mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00

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* Author: Pabst Mirror (based on Explosive attach by Garth de Wet (LH))
* Approves placement of the lightObject, scans for an appropriate location and attaches
* A player can release the attachObject with it floating in mid-air.
* This will use lineIntersectsWith to scan towards the center of the vehicle to find a collision
* ArmA's collision detection is of couse terrible and often misses collisions (difference between what we see and collision LOD)
* So it does multiple scans at slighly different angles
* This is VERY computationaly intensive, but doesn't happen that often.
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit (player) <OBJECT>
* 1: attachToVehicle <OBJECT>
* 2: Item Classname (cfgWeapon/cfgMagazine) <STRING>
* 3: Light Vehicle Classname <STRING>
* 4: On Attach Text <STRING>
* 5: Starting Pos of dummy item <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* No
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_startingOffset", "_startDistanceFromCenter", "_closeInUnitVector", "_closeInMax", "_closeInMin", "_setupObject", "_closeInDistance", "_endPosTestOffset", "_endPosTest", "_doesIntersect", "_startingPosShifted", "_startASL", "_endPosShifted", "_endASL", "_attachedObject", "_currentObjects", "_currentItemNames"];
_startingOffset = _attachToVehicle worldToModel _startingPosition;
_startDistanceFromCenter = vectorMagnitude _startingOffset;
_closeInUnitVector = vectorNormalized (_startingOffset vectorFromTo [0,0,0]);
_closeInMax = _startDistanceFromCenter;
_closeInMin = 0;
//Delete Local Placement Object
deleteVehicle _setupObject;
while {(_closeInMax - _closeInMin) > 0.01} do {
_closeInDistance = (_closeInMax + _closeInMin) / 2;
// systemChat format ["Trying %1 from %2 start %3", _closeInDistance, [_closeInMax, _closeInMin], _startDistanceFromCenter];
_endPosTestOffset = _startingOffset vectorAdd (_closeInUnitVector vectorMultiply _closeInDistance);
_endPosTestOffset set [2, (_startingOffset select 2)];
_endPosTest = _attachToVehicle modelToWorldVisual _endPosTestOffset;
_doesIntersect = false;
if (_doesIntersect) exitWith {};
_startingPosShifted = _startingPosition vectorAdd _x;
_startASL = if (surfaceIsWater _startingPosShifted) then {_startingPosShifted} else {ATLtoASL _startingPosShifted};
_endPosShifted = _endPosTest vectorAdd _x;
_endASL = if (surfaceIsWater _startingPosShifted) then {_endPosShifted} else {ATLtoASL _endPosShifted};
//Uncomment to see the lazor show, and see how the scanning works:
// drawLine3D [_startingPosShifted, _endPosShifted, [1,0,0,1]];
if (_attachToVehicle in lineIntersectsWith [_startASL, _endASL, _unit]) exitWith {_doesIntersect = true};
} forEach [[0,0,0.045], [0,0,-0.045], [0,0.045,0], [0,-0.045,0], [0.045,0,0], [-0.045,0,0]];
} forEach [[0,0,0], [0,0,0.05], [0,0,-0.05]];
if (_doesIntersect) then {
_closeInMax = _closeInDistance;
} else {
_closeInMin = _closeInDistance;
_closeInDistance = (_closeInMax + _closeInMin) / 2;
//Checks (too close to center or can't attach)
if (((_startDistanceFromCenter - _closeInDistance) < 0.1) || {!([_attachToVehicle, _unit, _itemClassname] call FUNC(canAttach))}) exitWith {
TRACE_2("no valid spot found",_closeInDistance,_startDistanceFromCenter);
[localize "STR_ACE_Attach_Failed"] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
//Move it out slightly, for visability sake (better to look a little funny than be embedded//sunk in the hull and be useless)
_closeInDistance = (_closeInDistance - 0.0085);
//Create New 'real' Object
_endPosTestOffset = _startingOffset vectorAdd (_closeInUnitVector vectorMultiply _closeInDistance);
_endPosTestOffset set [2, (_startingOffset select 2)];
_attachedObject = _itemVehClass createVehicle (getPos _unit);
_attachedObject attachTo [_attachToVehicle, _endPosTestOffset];
//Remove Item from inventory
_unit removeItem _itemClassname;
//Add Object to ACE_AttachedObjects and ACE_AttachedItemNames
_currentObjects = _attachToVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(Objects), []];
_currentObjects pushBack _attachedObject;
_attachToVehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Objects), _currentObjects, true];
_currentItemNames = _attachToVehicle getVariable [QGVAR(ItemNames), []];
_currentItemNames pushBack _itemClassname;
_attachToVehicle setVariable [QGVAR(ItemNames), _currentItemNames, true];
[_onAtachText] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);