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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
185 lines
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185 lines
6.5 KiB
* Author: Glowbal, commy2
* Parse the ACE_Medical_Advanced config for all injury types.
* Arguments:
* None
* ReturnValue:
* None
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private _fnc_getAnyFromConfig = {
params ["_config", "_default"];
if (_default isEqualType []) exitWith {
if (_default isEqualType 0) exitWith {
if (_default isEqualType "") exitWith {
private _fnc_parseSubClassWounds = {
params ["_subClass"];
private _subClassConfig = _entry >> _subClass;
if (isClass _subClassConfig) exitWith {
private _subClassSelections = [_subClassConfig >> "selections", _selections] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig;
private _subClassCauses = [_subClassConfig >> "causes", _causes] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig;
if (count _subClassSelections > 0 && {count _subClassCauses > 0}) then {
// constructs a type name, such as: 'woundMinor'
GVAR(woundClassNames) pushBack (_className + configName _subClassConfig);
GVAR(woundsData) pushBack [
[_subClassConfig >> "bleedingRate", _bleedingRate] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig,
[_subClassConfig >> "pain", _pain] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig,
[[_subClassConfig >> "minDamage", _minDamage] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig, [_subClassConfig >> "maxDamage", _maxDamage] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig],
[_subClassConfig >> "name", _displayName + " " + _subClass] call _fnc_getAnyFromConfig
_classID = _classID + 1;
private _injuriesConfigRoot = configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Injuries";
// --- parse wounds
GVAR(woundClassNames) = [];
GVAR(woundsData) = []; // @todo classTypes are strings currently. Convert them to unqiue IDs instead.
private _woundsConfig = _injuriesConfigRoot >> "wounds";
private _classID = 0;
private _entry = _x;
private _className = configName _entry;
private _selections = GET_ARRAY(_entry >> "selections",[]);
private _bleedingRate = GET_NUMBER(_entry >> "bleedingRate",0);
private _pain = GET_NUMBER(_entry >> "pain",0);
private _minDamage = GET_NUMBER(_entry >> "minDamage",0);
private _maxDamage = GET_NUMBER(_entry >> "maxDamage",-1);
private _causes = GET_ARRAY(_entry >> "causes",[]);
private _displayName = GET_STRING(_entry >> "name",_className); // @todo, don't translate in config
// TODO instead of hardcoding minor, medium and large just go through all sub classes recursively until none are found
if !("Minor" call _fnc_parseSubClassWounds || "Medium" call _fnc_parseSubClassWounds || "Large" call _fnc_parseSubClassWounds) then {
// There were no subclasses, so we will add this one instead.
if (count _selections > 0 && {count _causes > 0}) then {
GVAR(woundClassNames) pushBack _className;
GVAR(woundsData) pushBack [_classID, _selections, _bleedingRate, _pain, [_minDamage, _maxDamage], _causes, _displayName];
_classID = _classID + 1;
} forEach configProperties [_woundsConfig, "isClass _x"];
// --- parse fractures
//GVAR(fractureClassNames) = []; // unused
// --- parse damage types
GVAR(allDamageTypes) = []; // @todo, currently unused by handle damage (was GVAR(allAvailableDamageTypes))
GVAR(lethalDamages) = []; // @todo, currently unused by handle damage (was GVAR(minLethalDamages))
GVAR(allDamageTypesData) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
// minimum lethal damage collection, mapped to damageTypes
private _damageTypesConfig = _injuriesConfigRoot >> "damageTypes";
private _lethalDamageDefault = getNumber (_damageTypesConfig >> "lethalDamage");
private _thresholdsDefault = getArray (_damageTypesConfig >> "thresholds");
private _selectionSpecificDefault = getNumber (_damageTypesConfig >> "selectionSpecific");
// Collect all available damage types from the config
private _entry = _x;
private _className = configName _entry;
GVAR(allDamageTypes) pushBack _className;
GVAR(lethalDamages) pushBack GET_NUMBER(_entry >> "lethalDamage",_lethalDamageDefault);
// Check if this type is in the causes of a wound class, if so, we will store the wound types for this damage type
private _woundTypes = [];
if (_className in (_x select 5)) then {
_woundTypes pushBack _x;
} forEach GVAR(woundsData);
private _damageTypeSubClassConfig = _damageTypesConfig >> _className;
private _thresholds = GET_ARRAY(_damageTypeSubClassConfig >> "thresholds",_thresholdsDefault);
private _selectionSpecific = GET_NUMBER(_damageTypeSubClassConfig >> "selectionSpecific",_selectionSpecificDefault);
GVAR(allDamageTypesData) setVariable [_className, [_thresholds, _selectionSpecific > 0, _woundTypes]];
// extension loading
private _minDamageThresholds = (_thresholds apply {str (_x select 0)}) joinString ":";
private _amountThresholds = (_thresholds apply {str (_x select 1)}) joinString ":";
// load in the damage types into the medical extension
private _extensionArgs = format [
GVAR(lethalDamages) select _forEachIndex,
private _extensionRes = "ace_medical" callExtension _extensionArgs;
} forEach configProperties [_damageTypesConfig, "isClass _x"];
// extension loading
_x params ["_classID", "_selections", "_bleedingRate", "_pain", "_damageExtrema", "_causes", "_displayName"];
_damageExtrema params ["_minDamage", "_maxDamage"];
private _className = GVAR(woundClassNames) select _forEachIndex;
if (_displayName isEqualTo "") then {
_displayName = _className;
private _selections = _selections joinString ":";
private _causes = _causes joinString ":";
private _extensionArgs = format [
private _extensionRes = "ace_medical" callExtension _extensionArgs;
} forEach GVAR(woundsData);
"ace_medical" callExtension "ConfigComplete";