mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
32 lines
930 B
32 lines
930 B
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@REM Loop over all arguments
for %%x in (%*) do (
SET final_img=%%~nx_s%%~xx
SET scratch=%%~nx_scratch%%~xx
copy /Y "%%~x" "!final_img!"
copy /Y "%%~x" "!scratch!"
@REM Scale up now and scale back down at the end to smooth everything out
@REM Dilate a little to get the edge offset
magick mogrify -filter spline -resize 200%% ^
-morphology Dilate Octagon:3 ^
@REM Dilate a lot to get the edge thickness
magick mogrify -filter spline -resize 200%% ^
-morphology Dilate Octagon:8 ^
@REM Subtract to get just the edge
magick composite !scratch! !final_img! -compose difference !final_img!
@REM Original picture has alpha values up to 77. Now scale it up to full 255
magick mogrify -channel A -level 1%%,30%% +channel ^
-filter Lagrange -resize 50%% ^
del !scratch!