mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Add french strings for advanced fatigue, finger and rearm * Add french strings for rearm, fix some of the old ones * Add missing strings for ACE Nightvision * Add missing strings for ACE Pylons * Add missing string for ACE mk6 mortar * Add / Fix french strings in ACE CookOff * Update addons/nightvision/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: alganthe <alganthe@live.fr> * Update addons/nightvision/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: alganthe <alganthe@live.fr> * Update addons/nightvision/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: alganthe <alganthe@live.fr> * Update addons/pylons/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: alganthe <alganthe@live.fr>
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254 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Pylons">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_AircraftLoadoutTitle">
<English>AIRCRAFT LOADOUT</English>
<Korean>항공기 무장</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_LoadoutsFor">
<English>Loadouts for %1</English>
<Italian>Armamenti per %1</Italian>
<Korean>%1 무장</Korean>
<German>Ausrüstung für %1</German>
<French>Équipements pour %1</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ConfigurePylons">
<English>Configure Pylons</English>
<Italian>Configura Piloni</Italian>
<Korean>파일런 설정</Korean>
<German>Konfiguriere Außenlaststationen</German>
<French>Configurer les pylônes</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Category_Pylons">
<English>ACE Pylons</English>
<Japanese>ACE パイロン</Japanese>
<Italian>ACE Piloni</Italian>
<Chinese>ACE 派龍架</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>ACE 导弹挂架</Chinesesimp>
<Korean>ACE 파일런</Korean>
<German>ACE Außenlaststationen</German>
<French>ACE Pylônes</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Empty">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_BannerText">
<English>Pylons that are colored red will have to be manually rearmed.</English>
<Italian>I piloni di colore rosso devono essere riarmati manualmente.</Italian>
<Korean>붉은색의 파일런은 수동으로 재무장해야 합니다.</Korean>
<German>Außenlaststationen, die rot markiert sind, müssen manuell aufmunitioniert werden.</German>
<French>Les pylônes colorés en rouge devront être réarmés manuellement.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_InUse">
<English>%1 is already configuring this aircraft!</English>
<Italian>% sta già configurando questo aereo!</Italian>
<Korean>이미 이 항공기에 장착되어 있음 (%1)</Korean>
<German>%1 konfiguriert dieses Fluggerät bereits!</German>
<French>%1 est déjà en train de configurer cet aéronef !</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ReplacingPylon">
<English>Replacing pylon %1 out of %2...</English>
<Italian>Sostituendo pilone %1 al posto di %2...</Italian>
<Korean>교체중 (%2 -> %1)</Korean>
<German>Ersetze Außenlaststation %1 von insgesamt %2</German>
<French>Remplacement du pylône %1 sur %2 ...</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_Stopped">
<English>Stopped at pylon %1!</English>
<Italian>Fermato al pilone %1!</Italian>
<Korean>%1 파일런이 멈춤</Korean>
<German>Gestoppt bei Außenlaststation %1</German>
<French>Arrêté au pylône %1 !</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TooFar">
<English>Vehicle too far</English>
<Italian>Veicolo troppo lontano</Italian>
<Korean>차량이 너무 멈</Korean>
<German>Fahrzeug zu weit entfernt</German>
<French>Véhicule trop éloigné</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledForZeus">
<English>Enable Pylons Menu for Zeus</English>
<Italian>Abilita Menù Piloni da Zeus</Italian>
<Japanese>Zeus でパイロン メニューを有効化</Japanese>
<French>Activer le menu des pylônes (Zeus)</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledForZeus_description">
<English>Enables use of the zeus module.</English>
<Italian>Abilita l'uso dal modulo di Zeus</Italian>
<Japanese>Zeus モジュールでパイロン メニューを利用できます。</Japanese>
<French>Autorise l'utilisation des modules Zeus</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledFromAmmoTrucks">
<English>Enable Pylons Menu from Ammo Trucks</English>
<Italian>Abilita Menù Piloni da mezzi rifornimento munizioni</Italian>
