2015-06-13 12:39:29 -07:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

* Author: ViperMaul
* Unload a person from a vehicle, local
* Arguments:
* 0: unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Returns true if succesfully unloaded person <BOOL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define GROUP_SWITCH_ID QUOTE(FUNC(loadPerson))
private ["_loaded", "_emptyPos"];
if (driver _vehicle == _unit) exitwith {TRACE_1("Exiting on Failed Driver Check", driver _vehicle == _unit); false;};
TRACE_1("Vehicle Check", driver _vehicle == _unit);
if !(speed _vehicle <1 && (((getPos _vehicle) select 2) < 2)) exitwith {TRACE_1("Exiting on Failed speed check", getPosASL _vehicle == _unit); false;};
TRACE_1("getPosASL Vehicle Check", getPos _vehicle);
_emptyPos = ((getPosASL _vehicle) call EFUNC(common,ASLtoPosition) findEmptyPosition [0, 13, typeof _unit]);
if (count _emptyPos == 0) exitwith {false}; //consider displaying text saying there are no safe places to exit the vehicle
unassignVehicle _unit;
[_unit] orderGetIn false;
TRACE_1("Ejecting", alive _unit);
_unit action ["Eject", vehicle _unit];
[ {
private "_anim";
_unit setPosASL (_emptyPos call EFUNC(common,PositiontoASL));
if (!([_unit] call FUNC(isAwake))) then {
TRACE_1("Check if isAwake", [_unit] call FUNC(isAwake));
if (driver _unit == _unit) then {
_anim = [_unit] call EFUNC(common,getDeathAnim);
[_unit, _anim, 1, true] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
_unit = _this select 0;
_anim = _this select 1;
if ((_unit getVariable "ACE_isUnconscious") and (animationState _unit != _anim)) then {
[_unit, _anim, 2, true] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);
}, [_unit, _anim], 0.5, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
},[_unit,_emptyPos], 0.5, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
[_unit, false, GROUP_SWITCH_ID, side group _unit] call FUNC(switchToGroupSide);
_loaded = _vehicle getvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),[]];
_loaded = _loaded - [_unit];
_vehicle setvariable [QGVAR(loaded_persons),_loaded,true];