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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Clean up all privates. Change glow proxies to not inherit from chemlight_base, to avoid ammo detection issues. Make handleDisconnect glow deletion dedi server compatible (was only listen server compatible). Clean up determineMapLight: faster when no chemlights nearby, a tad slower when chemlights nearby, however sources the colour settings directly from the chemlight's config.
98 lines
3.6 KiB
98 lines
3.6 KiB
* Author: Rocko and esteldunedain
* Calculates the current map illumination for a given unit
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* 0: Does the map needs shading? <BOOL>
* 1: Color of the overlay <ARRAY>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_unit"];
// Blend two colors
private _fnc_blendColor = {
params ["_c1", "_c2", "_alpha"];
[(_c1 select 0) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 0) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 1) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 1) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 2) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 2) * _alpha,
(_c1 select 3) * (1 - _alpha) + (_c2 select 3) * _alpha]
// Ambient light tint depending on time of day
private _lightTint = call {
if (sunOrMoon == 1.0) exitWith {[0.5,0.5,0.5,1]};
if (sunOrMoon > 0.80) exitWith {[[1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], [1,1,1,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.8) / 0.2] call _fnc_blendColor};
if (sunOrMoon > 0.50) exitWith {[[0,0,0.1,1], [1.0 - overcast,0.2,0,1], (sunOrMoon - 0.5) / 0.3] call _fnc_blendColor};
if (sunOrMoon <= 0.5) exitWith {[0,0,0.1,1]};
private _lightLevel = 0.04 + (0.96 * call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness));
// Do not obscure the map if the ambient light level is above 0.95
if (_lightLevel > 0.95) exitWith {
[false, [1,1,1,0]]
private _vehicle = vehicle _unit;
// Do not obscure the map if the player is on a enclosed vehicle (assume internal illumination)
if ((_vehicle != _unit) && {!isTurnedOut _unit && {_vehicle isKindOf "Tank" || {(_vehicle isKindOf "Helicopter" || _vehicle isKindOf "Plane") && {driver _vehicle == _unit || {gunner _vehicle == _unit}}} || {_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC"}}}) exitWith {
TRACE_1("Player in a enclosed vehicle","");
[false, [1,1,1,0]]
// Player is not in a vehicle
TRACE_1("Player is on foot or in an open vehicle","");
// Check if player is near a campfires, streetlamps, units with flashlights, vehicles with lights on, etc. - 40m
_lightLevel = _lightLevel max ([_unit, _x] call EFUNC(common,lightIntensityFromObject));
} forEach nearestObjects [_unit, ["All"], 40];
// @todo: Illumination flares (timed)
// Using chemlights
private _nearObjects = (_unit nearObjects ["Chemlight_base", 4]) select {alive _x};
if !(_nearObjects isEqualTo []) then {
private _nearestlight = _nearObjects select 0;
private _lightLevelTemp = (1 - ((((_unit distance _nearestlight) - 2) / 2) max 0)) * 0.4;
if (_lightLevelTemp > _lightLevel) then {
private _flareTint = getArray (configFile >> "CfgLights" >> (getText (configFile >> (getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> typeOf _nearestlight >> "EffectsSmoke")) >> "Light1" >> "type")) >> "color");
_lightTint = [_lightTint, _flareTint, (_lightLevelTemp - _lightLevel) / (1 - _lightLevel)] call _fnc_blendColor;
_lightLevel = _lightLevelTemp;
TRACE_1("player near chemlight","");
// Do not obscure the map if the ambient light level is above 0.95
if (_lightLevel > 0.95) exitWith {
[false, [1,1,1,0]]
// Calculate resulting map color from tint and light level
private _halfLight = _lightLevel / 0.5;
private _finalLevel = if (_lightLevel < 0.5) then {
[(_lightTint select 0) * _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 1) * _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 2) * _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)]
} else {
_halfLight = (_lightLevel - 0.5) / 0.5;
[(_lightTint select 0) * (1 - _halfLight) + _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 1) * (1 - _halfLight) + _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 2) * (1 - _halfLight) + _halfLight,
(_lightTint select 3) * (1 - _lightLevel)]
[true, _finalLevel]