mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
- Added new ammo cfg types - Added new caching functions - Added dev functions - Transfered core system to vanilla projectile EHs - Added stringtable sub categories - Reworked fragmenting and spalling to us submunitions - Frag - Implemented system around chance to hit - Switched from hitbox estimation to hitting specific HPs - Updated chance to miss method based on solid angle hit chance - Split random & targeted frag to their own subfunctions - Spall - Uses a system of estimated momentum changes to generate spall
110 lines
3.5 KiB
110 lines
3.5 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: ACE-Team
* Dev things
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* call ace_frag_fnc_doSpall
* Public: No
params ["_projectile", "_hitObj", "", "_lPosASL", "_lVel", "", "", "" ,"_surfaceType"];
if (!isNil "_hitObj" && {_hitObj isKindOf "man"}) exitWith {};
if ((isNil "_lPosASL") || {!(_lPosASL isEqualTypeArray [0,0,0])}) exitWith {WARNING_1("Problem with hitPart data - bad pos [%1]",_lPosASL);};
private _posASL = _lPosASL;
private _vel = [0, 0, 0];
private _lVelUnit = vectorNormalized _lVel;
private _velMod = 1;
if (alive _projectile) then {
_vel = velocity _projectile;
_posASL = getPosASL _projectile;
// Dot product math
private _diffAngle = acos (_lVelUnit vectorDotProduct vectorNormalized _vel);
if (abs _diffAngle > 45) then {
SUB(_velMod, (vectorMagnitude _vel) / (vectorMagnitude _lVel));
_projectile setVariable [QGVAR(lastSpallTime), diag_tickTime ];
//** start calculating where the spalling should come **//
private _unitStep = _lVelUnit vectorMultiply 0.05;
private _spallPos = +_lPosASL;
// exit if we hit the ground
if (terrainIntersectASL [_lPosASL vectorAdd _unitStep, _lPosASL]) exitWith {};
// step through
for "_i" from 1 to 20 do
private _nPos = _spallPos vectorAdd _unitStep;
if (!lineIntersects [_spallPos, _nPos]) then {break};
_spallPos = +_nPos;
[_spallPos, "orange"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);
[_lPosASL, "orange"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);
// find last intersect with the object
private _ammo = typeOf _projectile;
private _explosive = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "explosive");
private _dv = vectorMagnitude _lVel - vectorMagnitude _vel;
private _caliber = getNumber (configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber");
systemChat ("dV: " + str _dv + ", caliber: " + str _caliber + ", product: " + str (_caliber*_dv));
if (_explosive > 0) then {
// ACE_player sideChat format ["EXPLOSIVE!"];
//private _warn = false;
private _c = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "ace_frag_CHARGE");
if (_c == 0) then {_c = 1}; //; _warn = true;};
private _m = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "ace_frag_METAL");
if (_m == 0) then {_m = 2;};// _warn = true;};
private _k = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "ace_frag_GURNEY_K");
if (_k == 0) then {_k = 1 / 2;};// _warn = true;};
private _gC = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "ace_frag_GURNEY_C");
if (_gC == 0) then {_gC = 2440};// _warn = true;};
// if (_warn) then {
// WARNING_1("Ammo class %1 lacks proper explosive properties definitions for frag!",_roundType); //TODO: turn this off when we get closer to release
// };
_velMod = (((_m / _c) + _k) ^ - (1 / 2)) * _gC * 0.66 * _velMod;
// diag_log text format ["SPALL POWER: %1", _spallPolar select 0];
// range of spread 15-40
// N rounds 5-15
// speed from 0.75-1.5
// range of spread 5-10
// N rounds 3-8
// speed from 0.75-1.5
private _velScalar = 0.33 * _velMod;
private _fragSpawner = QGVAR(base) createVehicleLocal [0,0,12345];
_fragSpawner setPosASL _spallPos;
_fragSpawner setVectorDirandUp [vectorDir _projectile, vectorUp _projectile];
_fragSpawner setVelocity (_lVelUnit vectorMultiply _velScalar);
_fragSpawner addEventHandler [
params ["", "_subProj"];
[_subProj] call FUNC(dev_addRound);
#endif |