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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Fixed headers to work with silentspike python script * Fixed rest of the files * Fixed ace-team
267 lines
11 KiB
267 lines
11 KiB
* Author: PabstMirror
* Makes a unit drop items
* Arguments:
* 0: caller (player) <OBJECT>
* 1: target <OBJECT>
* 2: classnamess <ARRAY>
* 3: Do Not Drop Ammo <BOOL><OPTIONAL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, cursorTarget, ["ace_bandage"]] call ace_disarming_fnc_disarmDropItems
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define TIME_MAX_WAIT 5
private ["_fncSumArray", "_return", "_holder", "_dropPos", "_targetMagazinesStart", "_holderMagazinesStart", "_xClassname", "_xAmmo", "_targetMagazinesEnd", "_holderMagazinesEnd", "_holderItemsStart", "_targetItemsStart", "_addToCrateClassnames", "_addToCrateCount", "_index", "_holderItemsEnd", "_targetItemsEnd", "_holderIsEmpty"];
params ["_caller", "_target", "_listOfItemsToRemove", ["_doNotDropAmmo", false, [false]]]; //By default units drop all weapon mags when dropping a weapon
_fncSumArray = {
_return = 0;
{_return = _return + _x;} count (_this select 0);
//Sanity Checks
if (!([_target] call FUNC(canBeDisarmed))) exitWith {
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Cannot disarm target"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if (_doNotDropAmmo && {({_x in _listOfItemsToRemove} count (magazines _target)) > 0}) exitWith {
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Trying to drop magazine with _doNotDropAmmo flag"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
_holder = objNull;
//If not dropping ammo, don't use an existing container
if (!_doNotDropAmmo) then {
if ((_x getVariable [QGVAR(disarmUnit), objNull]) == _target) exitWith {
_holder = _x;
} count ((getpos _target) nearObjects [DISARM_CONTAINER, 3]);
//Create a new weapon holder
if (isNull _holder) then {
_dropPos = _target modelToWorld [0.4, 0.75, 0]; //offset someone unconscious isn't lying over it
_dropPos set [2, ((getPosASL _target) select 2)];
_holder = createVehicle [DISARM_CONTAINER, _dropPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_holder setPosASL _dropPos;
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(disarmUnit), _target, true];
//Verify holder created
if (isNull _holder) exitWith {
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Null Holder"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
//Make sure only one drop operation at a time (using PFEH system as a queue)
if (_holder getVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false]) exitWith {
_this call FUNC(disarmDropItems);
}, _this] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), true];
//Remove Magazines
_targetMagazinesStart = magazinesAmmo _target;
_holderMagazinesStart = magazinesAmmoCargo _holder;
if ((_xClassname in _listOfItemsToRemove) && {(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _xClassname >> "ACE_isUnique")) == 0}) then {
_holder addMagazineAmmoCargo [_xClassname, 1, _xAmmo];
_target removeMagazine _xClassname;
} forEach _targetMagazinesStart;
_targetMagazinesEnd = magazinesAmmo _target;
_holderMagazinesEnd = magazinesAmmoCargo _holder;
//Verify Mags dropped from unit:
if (({((_x select 0) in _listOfItemsToRemove) && {(getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0) >> "ACE_isUnique")) == 0}} count _targetMagazinesEnd) != 0) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Didn't Remove Magazines"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
//Verify holder has mags unit had
if (!([_targetMagazinesStart, _targetMagazinesEnd, _holderMagazinesStart, _holderMagazinesEnd] call FUNC(verifyMagazinesMoved))) then {
ERR = [_targetMagazinesStart, _targetMagazinesEnd, _holderMagazinesStart, _holderMagazinesEnd];
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Crate Magazines not in holder"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
//Remove Items, Assigned Items and NVG
_holderItemsStart = getitemCargo _holder;
_targetItemsStart = (assignedItems _target) + (items _target) - (weapons _target);
if ((headgear _target) != "") then {_targetItemsStart pushBack (headgear _target);};
if ((goggles _target) != "") then {_targetItemsStart pushBack (goggles _target);};
_addToCrateClassnames = [];
_addToCrateCount = [];
if (_x in _listOfItemsToRemove) then {
if (_x in (items _target)) then {
_target removeItem _x;
} else {
_target unlinkItem _x;
_index = _addToCrateClassnames find _x;
if (_index != -1) then {
_addToCrateCount set [_index, ((_addToCrateCount select _index) + 1)];
} else {
_addToCrateClassnames pushBack _x;
_addToCrateCount pushBack 1;
} forEach _targetItemsStart;
//Add the items to the holder (combined to reduce addItemCargoGlobal calls)
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [(_addToCrateClassnames select _forEachIndex), (_addToCrateCount select _forEachIndex)];
} forEach _addToCrateClassnames;
_holderItemsEnd = getitemCargo _holder;
_targetItemsEnd = (assignedItems _target) + (items _target) - (weapons _target);
if ((headgear _target) != "") then {_targetItemsEnd pushBack (headgear _target);};
if ((goggles _target) != "") then {_targetItemsEnd pushBack (goggles _target);};
//Verify Items Added
