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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Optimizations with private, params, and isEqualType * Fixed tab being used instead of space * Fixed tabs inserted by notepad++ * More usage of new private syntax and params - changed a few checks for an array being empty to `_arr isEqualTo []` rather than `count _arr == 0` - added more uses of `private` on the same line as the variable is declared - added more uses of params to assign variables passed as parameters - removed unnecessary parentheses - removed several unnecessary variable declarations with private array syntax * clean up and formatting
41 lines
1.5 KiB
41 lines
1.5 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_round", "_lastPos", "_lastVel", "_type", "_firedFrame", "", "_doSpall", "_spallTrack", "_foundObjectHPIds", "_skip", "_explosive", "_indirectRange", "_force", "_fragPower"];
if(_round in GVAR(blackList)) exitWith {
if (!alive _round) exitWith {
if((diag_frameno - _firedFrame) > 1) then { //skip if deleted within a single frame
if(_skip == 0) then {
if((_explosive > 0.5 && {_indirectRange >= 4.5} && {_fragPower >= 35}) || {_force == 1} ) then {
// shotbullet, shotShell don't seem to explode when touching water, so don't create frags
if (((_lastPos select 2) < 0) && {(toLower getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _type >> "simulation")) in ["shotbullet", "shotshell"]}) exitWith {};
[QGVAR(frag_eh), _this] call CBA_fnc_serverEvent;
if(_doSpall) then {
GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) = GVAR(spallIsTrackingCount) - 1;
// diag_log text format["F: %1", _foundObjectHPIds];
if(!isNil "_x") then {
_x removeEventHandler ["hitPart", _foundObjectHPIds select _forEachIndex];
} forEach _spallTrack;
_this set[1, (getPosASL _round)];
_this set[2, (velocity _round)];
if(_doSpall) then {
private ["_scale"];
_scale = ( (count GVAR(objects)) / GVAR(MaxTrackPerFrame) ) max 0.1;
[_round, _scale, _spallTrack, _foundObjectHPIds] call FUNC(spallTrack);