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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Cook-off improvements * More changes * Update fnc_getVehicleAmmo.sqf * Better engine fire placement * Update fnc_detonateAmmunition.sqf * Update XEH_postInit.sqf * Update fnc_getVehicleAmmo.sqf * Update events-framework.md * Various improvements * Separate effect handling * Tweaks * Update XEH_postInit.sqf * Prevent double ammo detonation * Fixed objects not being able to cook-off again * Added incendiary rounds as source of box cookoff * Converted enable setting to bool * Fixed brackets * Update fnc_cookOff.sqf * Update CfgEden.hpp * Removed GVAR(enable), added GVAR(enableFire) back * Update initSettings.inc.sqf * Update events-framework.md * Update addons/cookoff/functions/fnc_cookOffEffect.sqf * Restructured, redid API events * Fix effect for JIP, minor optimisations * Removed `cbaSettings_settingChanged` * Renamed variables, tweaked string table entries * Update fire damage #9991 * Capitalize comments again * Fix cookoff for very short durations and fix effect removal being too quick
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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: johnb43
* Starts detonating ammunition from an object (e.g. vehicle or crate).
* Arguments:
* 0: Object <OBJECT>
* 1: Destroy when finished <BOOL> (default: false)
* 2: Source <OBJECT> (default: objNull)
* 3: Instigator <OBJECT> (default: objNull)
* 4: Initial delay <NUMBER> (default: 0)
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [cursorObject] call ace_cookoff_fnc_detonateAmmunitionServer
* Public: No
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
params ["_object", ["_destroyWhenFinished", false], ["_source", objNull], ["_instigator", objNull], ["_initialDelay", 0]];
if (isNull _object) exitWith {};
// Check if the object can cook its ammo off
if (
underwater _object ||
{private _posASL = getPosWorld _object; surfaceIsWater _posASL && {(_posASL select 2) < 0}} || // Underwater is not very reliable, so use model center instead
{GVAR(ammoCookoffDuration) == 0} ||
{!([GVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), GVAR(enableAmmobox)] select (_object isKindOf "ReammoBox_F"))} ||
{!(_object getVariable [QGVAR(enableAmmoCookoff), true])}
) exitWith {};
// Don't have an object detonate its ammo twice
if (_object getVariable [QGVAR(isAmmoDetonating), false]) exitWith {};
_object setVariable [QGVAR(isAmmoDetonating), true, true];
_object setVariable [QGVAR(cookoffMagazines), _object call FUNC(getVehicleAmmo)];
// TODO: When setMagazineTurretAmmo and magazineTurretAmmo are fixed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T79689),
// we can add gradual ammo removal during cook-off
if (GVAR(removeAmmoDuringCookoff)) then {
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;
[QEGVAR(common,removeMagazinesTurret), [_object, _x select 0, _x select 1], _object, _x select 1] call CBA_fnc_turretEvent;
} forEach (magazinesAllTurrets _object);
[LINKFUNC(detonateAmmunitionServerLoop), [_object, _destroyWhenFinished, _source, _instigator], _initialDelay] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;