") exitWith {};
_magazineInfo pushBack [_magazineClass, _turretPath, false, -1, _maxMagazines, _currentMagazines, _maxRoundsPerMag, _currentRounds];
} forEach _magazineClasses;
} forEach _turrets;