PabstMirror 8c700cfd17 Cleanup map gesture sync / color mapping (#4486)
* Cleanup map gesture sync / color mapping

- Adds ace_common_fnc_setPlayerOwner which syncs player's owner var
- Redo publicVarClient with CBA's ownerEvent
- Remove old ace_settings
- Make color module run globaly
- Ad public ace_map_gestures_fnc_addGroupColorMapping

* fix return
2016-10-27 19:55:08 +02:00

35 lines
1.1 KiB

* Author: Dslyecxi, MikeMatrix
* Initializes Settings for the groups modules and transcodes settings to a useable format.
* Arguments:
* 0: Logic <LOGIC>
* 1: Units <ARRAY>
* 2: Activated <BOOL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [module, [player], true] call ace_map_gestures_fnc_moduleGroupSettings
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_logic", "_units", "_activated"];
if (!_activated) exitWith {};
// Transcode string setting into usable array. Example: "1,1,1,1" -> [1, 1, 1, 1]
private _leadColor = call compile ("[" + (_logic getVariable ["leadColor", ""]) + "]");
if (!([_leadColor] call FUNC(isValidColorArray))) exitWith {ERROR("leadColor is not a valid color array.")};
private _color = call compile ("[" + (_logic getVariable ["color", ""]) + "]");
if (!([_color] call FUNC(isValidColorArray))) exitWith {ERROR("color is not a valid color array.")};
// Add all synchronized groups and reference custom configuration for them
[group _x, _leadColor, _color] call FUNC(addGroupColorMapping);
} forEach _units;