SilentSpike 9e5c4a7ed9
Move medical settings into their respective components (#6493)
* Transfer medical AI to CBA setting
* Neuter the old settings module

I've left the entry in CfgVehicles so that it doesn't cause errors on
older missions, but it's just a dumb logic now and does nothing.

* Remove medic setting
* Move increaseTraining setting
* Move fnc_adjustPainlevel to medical_status
* Move pain and bleed coefficients to medical_status
* Move advanced bandages to medical_treatment
* Move advanced medication to medical_treatment
* Move advanced diagnose to medical_treatment
* Move wound reopening and screams settings
* Move damage threshold settings
* Move showPain setting
* Move statemachine settings
* Move pain visualisation setting
* Move all treatment usage settings
* Move self IV setting
* Move remaining settings
* Sort treatment setting string categories
2018-08-06 17:08:43 +01:00

67 lines
3.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Medical_Statemachine">
<Container name="Settings">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_fatalInjuryCondition_DisplayName">
<English>Fatal Injury Player</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_fatalInjuryCondition_Description">
<English>Defines when Player can receive a fatal injury</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_fatalInjuryConditionAI_DisplayName">
<English>Instant death AI</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_fatalInjuryConditionAI_Description">
<English>Defines if AI will be able to die instantly</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_unconsciousConditionAI_DisplayName">
<English>Forbid unconscious AI</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_unconsciousConditionAI_Description">
<English>Defines if AI will be denied to go unconscious and will die instead</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_fatalInjuryCondition_InCardiacArrest">
<English>In Cardiac Arrest</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestTime_DisplayName">
<English>Cardiac Arrest time (seconds)</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_cardiacArrestTime_Description">
<English>Defines how long it takes to die from cardiac arrest?</English>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_enableUnconsciousnessAI_DisplayName">
<English>AI Unconsciousness</English>
<Russian>Потеря сознания ботами</Russian>
<Polish>Nieprzytomność AI</Polish>
<Spanish>Inconsciencia IA</Spanish>
<Czech>Bezvědomí AI</Czech>
<Portuguese>Inconsciência da IA</Portuguese>
<French>Inconscience des IA</French>
<Hungarian>AI eszméletlenség</Hungarian>
<Italian>Incoscienza IA</Italian>
<Japanese>AI の気絶</Japanese>
<Korean>인공지능 기절</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Medical_statemachine_enableUnconsciousnessAI_Description">
<English>Allow AI to go unconscious</English>
<Russian>Позволить ботам терять сознание</Russian>
<Polish>Czy AI może być nieprzytomne od odniesionych obrażeń?</Polish>
<Spanish>Permita a la IA caer inconsciente</Spanish>
<German>KI kann bewusstlos werden</German>
<Czech>Umožňuje AI upadnout do bezvědomí</Czech>
<Portuguese>Permite IA ficar inconsciente</Portuguese>
<French>Autoriser les IA à tomber inconscients</French>
<Hungarian>Engedélyezi az AI eszméletének elvesztését</Hungarian>
<Italian>Permetti alle IA di diventare incoscienti</Italian>
<Japanese>AI が気絶をするように</Japanese>
<Korean>인공지능도 기절에 빠지게 합니다</Korean>