2015-11-30 17:00:32 +01:00

138 lines
6.0 KiB

* Author: PabstMirror
* Scans the buidling type for UserActions and Ladder mount points.
* Arguments:
* 0: Building Classname <STRING>
* Return Value:
* [[Array of MemPoints], [Array Of Actions]]
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_typeOfBuilding"];
private["_action", "_actionDisplayName", "_actionDisplayNameDefault", "_actionMaxDistance", "_actionOffset", "_actionPath", "_actionPosition", "_building", "_configPath", "_endIndex", "_iconImage", "_index", "_ladders", "_memPointIndex", "_memPoints", "_memPointsActions", "_startIndex"];
_searchIndex = GVAR(cachedBuildingTypes) find _typeOfBuilding;
if (_searchIndex != -1) exitWith {GVAR(cachedBuildingActionPairs) select _searchIndex};
_memPoints = [];
_memPointsActions = [];
//Get the offset for a memory point:
_fnc_getMemPointOffset = {
params ["_memoryPoint"];
_memPointIndex = _memPoints find _memoryPoint;
_actionOffset = [0,0,0];
if (_memPointIndex == -1) then {
_memPoints pushBack _memoryPoint;
_memPointsActions pushBack [];
} else {
_actionOffset set [2, 0.0254 * (count (_memPointsActions select _memPointIndex))];
// Add UserActions for the building:
_fnc_userAction_Statement = {
params ["_target", "_player", "_variable"];
_variable params ["_actionStatement", "_actionCondition"];
this = _target getVariable [QGVAR(building), objNull];
call _actionStatement;
_fnc_userAction_Condition = {
params ["_target", "_player", "_variable"];
_variable params ["_actionStatement", "_actionCondition"];
this = _target getVariable [QGVAR(building), objNull];
if (isNull this) exitWith {false};
call _actionCondition;
_configPath = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _typeOfBuilding >> "UserActions";
for "_index" from 0 to ((count _configPath) - 1) do {
_actionPath = _configPath select _index;
_actionDisplayName = getText (_actionPath >> "displayName");
_actionDisplayNameDefault = getText (_actionPath >> "displayNameDefault");
_actionPosition = getText (_actionPath >> "position");
_actionCondition = getText (_actionPath >> "condition");
_actionStatement = getText (_actionPath >> "statement");
_actionMaxDistance = getNumber (_actionPath >> "radius");
if (_actionDisplayName == "") then {_actionDisplayName = (configName _x);};
if (_actionPosition == "") then {ERROR("Bad Position");};
if (_actionCondition == "") then {_actionCondition = "true";};
if (_actionStatement == "") then {ERROR("No Statement");};
_actionStatement = compile _actionStatement;
_actionCondition = compile _actionCondition;
_actionMaxDistance = _actionMaxDistance + 0.1; //increase range slightly
_iconImage = "";
//extension ~4x as fast:
_iconImage = "ace_parse_imagepath" callExtension _actionDisplayNameDefault;
_actionOffset = [_actionPosition] call _fnc_getMemPointOffset;
_memPointIndex = _memPoints find _actionPosition;
_action = [(configName _actionPath), _actionDisplayName, _iconImage, _fnc_userAction_Statement, _fnc_userAction_Condition, {}, [_actionStatement, _actionCondition], _actionOffset, _actionMaxDistance, [false,false,false,false,true]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
(_memPointsActions select _memPointIndex) pushBack _action;
// Add Ladder Actions for the building:
_fnc_ladder_ladderUp = {
params ["_target", "_player", "_variable"];
_variable params ["_ladderIndex"];
_building = _target getVariable [QGVAR(building), objNull];
TRACE_3("Ladder Action - UP",_player,_building,_ladderIndex);
_player action ["LadderUp", _building, _ladderIndex, 0];
_fnc_ladder_ladderDown = {
params ["_target", "_player", "_variable"];
_variable params ["_ladderIndex"];
_building = _target getVariable [QGVAR(building), objNull];
TRACE_3("Ladder Action - Down",_player,_building,_ladderIndex);
_player action ["LadderDown", _building, _ladderIndex, 1];
_fnc_ladder_conditional = {
params ["_target", "_player"];
//(Check distance < 2) and (Don't show actions if on a ladder)
((_target distance _player) < 2) && {((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState _player) >> "onLadder")) == 0)}
_ladders = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _typeOfBuilding >> "ladders");
_x params ["_ladderBottomMemPoint", "_ladderTopMemPoint"];
_actionMaxDistance = 3; //interact_menu will check head -> target's offset; leave this high and do a precice distance check in condition
_actionDisplayName = localize "str_action_ladderup";
_iconImage = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\ladderup_ca.paa";
//Ladder Up Action:
_actionOffset = [_ladderBottomMemPoint] call _fnc_getMemPointOffset;
_actionOffset = _actionOffset vectorAdd [0,0,1];
_memPointIndex = _memPoints find _ladderBottomMemPoint;
_action = [format ["LadderUp_%1", _forEachIndex], _actionDisplayName, _iconImage, _fnc_ladder_ladderUp, _fnc_ladder_conditional, {}, [_forEachIndex], _actionOffset, _actionMaxDistance, [false,false,false,false,true]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
(_memPointsActions select _memPointIndex) pushBack _action;
_actionDisplayName = localize "str_action_ladderdown";
_iconImage = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\actions\ladderdown_ca.paa";
//Ladder Down Action:
_actionOffset = [_ladderTopMemPoint] call _fnc_getMemPointOffset;
_actionOffset = _actionOffset vectorAdd [0,0,0.25];
_memPointIndex = _memPoints find _ladderTopMemPoint;
_action = [format ["LadderDown_%1", _forEachIndex], _actionDisplayName, _iconImage, _fnc_ladder_ladderDown, _fnc_ladder_conditional, {}, [_forEachIndex], _actionOffset, _actionMaxDistance, [false,false,false,false,true]] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
(_memPointsActions select _memPointIndex) pushBack _action;
} forEach _ladders;
GVAR(cachedBuildingTypes) pushBack _typeOfBuilding;
GVAR(cachedBuildingActionPairs) pushBack [_memPoints, _memPointsActions];
[_memPoints, _memPointsActions]