mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Filip Maciejewski 4d71607e81
Arsenal - Less magic numbers ()
* Add macro for virtualItems index 0 (weapons)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 1 (attachments)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 2 (all items)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 3 (headgear)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 4 (uniform)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 5 (vest)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 6 (backpack)

* Add macro for virtualItems index 7 (goggles)
2021-02-27 11:21:26 -06:00

352 lines
11 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "..\defines.hpp"
* Author: Alganthe
* onLoad EH for arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Ignored
* 1: Arguments <ARRAY>
* 1.1: Arsenal display <DISPLAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Public: No
params ["", "_args"];
_args params ["_display"];
//--------------- General vars
if (isNil QGVAR(center)) then {
GVAR(center) = player;
GVAR(mouseButtonState) = [[],[]];
if (isNil QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace)) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) = true call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
publicVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace);
if (isNil {GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) getVariable QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars)}) then {
GVAR(sharedLoadoutsNamespace) setVariable [QGVAR(sharedLoadoutsVars), [], true];
if (isNil QGVAR(defaultLoadoutsList)) then {
if (is3DEN) then {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = (QGVAR(DummyCategory) get3DENMissionAttribute QGVAR(DefaultLoadoutsListAttribute));
} else {
GVAR(defaultLoadoutsList) = [];
if (isNil QGVAR(virtualItems)) then {
GVAR(virtualItems) = [[[], [], []], [[], [], [], []], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(currentItems) = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", [], [], [], [], [], []];
GVAR(currentFace) = face GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentVoice) = speaker GVAR(center);
GVAR(currentInsignia) = GVAR(center) param [0, objNull, [objNull]] getVariable ["BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia_class", ""];
GVAR(currentAction) = "Stand";
GVAR(shiftState) = false;
GVAR(showStats) = true;
GVAR(statsPagesLeft) = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
GVAR(statsPagesRight) = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
GVAR(statsInfo) = [true, 0, controlNull, nil, nil];
// Add the items the player has to virtualItems
for "_index" from 0 to 10 do {
switch (_index) do {
// primary, secondary, handgun weapons
private _array = LIST_DEFAULTS select _index;
if ((_array select 0) isNotEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 0) pushBackUnique (_array select 0);
if ((_array select 1) isNotEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 1) pushBackUnique (_array select 1);
if ((_array select 2) isNotEqualTo "") then {
((GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select 2) pushBackUnique (_array select 2);
// Accs for the weapons above
private _array = LIST_DEFAULTS select _index;
_array params ["_accsArray", "_magsArray"];
private _subIndex = _forEachIndex;
if (_x != "") then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) select ([2, 1, 0, 3] select _forEachIndex) pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach _x;
} forEach _accsArray;
if (_x isNotEqualTo []) then {
if (_x select 0 != "") then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select IDX_VIRT_ITEMS_ALL) pushBackUnique (_x select 0);
if (count _x > 1 && {_x select 1 != ""}) then {
(GVAR(virtualItems) select IDX_VIRT_ITEMS_ALL) pushBackUnique (_x select 1);
} forEach _magsArray;
// Inventory items
call FUNC(updateUniqueItemsList);
// The rest
default {
private _array = (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select {_x isNotEqualTo ""};
if (_array isNotEqualTo []) then {
{(GVAR(virtualItems) select _index) pushBackUnique _x} forEach _array;
// Fill current items
for "_index" from 0 to 15 do {
switch (_index) do {
case 0;
case 1;
case 2:{
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, ((LIST_DEFAULTS select 0) select _index)];
case 3;
case 4;
case 5;
case 6;
case 7;
case 8;
case 9: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, (LIST_DEFAULTS select _index) select 0];
case 10: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 15) pushBack _x} forEach (uniformItems GVAR(center));
case 11: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 16) pushBack _x} forEach (vestItems GVAR(center));
case 12: {
{(GVAR(currentItems) select 17) pushBack _x} forEach (backpackItems GVAR(center));
case 13: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [18, (primaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (primaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 14: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [19, (secondaryWeaponItems GVAR(center)) + (secondaryWeaponMagazine GVAR(center))];
case 15: {
GVAR(currentItems) set [20, (handgunItems GVAR(center)) + (handgunMagazine GVAR(center))];
private _simulationType = getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "simulation");
if (_simulationType != "NVGoggles") then {
if (_simulationType == "ItemGps" || _simulationType == "Weapon") then {
GVAR(currentItems) set [14, _x];
