mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Using boolean instead of simply checking for the display. Checking for diplay was unreliable since it can be technically closed while theoretically open during the escape menu and such.
480 lines
15 KiB
480 lines
15 KiB
* Author: SilentSpike
* Handles spectator interface events
* Arguments:
* 0: Event name <STRING>
* 1: Event arguments <ANY>
* Return Value:
* None <NIL>
* Example:
* ["onLoad",_this] call ace_spectator_fnc_handleInterface
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_mode",["_args",[]]];
switch (toLower _mode) do {
// Safely open/close the interface
case "open": {
// Prevent reopening
if (GVAR(open)) exitWith {};
GVAR(open) = true;
// Initalize camera variables
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
GVAR(camDolly) = [0,0];
GVAR(camGun) = false;
// Initalize display variables
GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
GVAR(heldKeys) = [];
GVAR(mouse) = [false,false];
GVAR(mousePos) = [0.5,0.5];
// Initalize the camera view
GVAR(camera) = "Camera" camCreate (ASLtoATL GVAR(camPos));
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
// Close all existing dialogs
while {dialog} do {
closeDialog 0;
// Create the dialog
createDialog QGVAR(interface);
// Cache and disable nametag settings
if (["ace_nametags"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
GVAR(nametagSettingCache) = [EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames), EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI)];
EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames) = 0;
EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI) = false;
case "close": {
// Can't close a second time
if !(GVAR(open)) exitWith {};
GVAR(open) = false;
// Terminate interface
while {dialog} do {
closeDialog 0;
// Terminate camera
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"];
camDestroy GVAR(camera);
// Return to player view
ACE_Player switchCamera "internal";
// Cleanup camera variables
GVAR(camera) = nil;
GVAR(camBoom) = nil;
GVAR(camDolly) = nil;
GVAR(camGun) = nil;
// Cleanup display variables
GVAR(ctrlKey) = nil;
GVAR(heldKeys) = nil;
GVAR(mouse) = nil;
GVAR(mousePos) = nil;
// Reset nametag settings
if (["ace_nametags"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
EGVAR(nametags,showPlayerNames) = GVAR(nametagSettingCache) select 0;
EGVAR(nametags,showNamesForAI) = GVAR(nametagSettingCache) select 1;
GVAR(nametagSettingCache) = nil;
// Dialog events
case "onload": {
_args params ["_display"];
// Always show interface and hide map upon opening
[_display,nil,nil,!GVAR(showInterface),GVAR(showMap)] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
// Keep unit list and tree up to date
[FUNC(handleUnits), 21, _display] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Populate the help splash
private "_help";
_help = (_display displayCtrl IDC_HELP) controlsGroupCtrl IDC_HELP_LIST;
// Add space before category titles
if (count _x == 1) then {
_help lnbAddRow [""];
_help lnbAddRow _x;
} forEach [
[localize LSTRING(uiControls),""],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleHelp),"H"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleMap),"M"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleUnits),"1"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleTools),"2"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleCompass),"3"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleIcons),"4"],
[localize LSTRING(uiToggleInterface),"Backspace"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamControls)],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamForward),"W"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamBackward),"S"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamLeft),"A"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamRight),"D"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamUp),"Q"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamDown),"Z"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamPan),"RMB (Hold)"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamDolly),"LMB (Hold)"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamSpeed),"Scrollwheel"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamZoom),"Ctrl + Scrollwheel"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamNextVis),"N"],
[localize LSTRING(freeCamPrevVis),"Ctrl + N"],
[localize LSTRING(otherControls)],
