mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
316 lines
14 KiB
316 lines
14 KiB
#if defined(DEVEL) && defined(USE_DIRECTX)
#include "penetration_display.hpp"
#include "controller.hpp"
#include "game.hpp"
namespace ace {
namespace vehicledamage {
namespace debug {
penetration_display::penetration_display() : _enable_bullet_debug(false),
dispatcher() {
_active_vehicle = nullptr;
add("register_vehicle", std::bind(&ace::vehicledamage::debug::penetration_display::register_vehicle, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
add("show_hit", std::bind(&ace::vehicledamage::debug::penetration_display::show_hit, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
bool penetration_display::show_hit(const arguments &args, std::string &result) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock(_render_lock);
gamehit_p _hit = gamehit::create(args);
auto _vehicle = controller::get().vehicles.find(args[0]);
if (_vehicle == controller::get().vehicles.end())
return false;
btVector3 vectorFrom(5, 5, -10);
XMVECTORF32 eyePos = { vectorFrom.x(), vectorFrom.y(), vectorFrom.z() };
XMVECTORF32 eyeDir = { _hit->impactposition.x(), _hit->impactposition.y(), _hit->impactposition.z() };
XMVECTORF32 up = { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f };
XMStoreFloat4x4(&_View, XMMatrixLookAtLH(eyePos, eyeDir, up));
return true;
bool penetration_display::register_vehicle(const arguments &args, std::string &result) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock(_render_lock);
uint32_t id = args[0];
_active_vehicle = ace::vehicledamage::controller::get().vehicles[id];
return true;
bool penetration_display::init() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock(_render_lock);
_States.reset(new CommonStates(_pd3dDevice));
_FXFactory.reset(new EffectFactory(_pd3dDevice));
_Batch.reset(new PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>(_pImmediateContext));
//_Font.reset(new SpriteFont(_pd3dDevice, L"italic.spritefont"));
_BatchEffect.reset(new BasicEffect(_pd3dDevice));
void const* shaderByteCode;
size_t byteCodeLength;
_BatchEffect->GetVertexShaderBytecode(&shaderByteCode, &byteCodeLength);
hr = _pd3dDevice->CreateInputLayout(VertexPositionColor::InputElements,
shaderByteCode, byteCodeLength,
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
CommonStates states(_pd3dDevice);
_pImmediateContext->OMSetBlendState(states.Opaque(), nullptr, 0xFFFFFFFF);
_pImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(states.DepthNone(), 0);
bool penetration_display::step(void) {
const XMVECTORF32 xaxis = { 20.f, 0.f, 0.f };
const XMVECTORF32 yaxis = { 0.f, 0.f, 20.f };
DrawGrid(*_Batch, xaxis, yaxis, g_XMZero, 20, 20, Colors::Gray);
// Draw the red line for nou
const XMVECTORF32 v1 = { 0.f, 100.f, 0.f };
const XMVECTORF32 v2 = { 0.f, -100.f, 0.f };
_Batch->DrawLine(VertexPositionColor(v1, Colors::Red), VertexPositionColor(v2, Colors::Red));
const XMVECTORF32 v3 = { 100.f, 0.f, 0.f };
const XMVECTORF32 v4 = { -100.f, 0.f, 0.f };
_Batch->DrawLine(VertexPositionColor(v3, Colors::Green), VertexPositionColor(v4, Colors::Green));
const XMVECTORF32 v5 = { 0.f, 0.f, 100.f };
const XMVECTORF32 v6 = { 0.f, -0.f, -100.f };
_Batch->DrawLine(VertexPositionColor(v5, Colors::Blue), VertexPositionColor(v6, Colors::Blue));
// Draw the bullet world
// The BT debug drawing is a single batch
if (_enable_bullet_debug) {
if (_active_vehicle) {
DrawObject(_active_vehicle->fire_lod, *_Batch, *_active_vehicle->object, Colors::Gray);
if (_active_hits.size() > 0) {
DrawHits(0, *_Batch, Colors::Yellow);
for (auto & hit : _active_hits) {
std::vector<ace::vector3<float>> collisions;
//_active_vehicle->surface_raycast(hit->impactposition, hit->impactvelocity, collisions);
//DrawCollisions(collisions, *_Batch, Colors::Purple);
return true;
void penetration_display::DrawCollisions(const std::vector<ace::vector3<float>> & collisions, PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>& batch, GXMVECTOR color) {
float scale = 0.01f;
for (auto & collision : collisions) {
XMFLOAT3 A = { collision.x() + scale, collision.y()+scale, collision.z()+scale };
XMFLOAT3 B = { collision.x(), collision.y(), collision.z() };
XMFLOAT3 C = { collision.x()-scale, collision.y()-scale, collision.z() - scale };
VertexPositionColor v1(XMLoadFloat3(&A), color);
VertexPositionColor v2(XMLoadFloat3(&B), color);
VertexPositionColor v3(XMLoadFloat3(&C), color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
batch.DrawLine(v2, v3);
batch.DrawLine(v3, v1);
//batch.DrawTriangle(v1, v2, v3);