if (((count _targetItemsStart) - (count _targetItemsEnd)) != ([_addToCrateCount] call _fncSumArray)) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Items Not Removed From Player"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if ((([_holderItemsEnd select 1] call _fncSumArray) - ([_holderItemsStart select 1] call _fncSumArray)) != ([_addToCrateCount] call _fncSumArray)) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Items Not Added to Holder"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
//Script drop uniforms/vest if empty
if (((uniform _target) != "") && {(uniform _target) in _listOfItemsToRemove} && {(uniformItems _target) isEqualTo []}) then {
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [(uniform _target), 1];
removeUniform _target;
if (((vest _target) != "") && {(vest _target) in _listOfItemsToRemove} && {(vestItems _target) isEqualTo []}) then {
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [(vest _target), 1];
removeVest _target;
//If holder is still empty, it will be 'garbage collected' while we wait for the drop 'action' to take place
//So add a dummy item and just remove at the end
_holderIsEmpty = ([_holder] call FUNC(getAllGearContainer)) isEqualTo [[],[]];
if (_holderIsEmpty) then {
TRACE_1("Debug: adding dummy item to holder",_holder);
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [DUMMY_ITEM, 1];
//Start the PFEH to do the actions (which could take >1 frame)
private ["_needToRemoveWeapon", "_needToRemoveMagazines", "_needToRemoveBackpack", "_needToRemoveVest", "_needToRemoveUniform", "_error", "_magsToPickup", "_index", "_magazinesInHolder"];
_needToRemoveWeapon = ({_x in _listOfItemsToRemove} count (weapons _target)) > 0;
_needToRemoveMagazines = ({_x in _listOfItemsToRemove} count (magazines _target)) > 0;
_needToRemoveBackpack = ((backPack _target) != "") && {(backPack _target) in _listOfItemsToRemove};
_needToRemoveVest = ((vest _target) != "") && {(vest _target) in _listOfItemsToRemove};
_needToRemoveUniform = ((uniform _target) != "") && {(uniform _target) in _listOfItemsToRemove};
if ((CBA_missionTime < _maxWaitTime) && {[_target] call FUNC(canBeDisarmed)} && {_needToRemoveWeapon || _needToRemoveMagazines || _needToRemoveBackpack}) then {
//action drop weapons (keeps loaded magazine and attachements)
if (_x in _listOfItemsToRemove) then {
_target action ["DropWeapon", _holder, _x];
} forEach (weapons _target);
//Drop magazine (keeps unique ID)
if (_x in _listOfItemsToRemove) then {
_target action ["DropMagazine", _holder, _x];
} forEach (magazines _target);
//Drop backpack (Keeps variables for ACRE/TFR)
if (_needToRemoveBackpack) then {_target action ["DropBag", _holder, (backPack _target)];};
} else {
[_pfID] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
if (_doNotDropAmmo) then {
_error = false;
_magsToPickup = +_startingMagazines;
_index = _magsToPickup find _x;
if (_index == -1) exitWith {_error = true; ERROR("More mags than when we started?")};
_magsToPickup deleteAt _index;
} forEach (magazinesAmmo _target);
_magazinesInHolder = magazinesAmmoCargo _holder;
_index = _magazinesInHolder find _x;
if (_index == -1) exitWith {_error = true; ERROR("Missing mag not in holder")};
_magazinesInHolder deleteAt _index;
} forEach _magsToPickup;
//No Error (all the ammo in the container is ammo we should have);
if ((!_error) && {_magazinesInHolder isEqualTo []}) then {
_target addMagazine _x;
} forEach (magazinesAmmoCargo _holder);
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _holder;
//If we added a dummy item, remove it now
if (_holderIsEmpty && {!((getItemCargo _holder) isEqualTo [[DUMMY_ITEM],[1]])}) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Holder should only have dummy item"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if (_holderIsEmpty) then {
TRACE_1("Debug: removing dummy item from holder",_holder);
clearItemCargoGlobal _holder;
//Verify we didn't timeout waiting on drop action
if (CBA_missionTime >= _maxWaitTime) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Drop Actions Timeout"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
//If target lost disarm status:
if (!([_target] call FUNC(canBeDisarmed))) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Target cannot be disarmed"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if (_needToRemoveVest && {!((vestItems _target) isEqualTo [])}) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Vest Not Empty"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if (_needToRemoveVest) then {
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [(vest _target), 1];
removeVest _target;
if (_needToRemoveUniform && {!((uniformItems _target) isEqualTo [])}) exitWith {
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, "Debug: Uniform Not Empty"] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
if (_needToRemoveUniform) then {
_holder addItemCargoGlobal [(uniform _target), 1];
removeUniform _target;
_holder setVariable [QGVAR(holderInUse), false];
[_caller, _target, ""] call FUNC(eventTargetFinish);
}, 0.0, [_caller,_target, _listOfItemsToRemove, _holder, _holderIsEmpty, (CBA_missionTime + TIME_MAX_WAIT), _doNotDropAmmo, _targetMagazinesEnd]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;