[localize LSTRING(nextCam),"Up Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(prevCam),"Down Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(nextUnit),"Right Arrow"],
[localize LSTRING(prevUnit),"Left Arrow"]
// Hacky way to enable keybindings
//_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {[_this,'keyup'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}];
//_display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {[_this,'keydown'] call CBA_events_fnc_keyHandler}];
case "onunload": {
// Kill GUI PFHs
GVAR(camHandler) = nil;
GVAR(compHandler) = nil;
GVAR(iconHandler) = nil;
GVAR(toolHandler) = nil;
// Mouse events
case "onmousebuttondown": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_button"];
GVAR(mouse) set [_button,true];
// Detect right click
if ((_button == 1) && (GVAR(camMode) == 1)) then {
// In first person toggle sights mode
GVAR(camGun) = !GVAR(camGun);
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
case "onmousebuttonup": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_button"];
GVAR(mouse) set [_button,false];
if (_button == 0) then { GVAR(camDolly) = [0,0]; };
case "onmousezchanged": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_zChange"];
// Scroll to change speed, modifier for zoom
if (GVAR(ctrlKey)) then {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camZoom) + _zChange * 0.1] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
} else {
[nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil, GVAR(camSpeed) + _zChange * 0.2] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
case "onmousemoving": {
_args params ["_ctrl","_x","_y"];
[_x,_y] call FUNC(handleMouse);
// Keyboard events
case "onkeydown": {
_args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
// Handle held keys (prevent repeat calling)
if (_dik in GVAR(heldKeys)) exitwith {};
// Exclude movement keys so that speed can be adjusted on fly
if !(_dik in [17,30,31,32]) then {
GVAR(heldKeys) pushBack _dik;
switch (_dik) do {
case 1: { // Esc
["escape", [_display]] call FUNC(handleInterface);
case 2: { // 1
[_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 3: { // 2
[_display,nil,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 4: { // 3
[_display,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 5: { // 4
GVAR(showIcons) = !GVAR(showIcons);
case 14: { // Backspace
[_display,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 16: { // Q
GVAR(camBoom) = 0.5 * GVAR(camSpeed);
case 17: { // W
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, GVAR(camSpeed)];
case 29: { // Ctrl
GVAR(ctrlKey) = true;
case 30: { // A
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, -GVAR(camSpeed)];
case 31: { // S
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, -GVAR(camSpeed)];
case 32: { // D
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, GVAR(camSpeed)];
case 35: { // H
[_display,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 44: { // Z
GVAR(camBoom) = -0.5 * GVAR(camSpeed);
case 49: { // N
if (_ctrl) then {
[nil,nil,-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
} else {
[nil,nil,1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 50: { // M
[_display,nil,nil,nil,true] call FUNC(toggleInterface);
case 57: { // Spacebar
// Freecam attachment here, if in external then set cam pos and attach
case 200: { // Up arrow
[-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 203: { // Left arrow
[nil,1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 205: { // Right arrow
[nil,-1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case 208: { // Down arrow
[1] call FUNC(cycleCamera);
case "onkeyup": {
_args params ["_display","_dik","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
// No longer being held
GVAR(heldKeys) = GVAR(heldKeys) - [_dik];
switch (_dik) do {
case 16: { // Q
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
case 17: { // W
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, 0];
case 29: { // Ctrl
GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
case 30: { // A
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, 0];
case 31: { // S
GVAR(camDolly) set [1, 0];
case 32: { // D
GVAR(camDolly) set [0, 0];
case 44: { // Z
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
// Tree events
case "ontreedblclick": {
// Update camera view when listbox unit is double clicked on
_args params ["_tree","_sel"];
// Ensure a unit was selected
if (count _sel == 3) then {
private ["_netID","_newUnit","_newMode"];
_netID = (_args select 0) tvData _sel;