<Japanese>弾薬トラックからパイロン メニューを有効化</Japanese>
<French>Activer le menu des pylônes (camion de munitions)</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_EnabledFromAmmoTrucks_description">
<English>Enables use of pylons menu from ammo trucks.</English>
<Italian>Abilita l'uso del Menù Piloni da mezzi rifornimento munizioni</Italian>
<Japanese>弾薬給弾トラックからパイロン メニューを利用できます。</Japanese>
<French>Autorise l'utilisation du menu des pylônes depuis les camions de munitions.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_AircraftDoesntHavePylons">
<English>This aircraft doesn't have pylons</English>
<Italian>Questo aereo non ha piloni</Italian>
<French>Cet aéronef n'a pas de pylônes</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_ConfigurePylonsDisabledForZeus">
<English>Configure pylons module is disabled for zeus</English>
<Italian>Il modulo per configurare i piloni da Zeus è disabilitato</Italian>
<Japanese>Zeus のパイロン モジュールを無効化</Japanese>
<French>La configuration de pylônes est désactivé pour Zeus</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RearmNewPylons">
<English>Rearm New Pylons</English>
<Italian>Riarma Nuovi Piloni</Italian>
<Korean>새파일런 재무장</Korean>
<German>Neue Außenlaststationen. aufmunitionieren</German>
<French>Réarmer les nouveaux pylônes</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RearmNewPylons_description">
<English>Automatically rearm new pylons from the nearest rearm vehicle.</English>
<Italian>Riarma automaticamente i nuovi piloni dal veicoli di riarmo più vicino.</Italian>
<Korean>근처의 재무장 차량에서 빈 파일런을 자동으로 재무장 합니다.</Korean>
<German>Neue Außenlaststationen. automatisch vom nächsten Munitionsfahrzeug aufmunitionieren</German>
<French>Réarmer automatiquement tout les nouveau pylônes depuis le véhicule de munitions le plus proche.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TimePerPylon">
<English>Time Per Pylon</English>
<Italian>Tempo Per Pilone</Italian>
<Korean>파일런당 시간</Korean>
<German>Zeit pro Außenlaststation</German>
<French>Durée par pylône</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_TimePerPylon_description">
<English>The time it takes to replace each pylon (in seconds).</English>
<Italian>Il tempo che impiega ogni pilone ad essere sostituito (in secondi).</Italian>
<Korean>파일런을 재설정 하는데 걸리는 시간 (초)</Korean>
<German>Die benötigte Zeit, um einzelne Außenlaststationen zu ersetzen (in Sekunden).</German>
<French>Le temps nécessaire pour remplacer chaque pylône (en secondes).</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_SearchDistance">
<English>Search Distance</English>
<Italian>Distanza di Ricerca</Italian>
<Korean>검색 반경</Korean>
<French>Distance de recherche</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_SearchDistance_description">
<English>The distance an aircraft needs to be from a rearm vehicle.</English>
<Italian>La distanza necessaria per un aereo da un veicolo di riarmo.</Italian>
<Korean>항공기에서 재보급 가능한 재무장 차량을 찾습니다.</Korean>
<German>Die Distanz, die ein Fahrzeug von einem Munitionsfahrzeug entfernt sein darf.</German>
<French>La distance à laquelle un aéronef doit être d'un véhicule de munitions.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireEngineer">
<English>Require Engineer</English>
<Italian>Necessita Ingegnere</Italian>
<Korean>정비병 요구</Korean>
<German>Benötigt Pionier</German>
<French>Requiert ingénieur</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireEngineer_description">
<English>Require an engineer.</English>
<Italian>Necessita un ingegnere.</Italian>
<Korean>정비병이 필요합니다.</Korean>
<German>Benötigt einen Pionier.</German>
<French>Requiert un ingénieur.</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireToolkit">
<English>Require Toolkit</English>
<Italian>Necessita Kit Riparazione</Italian>
<Korean>툴킷 요구</Korean>
<German>Benötigt Werkzeugkasten</German>
<French>Requiert trousse à outils</French>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Pylons_RequireToolkit_description">
<English>Require a toolkit in inventory.</English>
<Italian>Necessita un kit di riparazione nell'inventario</Italian>
<Korean>툴킷이 필요합니다.</Korean>
<German>Benötigt einen Werkzeugkasten im Inventar.</German>
<French>Requiert une trousse à outils dans l'inventaire.</French>