
79 lines
2.8 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Jaynus, NouberNou, Lambda.Tiger,
* This function check whether a spall event has occured and generates a spall event
* request for the server if one is needed.
* Arguments:
* 0: The object a projectile hit <OBJECT>
* 1: The config name of the projectile <STRING>
* 2: The projectile that should cause spalling <OBJECT>
* 3: The position the projectile hit the object <ARRAY>
* 4: The old velocity of the projectile <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [[1000, 45, 60], 0.8, getPosASL ace_player] call ace_frag_fnc_doSpallServer
* Public: No
params ["_objectHit", "_roundType", "_round", "_oldPos", "_oldVelocity",];
if ((isNil "_objectHit") || {isNull _objectHit}) exitWith {WARNING_1("Problem with hitPart data - bad object [%1]",_objectHit);};
private _caliber = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _roundType >> "caliber");
private _explosive = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _roundType >> "explosive");
private _idh = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _roundType >> "indirectHitRange");
_roundType call FUNC(getSpallInfo) params ["_caliber", "_explosive"];
// ACE_player sideChat format ["BBBB"];
private _exit = false;
private _vm = 1;
private _curVelocity = velocity _round;
private _oldSpeed = vectorMagnitude _oldVelocity;
private _curSpeed = vectorMagnitude _curVelocity;
if (alive _round) then {
private _diff = _oldVelocity vectorDiff _curVelocity;
private _polar = _diff call CBA_fnc_vect2polar;
// ACE_player sideChat format ["polar: %1", _polar];
if (abs (_polar select 1) > 45 || {abs (_polar select 2) > 45}) then {
if (_caliber < 2.5) then {
// ACE_player sideChat format ["exit!"];
_exit = true;
} else {
SUB(_vm,_curSpeed / _oldSpeed);
if (_exit) exitWith {};
private _unitDir = vectorNormalized _oldVelocity;
private _spallPos = [];
if ((isNil "_oldPos") || {!(_oldPos isEqualTypeArray [0,0,0])}) exitWith {WARNING_1("Problem with hitPart data - bad pos [%1]",_oldPos);};
for "_i" from 0 to 100 do {
private _pos1 = _oldPos vectorAdd (_unitDir vectorMultiply (0.01 * _i));
private _pos2 = _oldPos vectorAdd (_unitDir vectorMultiply (0.01 * (_i + 1)));
// _data = [nil, nil, nil, 1, [[ASLtoATL _pos1, 1], [ASLtoATL _pos2, 1]]];
// NOU_TRACES pushBack _data;
if (!lineIntersects [_pos1, _pos2]) exitWith {
// ACE_player sideChat format ["FOUND!"];
_spallPos = _pos2;
if (_spallPos isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
private _spallPolar = _oldVelocity call CBA_fnc_vect2polar;
if (_explosive > 0) then {
_shellType call FUNC(getFragInfo) params ["", "_fragVelocity"];
_spallPolar set [0, _fragVelocity * 0.66];
[QGVAR(spallEvent), [_spallVelocity, _vm, _spallPos]] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;