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PabstMirror 32ffe3243c
Zeus - Paradrop Cargo ()
* Zeus - Paradrop Cargo Waypoint

* move script component

* cfgpatches, localize, fix getModuleDestination call

* cleanup debug
2019-01-30 18:30:42 -06:00

76 lines
2.6 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: PabstMirror
* Handles the paradrop cargo scripted waypoint (Scheduled Environment)
* Arguments:
* 0: Group <GROUP>
* 1: Waypoint Position <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* Waypoint Finished <BOOL>
* Example:
* [group, [0,0,0]] call ace_zeus_fnc_moduleCargoParadropWaypoint
* Public: No
params [["_vehicleGroup", grpNull, [grpNull]], ["_wpPos", [0, 0, 0], [[]], 3]];
private _vehicle = vehicle leader _vehicleGroup;
private _commander = driver _vehicle;
private _cargo = _vehicle getVariable [QEGVAR(cargo,loaded), []];
if (!(_vehicle isKindOf "Air")) exitWith {WARNING_1("not in a air vehicle",typeOf _vehicle); true};
if (_cargo isEqualTo []) exitWith {WARNING_1("no cargo",_cargo); true};
private _previousSpeedMode = speedMode _vehicleGroup;
private _nextMoveUpdate = -1;
private _closeEnoughTicks = 0; // should prevent aircraft from endlessly going in circles trying to hit a point
// Start moving the vehicle to the drop off point
waitUntil {
sleep 0.1;
if ((!alive _vehicle) || {!alive _commander}) exitWith {true};
if (CBA_missionTime > _nextMoveUpdate) then {
private _heading = _vehicle getDir _wpPos;
private _movePos = _vehicle getPos [1000, _heading];
_vehicle flyInHeight 150;
_vehicleGroup move _movePos;
_nextMoveUpdate = CBA_missionTime + 3;
if ((_vehicle distance2D _wpPos) < 300) then {_closeEnoughTicks = _closeEnoughTicks + 1};
private _leadDistance = _closeEnoughTicks * 3 + linearConversion [0, 300, (speed _vehicle), 50, 100, true];
(_vehicle distance2D _wpPos) < _leadDistance
TRACE_2("Finished primary movement",_vehicle distance2D _wpPos,_closeEnoughTicks);
if ((!alive _vehicle) || {!alive _commander}) exitWith {TRACE_2("died",alive _vehicle, alive _commander); true};
if (((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 25) exitWith {TRACE_1("too low",getPos _vehicle); true};
// Fly level and straight
private _unloadFlightPos = _vehicle getRelPos [1000, 0];
_vehicle flyInHeight 150;
_vehicleGroup setSpeedMode "LIMITED";
_vehicleGroup move _unloadFlightPos;
sleep 0.5;
TRACE_2("Starting unload",_vehicle,_cargo);
[QEGVAR(cargo,paradropItem), [_x, _vehicle, false], _vehicle] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
sleep 1;
} forEach (+_cargo); // copy because array will be modified after each drop
TRACE_1("Unload finished",_vehicle);
sleep 0.5;
_vehicleGroup setSpeedMode _previousSpeedMode;
TRACE_1("WP Done",_vehicle);