void penetration_display::DrawHits(uint32_t lod, PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>& batch, GXMVECTOR color) {
for (gamehit_p & hit : _active_hits) {
ace::vector3<float> hit_from, hit_to, hit_surface;
hit_from = hit->impactposition;
hit_to = hit_from + hit->impactvelocity;
hit_surface = hit_from + hit->surface;
XMVECTORF32 from = { hit_from.x(), hit_from.y(), hit_from.z() };
XMVECTORF32 to = { hit_to.x(), hit_to.y(), hit_to.z() };
VertexPositionColor v1(from, color);
VertexPositionColor v2(to, color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
XMVECTORF32 surface_direction = { hit_surface.x(), hit_surface.y(), hit_surface.z() };
VertexPositionColor v1_surf(from, Colors::LightGreen);
VertexPositionColor v2_surf(surface_direction, Colors::LightGreen);
batch.DrawLine(v1_surf, v2_surf);
void penetration_display::DrawObject(uint32_t lod, PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>& batch, ace::simulation::object & obj, GXMVECTOR color) {
// Debug animation the shit
/*for (auto & selection : obj.lods[lod]->selections) {
for (auto & face : selection.second->faces) {
ace::vector3<float> vertices[3];
vertices[0] = { face->vertices[0]->x(), face->vertices[0]->y(), face->vertices[0]->z() };
vertices[1] = { face->vertices[1]->x(), face->vertices[1]->y(), face->vertices[1]->z() };
vertices[2] = { face->vertices[2]->x(), face->vertices[2]->y(), face->vertices[2]->z() };
XMVECTORF32 v[3] = {
{ vertices[0].x(), vertices[0].y(), vertices[0].z() },
{ vertices[1].x(), vertices[1].y(), vertices[1].z() },
{ vertices[2].x(), vertices[2].y(), vertices[2].z() }
VertexPositionColor v1(v[0], color);
VertexPositionColor v2(v[1], color);
VertexPositionColor v3(v[2], color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
batch.DrawLine(v2, v3);
batch.DrawLine(v3, v1);
for (auto & face : obj.lods[lod]->faces) {
ace::vector3<float> vertices[3];
vertices[0] = { face->vertices[0]->x(), face->vertices[0]->y(), face->vertices[0]->z() };
vertices[1] = { face->vertices[1]->x(), face->vertices[1]->y(), face->vertices[1]->z() };
vertices[2] = { face->vertices[2]->x(), face->vertices[2]->y(), face->vertices[2]->z() };
XMVECTORF32 v[3] = {
{ vertices[0].x(), vertices[0].y(), vertices[0].z() },
{ vertices[1].x(), vertices[1].y(), vertices[1].z() },
{ vertices[2].x(), vertices[2].y(), vertices[2].z() }
//v[0] = v[0] + obj
VertexPositionColor v1(v[0], color);
VertexPositionColor v2(v[1], color);
VertexPositionColor v3(v[2], color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
batch.DrawLine(v2, v3);
batch.DrawLine(v3, v1);
//batch.DrawTriangle(v1, v2, v3);
void penetration_display::DrawGrid(PrimitiveBatch<VertexPositionColor>& batch, FXMVECTOR xAxis, FXMVECTOR yAxis, FXMVECTOR origin, size_t xdivs, size_t ydivs, GXMVECTOR color) {
xdivs = std::max<size_t>(1, xdivs);
ydivs = std::max<size_t>(1, ydivs);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= xdivs; ++i) {
float fPercent = float(i) / float(xdivs);
fPercent = (fPercent * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
XMVECTOR vScale = XMVectorScale(xAxis, fPercent);
vScale = XMVectorAdd(vScale, origin);
VertexPositionColor v1(XMVectorSubtract(vScale, yAxis), color);
VertexPositionColor v2(XMVectorAdd(vScale, yAxis), color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= ydivs; i++) {
FLOAT fPercent = float(i) / float(ydivs);
fPercent = (fPercent * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
XMVECTOR vScale = XMVectorScale(yAxis, fPercent);
vScale = XMVectorAdd(vScale, origin);
VertexPositionColor v1(XMVectorSubtract(vScale, xAxis), color);
VertexPositionColor v2(XMVectorAdd(vScale, xAxis), color);
batch.DrawLine(v1, v2);
// Bullet debug functions
void penetration_display::drawLine(const btVector3& from, const btVector3& to, const btVector3& color) {
XMVECTORF32 v1 = { from.x(), from.y(), from.z() };
XMVECTORF32 v2 = { to.x(), to.y(), to.z() };
_Batch->DrawLine(VertexPositionColor(v1, Colors::LightCoral), VertexPositionColor(v2, Colors::LightCoral));
void penetration_display::drawContactPoint(const btVector3 &PointOnB, const btVector3 &normalOnB, btScalar distance, int lifeTime, const btVector3 &color) {
void penetration_display::reportErrorWarning(const char *warningString) {
LOG(WARNING) << "btWarning - {" << warningString << "}";
void penetration_display::draw3dText(const btVector3 &location, const char *textString) {
void penetration_display::setDebugMode(int debugMode) {
_bt_debug_mode = debugMode;
int penetration_display::getDebugMode() const {
return _bt_debug_mode;
#endif |