} else {
private _index = 10 + (["itemmap", "itemcompass", "itemradio", "itemwatch"] find (tolower _simulationType));
GVAR(currentItems) set [_index, _x];
} forEach (assignedItems GVAR(center));
GVAR(currentWeaponType) = switch true do {
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 0): {0};
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 1): {1};
case (currentWeapon GVAR(center) == GVAR(currentItems) select 2): {2};
default {-1};
[QGVAR(displayOpened), [_display]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
//--------------- Fade out unused elements
private _mouseBlockCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseBlock;
_mouseBlockCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_x = _display displayCtrl _x;
_x ctrlSetFade 1;
_x ctrlShow false;
_x ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
// Handle stats
private _statsBoxCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_statsBox;
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlSetPosition [
(0.5 - WIDTH_TOTAL / 2) + WIDTH_GAP,
safezoneY + 1.8 * GRID_H,
47 * GRID_W,
11 * GRID_H
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_statsBoxCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
(_display displayCtrl IDC_statsButton) ctrlShow false;
// Disable import in MP
if (isMultiplayer) then {
private _importButtonCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonImport;
_importButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false;
_importButtonCtrl ctrlSetFade 0.6;
_importButtonCtrl ctrlCommit 0;
//--------------- Camera prep
cutText ["","plain"];
showCommandingMenu "";
GVAR(cameraView) = cameraView;
GVAR(center) switchCamera "internal";
[QUOTE(ADDON), [false, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true]] call EFUNC(common,showHud);
private _mouseAreaCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_mouseArea;
ctrlSetFocus _mouseAreaCtrl;
// 3DEN support, lifted from BIS_fnc_arsenal
if (is3DEN) then {
GVAR(centerOrigin) = GVAR(center);
GVAR(centerOrigin) hideObject true;
private _centerOriginParent = objectParent GVAR(centerOrigin);
if !(isNull _centerOriginParent) then {
_centerOriginParent hideObject true;
private _centerPos = position GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) = createAgent [typeOf GVAR(centerOrigin), position GVAR(centerOrigin), [], 0, "none"];
GVAR(center) setPosAtl getPosAtl GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) setDir (getDir GVAR(centerOrigin));
GVAR(center) switchMove animationState GVAR(centerOrigin);
GVAR(center) switchAction "playerstand";
GVAR(center) enableSimulation false;
GVAR(center) setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout GVAR(centerOrigin));
GVAR(center) setFace GVAR(currentFace);
GVAR(center) setSpeaker GVAR(currentVoice);
//--- Create light for night editing (code based on BIS_fnc_3DENFlashlight)
private _intensity = 1;
GVAR(light) = "#lightpoint" createVehicle _centerPos;
GVAR(light) setLightBrightness _intensity;
GVAR(light) setLightAmbient [1,1,1];
GVAR(light) setLightColor [0,0,0];
GVAR(light) lightAttachObject [GVAR(centerOrigin), [0, 0, -_intensity * 7]];
//--- Use the same vision mode as in Eden
GVAR(visionMode)= -2 call bis_fnc_3DENVisionMode;
["ShowInterface",false] spawn bis_fnc_3DENInterface;
if (get3denactionstate "togglemap" > 0) then {do3DENAction "togglemap";};
private _ctrl = _display displayctrl _x;
_ctrl ctrlEnable false;
_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0.6;
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
_buttonCloseCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_menuBarClose;
_buttonCloseCtrl ctrlSetText (localize "str_ui_debug_but_apply");
} else {
GVAR(centerNotPlayer) = (GVAR(center) != player);
if (currentVisionMode ACE_Player == 1) then {
GVAR(center) action ["NVGogglesOff", GVAR(center)];
private _ctrl = _display displayCtrl _x;
_ctrl ctrlEnable GVAR(enableIdentityTabs);
_ctrl ctrlSetFade ([0.6, 0] select GVAR(enableIdentityTabs));
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [
//--------------- Prepare the left panel
GVAR(currentLeftPanel) = nil;
GVAR(currentRightPanel) = nil;
GVAR(leftSearchbarFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightSearchbarFocus) = false;
GVAR(leftTabFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightTabFocus) = false;
GVAR(rightTabLnBFocus) = false;
private _panel = _display displayCtrl _x;
_panel ctrlSetFontHeight (GVAR(fontHeight) * GRID_H);
_panel ctrlCommit 0;
} forEach [IDC_leftTabContent, IDC_rightTabContent, IDC_rightTabContentListnBox];
[_display, _display displayCtrl IDC_buttonPrimaryWeapon] call FUNC(fillLeftPanel);
//--------------- Init camera
if (isNil QGVAR(cameraPosition)) then {
GVAR(cameraPosition) = [5,0,0,[0,0,0.85]];
GVAR(cameraHelper) = createAgent ["Logic", position GVAR(center) ,[] ,0 ,"none"];
GVAR(cameraHelper) attachTo [GVAR(center), GVAR(cameraPosition) select 3, ""];
GVAR(camera) = "camera" camCreate position GVAR(center);
GVAR(camera) cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
GVAR(camera) camPrepareFocus [-1,-1];
GVAR(camera) camPrepareFov 0.35;
GVAR(camera) camCommitPrepared 0;
showCinemaBorder false;
["#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)",false,nil,0,[0,0.5]] call bis_fnc_textTiles;
//--------------- Reset camera pos
[nil, [controlNull,0,0]] call FUNC(handleMouse);
GVAR(camPosUpdateHandle) = addMissionEventHandler ["draw3D",{ [] call FUNC(updateCamPos) }];