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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* abc * Revert "abc" This reverts commit bcb4214bd99bba3fec692efa4dca950323da582d. * Update to current commit * Ports over NouberNou's dragon guidance * Add Dragon model * Make the Dragon CSW capable * Fix bugs regarding argument order * Add Dragon Attack Profile. Change how missileGuidance guidance_pfh works in order to allow for different types of missiles besides continious thrust * Fix bug regarding missile direction. Add official US Army training manual for the dragon for reference purposes * Adjust model to reflect real-life one * Add attackProfile and guidanceProfile onFired functions * Change Dragon "onFired" to reflect missileGuidance changes * Only implementing the Super-Dragon. Remove Tabs. Add new lines to all files. Add string-table. Tweak missile flight dynamics * Add sight description * Fix inheritance issues. Missile damage values tweaked. Fix String Table. Add backblast area. * Add feature wiki page. * Fix picture issues * Remove Dragon manual * add missing semi-colon * Tweak damage values. Fix formatting. Add lazy evaluation where applicable * Disable the ability to switch to the unusable launcher. Convert rvmat numbers to equivalent but more readable numbers. Multiple code fixes. ace_csw required. Formatting fixes. TGA -> PAA. Remove unused comments in missile guidance code * Dragon flight dynamics tweaked. Now assuming there is a booster angle creating wobble. Add a slight delay when the wire breaks to fire all of the service charges * hpp newline fixes. Case sensitivity for model and rvmat references * Update Wiki dependencies * Revert "Update Wiki dependencies" This reverts commit efc298c481d10fc0db32e08ada376f04ac9b3fd5. * fix dependency component * Changed inheritance structure to be more rigid. Remove un-needed config values. Fix script issues regarding positioning and the launchers aliveness * get rid of the optic for the base dragon. fucking bi configs not making sense * Lock non-useable dragon on initialization * Add model.cfg for animations * Fix formatting. Fix M47 Dragon Optic zoom * Change LOD selection names * Revert indentation, keep parenthesis. "Start, stop, start stop! Jesus! I'm starting to think Mattis is just a big cock tease" * Re-update indentation of model.cfg * Path fix. Whitespace fix * Sight attach/detach on same vehicle * If the sight gets detached, make sure the dragon goes dumb. Remove resetting of resting position when gunner gets out - looks stupid, but when the dragon is fired weird stuff happens * disable debug * Add EOF * Maybe finally fix EOF problem
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139 lines
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class CfgAmmo {
class M_Scalpel_AT;
class ammo_Penetrator_Base;
class GVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT1): ammo_Penetrator_Base {
caliber = 60;
warheadName = "HEAT";
hit = 720;
class GVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT2): ammo_Penetrator_Base {
caliber = 65;
warheadName = "HEAT";
hit = 900;
class GVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT3): ammo_Penetrator_Base {
caliber = 80;
warheadName = "TandemHEAT";
hit = 1000;
class GVAR(HOT1): M_Scalpel_AT {
aiAmmoUsageFlags = "128+512";
model = "\A3\Weapons_F_Tank\Launchers\Vorona\Vorona_missile_heat_fly";
proxyShape = "\A3\Weapons_F\Ammo\Missile_AT_03_F";
submunitionAmmo = QGVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT1);
submunitionDirectionType = "SubmunitionModelDirection";
submunitionInitSpeed = 1000;
submunitionParentSpeedCoef = 0;
submunitionInitialOffset[] = { 0, 0, -0.2 };
hit = 150;
warheadName = "HEAT";
indirectHit = 25;
indirectHitRange = 3.5;
explosive = 0.8;
displayName = CSTRING(hot1);
displayNameShort = CSTRING(hot1);
description = CSTRING(missileType_Description);
descriptionShort = CSTRING(missileType);
effectsMissile = "missile2";
irLock = 0;
laserLock = 0;
manualControl = 0;
maxSpeed = 240;
thrustTime = 17;
thrust = 125;
timeToLive = 40;
initTime = 0.3;
EGVAR(rearm,caliber) = 178;
class ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
minDeflection = 0; // Minium flap deflection for guidance
maxDeflection = 0.0030; // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
incDeflection = 0.0005; // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.
canVanillaLock = 0; // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode
// Guidance type for munitions
defaultSeekerType = "SACLOS";
seekerTypes[] = { "SACLOS" };
defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };
seekLastTargetPos = 0; // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
seekerAngle = 30; // Angle from the shooter's view that can track the missile
seekerAccuracy = 1; // seeker accuracy multiplier
seekerMinRange = 75;
seekerMaxRange = 4000; // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search
correctionDistance = 15; // distance from center of crosshair where missile slows down
offsetFromCrosshair[] = { 0, 0, 0.5 }; // where the missile wants to stay in relation to the center of the crosshair.
// Attack profile type selection
defaultAttackProfile = "WIRE";
attackProfiles[] = {"WIRE"};
class GVAR(HOT2): GVAR(HOT1) {
submunitionAmmo = QGVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT2);
displayName = CSTRING(hot2);
displayNameShort = CSTRING(hot2);
class ace_missileguidance: ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
class GVAR(HOT2MP): GVAR(HOT2) {
aiAmmoUsageFlags = "64+128";
submunitionAmmo = "";
warheadName = "HE";
allowAgainstInfantry = 1;
hit = 200;
indirectHit = 200;
indirectHitRange = 5;
explosionEffects = "BombExplosion";
explosive = 0.7;
EGVAR(frag,enabled) = 1;
EGVAR(frag,metal) = 7100; // 1000 steel balls
EGVAR(frag,charge) = 4100;
EGVAR(frag,gurney_c) = 2700;
EGVAR(frag,gurney_k) = 3/5;
EGVAR(frag,classes)[] = {"ACE_frag_small"};
displayName = CSTRING(hot2mp);
displayNameShort = CSTRING(hot2mp);
description = CSTRING(missileType_Description_AP);
class ace_missileguidance: ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
class GVAR(HOT3): GVAR(HOT2) {
submunitionAmmo = QGVAR(ammo_Penetrator_HOT3);
warheadName = "TandemHEAT";
displayName = CSTRING(hot3);
displayNameShort = CSTRING(hot3);
class ace_missileguidance: ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
seekerMaxRange = 4300;