_newUnit = objectFromNetId _netID;
// When unit is reselected, toggle camera mode
if (_newUnit == GVAR(camUnit) || GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
_newMode = [2,2,1] select GVAR(camMode);
[_newMode,_newUnit] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
case "onunitsupdate": {
_args params ["_tree"];
private ["_curSelData","_cachedGrps","_cachedSides","_grp","_side","_sNode","_gNode","_uNode"];
// Cache current selection
_curSelData = _tree tvData (tvCurSel _tree);
// Clear the tree
tvClear _tree;
// Update the tree from the unit list
_cachedGrps = [];
_cachedSides = [];
_grp = group _x;
_side = [side _grp] call BIS_fnc_sideName;
// Use correct side node
if !(_side in _cachedSides) then {
// Add side node
_sNode = _tree tvAdd [[], _side];
_cachedSides pushBack _side;
_cachedSides pushBack _sNode;
} else {
// If side already processed, use existing node
_sNode = _cachedSides select ((_cachedSides find _side) + 1);
// Use correct group node
if !(_grp in _cachedGrps) then {
// Add group node
_gNode = _tree tvAdd [[_sNode], groupID _grp];
_cachedGrps pushBack _grp;
_cachedGrps pushBack _gNode;
} else {
// If group already processed, use existing node
_gNode = _cachedGrps select ((_cachedGrps find _grp) + 1);
_uNode = _tree tvAdd [[_sNode,_gNode], GETVAR(_x,GVAR(uName),"")];
_tree tvSetData [[_sNode,_gNode,_uNode], netID _x];
// Preserve the previous selection
if (_curSelData == (_tree tvData [_sNode,_gNode,_uNode])) then {
_tree tvSetCurSel [_sNode,_gNode,_uNode];
_tree tvSort [[_sNode,_gNode],false];
_tree tvExpand [_sNode,_gNode];
} forEach GVAR(unitList);
if (typeName _x == "SCALAR") then {
_tree tvSort [[_x],false];
_tree tvExpand [_x];
} forEach _cachedSides;
_tree tvSort [[],false];
// Map events
case "onmapdblclick": {
_args params ["_map","_button","_x","_y"];
private ["_newPos","_oldZ"];
if ((GVAR(camMode) == 0) && (_button == 0)) then {
_newPos = _map ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_x,_y];
_oldZ = (ASLtoATL GVAR(camPos)) select 2;
_newPos set [2, _oldZ];
[nil,nil,nil, _newPos] call FUNC(setCameraAttributes);
case "ondraw": {
_args params ["_map"];
if (GVAR(camMode) == 0) then {
_map drawIcon ["\A3\UI_F\Data\GUI\Rsc\RscDisplayMissionEditor\iconcamera_ca.paa",[0,0,0,1],GVAR(camera),24,24,GVAR(camPan)];
if !(GVAR(showIcons)) exitWith {};
private ["_cachedVehicles","_unit","_color","_icon"];
_cachedVehicles = [];
_unit = vehicle _x;
if !(_unit in _cachedVehicles) then {
_cachedVehicles pushBack _unit;
// Use previously cached info where possible
if (isNil { GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(uIcon),nil) }) then {
[_unit] call FUNC(cacheUnitInfo);
_color = GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(uColor),[ARR_4(0,0,0,0)]);
_icon = GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(uIcon),"");
_map drawIcon [_icon, _color, _unit, 24, 24, getDir _unit];
} forEach GVAR(unitList);
// Other
case "escape": {
_args params ["_display"];
private ["_dlg","_key","_index","_ctrl","_config"];
// Kill display
_display closeDisplay 0;
// Reset cam/UI vars
GVAR(camBoom) = 0;
GVAR(camDolly) = [0,0];
GVAR(ctrlKey) = false;
GVAR(heldKeys) = [];
GVAR(mouse) = [false,false];
GVAR(mousePos) = [0.5,0.5];
// Below is from EFUNC(common,disableUserInput)
createDialog (["RscDisplayInterrupt", "RscDisplayMPInterrupt"] select isMultiplayer);
_dlg = finddisplay 49;
_dlg displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
_key = _this select 1;
!(_key == 1)
for "_index" from 100 to 2000 do {
(_dlg displayCtrl _index) ctrlEnable false;
_ctrl = _dlg displayctrl 103;
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["buttonClick", QUOTE(while {dialog} do {closeDialog 0}; failMission 'LOSER';)];
_ctrl ctrlEnable true;
_ctrl ctrlSetText "ABORT";
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip "Abort.";
_ctrl = _dlg displayctrl ([104, 1010] select isMultiplayer);
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["buttonClick", QUOTE(closeDialog 0; player setDamage 1;)];
_ctrl ctrlEnable (call {_config = missionConfigFile >> "respawnButton"; !isNumber _config || {getNumber _config == 1}});
_ctrl ctrlSetText "RESPAWN";
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip "Respawn.";
// PFH to re-open display when menu closes
if !(isNull (findDisplay 49)) exitWith {};
createDialog QGVAR(interface);
[] call FUNC(transitionCamera);
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;
},0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;