esteldunedain d090b3328c - Close interact_menu when the player falls unconscious
- Prevent all types of interactions while unconscious
2015-04-04 12:25:49 -03:00

38 lines
925 B

* Author: commy2, PabstMirror
* Handles the "medical_onUnconscious" event
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 0: Is Unconsisisiouses <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [bob, true] call ACE_captives_fnc_handleOnUnconscious
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
diag_log "handleOnUnconscious";
diag_log _this;
diag_log _unit;
if (!local _unit) exitWith {};
if (_isUnconc) then {
//Knocked out: If surrendering, stop
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isSurrendering), false]) then {
[_unit, false] call FUNC(setSurrendered);
} else {
//Woke up: if handcuffed, goto animation
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isHandcuffed), false] && {vehicle _unit == _unit}) then {
[_unit] call EFUNC(common,fixLoweredRifleAnimation);
[_unit, "ACE_AmovPercMstpScapWnonDnon", 1] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation);