Glowbal 13c2127574 Clean up of old CSE code
Removed all _F suffixes
Reorganized the RPEP list.
Removed unnecessary functions.
2015-02-14 20:29:07 +01:00

86 lines
2.6 KiB

* fn_setDead.sqf
* @Descr: Kills a unit
* @Author: Glowbal
* @Arguments: [unit OBJECT]
* @Return: void
* @PublicAPI: true
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_unit"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_force = false;
if (count _this >= 2) then {
_force = _this select 1;
if (!alive _unit) exitwith{};
if (!local _unit) exitwith {
[[_unit, _force], QUOTE(FUNC(setDead)), _unit, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
if (isnil QGVAR(ENABLE_REVIVE)) then {
if (((GVAR(ENABLE_REVIVE) == 1 && isPlayer _unit) || (GVAR(ENABLE_REVIVE) == 2)) && !_force && (alive (vehicle _unit))) exitwith {
// enter revive state
_unit setvariable ["ACE_inReviveState", true, true];
// Remain unconscious while in revive state
[_unit] call FUNC(setUnconsciousState);
// setting the revive default values
if (isnil QGVAR(REVIVE_TIMER)) then {
if (isnil QGVAR(REVIVE_NUMBER_MAX)) then {
private ["_unit","_playerDead","_counter"];
_unit = (_this select 0) select 0;
_playerDead = (_this select 0) select 1;
// Check if a unit woke up or was already killed
if (!([_unit] call FUNC(isUnconscious)) || !alive _unit) exitwith {
[(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
// Cleaning up the variables, as we no longer need them.
_unit setvariable ["ACE_reviveCounterValue", nil];
_unit setvariable ["ACE_inReviveState", nil, true];
_counter = _unit getvariable ["ACE_reviveCounterValue", 0];
if (_counter >= GVAR(REVIVE_TIMER)) exitwith{
if (isPlayer _unit) then {
titleText ["You died..","PLAIN DOWN"];
[_unit,"ACE_isDead", true, true] call EFUNC(common,setDefinedVariable);
if (_playerDead) then {
[_unit,QGVAR(isDeadPlayer),true,true] call EFUNC(common,setDefinedVariable);
_unit setdamage 1; // killing a unit will automatically clean up all variables.
[(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
_unit setvariable ["ACE_reviveCounterValue",_counter + TIME_BETWEEN_REVIVE_RUNS];
}, TIME_BETWEEN_REVIVE_RUNS, [_unit, isPlayer _unit] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
[_unit,"ACE_isDead",true,true] call EFUNC(common,setDefinedVariable);
if (isPLayer _unit) then {
[_unit,QGVAR(isDeadPlayer),true,true] call EFUNC(common,setDefinedVariable);
_unit setdamage 1;