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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Cook-off improvements * More changes * Update fnc_getVehicleAmmo.sqf * Better engine fire placement * Update fnc_detonateAmmunition.sqf * Update XEH_postInit.sqf * Update fnc_getVehicleAmmo.sqf * Update events-framework.md * Various improvements * Separate effect handling * Tweaks * Update XEH_postInit.sqf * Prevent double ammo detonation * Fixed objects not being able to cook-off again * Added incendiary rounds as source of box cookoff * Converted enable setting to bool * Fixed brackets * Update fnc_cookOff.sqf * Update CfgEden.hpp * Removed GVAR(enable), added GVAR(enableFire) back * Update initSettings.inc.sqf * Update events-framework.md * Update addons/cookoff/functions/fnc_cookOffEffect.sqf * Restructured, redid API events * Fix effect for JIP, minor optimisations * Removed `cbaSettings_settingChanged` * Renamed variables, tweaked string table entries * Update fire damage #9991 * Capitalize comments again * Fix cookoff for very short durations and fix effect removal being too quick
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="CookOff">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_category_displayName">
<English>ACE Cook-off</English>
<Spanish>ACE Detonación inducida por calor</Spanish>
<Italian>ACE Detonazione Munizioni</Italian>
<Chinese>ACE 殉爆效果</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>ACE 殉爆效果</Chinesesimp>
<Japanese>ACE 誘爆</Japanese>
<Korean>ACE 쿡오프</Korean>
<German>ACE Durchzündung</German>
<French>ACE Auto-inflammation</French>
<Polish>ACE Samozapłon</Polish>
<Russian>ACE Детонация</Russian>
<Portuguese>ACE Cook off</Portuguese>
<Czech>ACE Vznícení munice</Czech>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableFire_name">
<English>Enable vehicle cook-off fire</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableFire_tooltip">
<English>Enables vehicle cook-off fire effects.\nThis doesn't include ammunition detonations.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_cookoffDuration_name">
<English>Vehicle cook-off fire duration multiplier</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_cookoffDuration_tooltip">
<English>Multiplier for how long vehicle cook-off fire lasts.\nSetting to 0 will disable vehicle cook-off fire.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_probabilityCoef_name">
<English>Vehicle cook-off fire probability multiplier</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_probabilityCoef_tooltip">
<English>Multiplier for vehicle cook-off fire probability. Higher value results in higher cook-off probability.\nSetting to 0 will disable vehicle cook-off fire.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_destroyVehicleAfterCookoff_name">
<English>Destroy vehicles after cook-off</English>
<Korean>쿡오프 후 차량 파괴</Korean>
<Russian>Уничтожать технику после детонации</Russian>
<Spanish>Destruir vehículos tras la detonación inducida por calor</Spanish>
<Polish>Zniszcz Pojazdy po Zakończeniu Samozapłonu</Polish>
<German>Zerstöre Fahrzeuge nach der Durchzündung</German>
<Italian>Distruggi Veicoli dopo Esplosione Munizioni</Italian>
<French>Destruction des véhicules après auto-inflammation</French>
<Portuguese>Destruir veículos após cozinhamento</Portuguese>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_destroyVehicleAfterCookoff_tooltip">
<English>Controls whether vehicles will always be destroyed after cooking off.</English>
<Polish>Kontroluje, czy pojazdy będą zawsze niszczone po samozapłonie.</Polish>
<German>Steuert, ob Fahrzeuge nach dem Durchzünden immer zerstört werden.</German>
<Italian>Determina se veicoli saranno sempre distrutti dall'esplosione delle munizioni.</Italian>
<Korean>쿡오프 후 차량이 항상 파괴되는지 여부를 조정합니다.</Korean>
<French>Contrôle si les véhicules seront toujours détruits après l'auto-inflammation.</French>
<Portuguese>Define se os veículos serão sempre destruídos após cozinhamento.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Определяет, всегда ли транспортные средства будут уничтожаться после детонации.</Russian>
<Spanish>Controla si los vehículos siempre será destruidos despues de la detonación inducida por calor.</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableAmmoCookoff_name">
<English>Enable vehicle ammo cook-off</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableAmmoCookoff_tooltip">
<English>Enables cooking off of vehicle ammunition. Fires ammunition projectiles while vehicle has ammunition remaining.\nThis doesn't include fire effects.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableBoxCookoff_name">
<English>Enable ammo box cook-off</English>
<Spanish>Habilitar detonación inducida por calor en las cajas de munición</Spanish>
<German>Durchzündung für Munitionskisten ermöglichen</German>
<Korean>탄약 상자 쿡오프 현상 활성화</Korean>
<Polish>Aktywuj samozapłon skrzyń z amunicją</Polish>
<French>Auto-inflammation des caisses de munitions</French>
<Italian>Abilita esplosione casse munizioni</Italian>
<Russian>Разрешить детонацию ящиков с боеприпасами</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permitir cozinhar caixas de munição</Portuguese>
<Czech>Povolit vynícení munice v krabicích</Czech>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_enableBoxCookoff_tooltip">
<English>Enables cooking off of ammo boxes.\nThis doesn't include fire effects.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_ammoCookoffDuration_name">
<English>Ammo cook-off duration multiplier</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_ammoCookoffDuration_tooltip">
<English>Multiplier for how long ammunition cook-off lasts, for both vehicles and ammo boxes.\nSetting to 0 will disable ammo cook-off for both vehicles and ammo boxes.</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_removeAmmoDuringCookoff_name">
<English>Enable ammo removal during cook-off</English>
<French>Retirer les munitions durant l'auto-inflammation</French>
<German>Aktiviert/Deaktiviert Entfernung der Munition beim Durchzünden</German>
<Italian>Abilita rimozione munizioni dopo l'esplosione</Italian>
<Polish>Włącz/Wyłącz usuwanie amunicji podczas samozapłonu</Polish>
<Korean>쿡오프시 탄약 제거 활성화/비활성화</Korean>
<Russian>Удалять боеприпасы из-за детонации</Russian>
<Spanish>Habilita/Deshabilita ka eliminación de munición durante la detonación inducida por calor</Spanish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_CookOff_removeAmmoDuringCookoff_tooltip">
<English>Removes all ammo during cook-off.</English>
<French>Retire des munitions des véhicules durant une auto-inflammation.</French>
<German>Entfernt Munition während dem Durchzünden der Munition eines Fahrzeuges.</German>