
74 lines
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* Author: CAA-Picard
* Handle key down on map.
* Argument:
* 0: Display (display)
* 1: Key code (number)
* 2: Shift Key (boolean)
* 3: Ctrl Key (boolean)
* 4: Alt Key (boolean)
* Return value:
* Boolean, true if event was handled
private ["_dir", "_params", "_control", "_button", "_screenPos", "_shiftKey", "_ctrlKey", "_handled", "_pos"];
_display = _this select 0;
_code = _this select 1;
_shiftKey = _this select 2;
_ctrlKey = _this select 3;
_altKey = _this select 4;
_handled = false;
#define DIK_ESCAPE 0x01
#define DIK_DELETE 0xD3
// If pressed Esc while drawing
if (_code == DIK_ESCAPE) exitWith {
if (AGM_Map_drawing) then {
call AGM_Map_fnc_cancelDrawing;
_handled = true;
if (_code == DIK_DELETE) exitWith {
if (AGM_Map_drawing) then {
call AGM_Map_fnc_cancelDrawing;
_handled = true;
} else {
// Check if a line marker needs to be deleted
_relPos = AGM_Map_mousePos vectorDiff (_x select 1);
_diffVector = (_x select 2) vectorDiff (_x select 1);
_magDiffVector = vectorMagnitude _diffVector;
if (_magDiffVector == 0) then {
_diffVector = [10,0,0];
_magDiffVector = vectorMagnitude _diffVector;
_diffVector = _diffVector vectorMultiply (1/_magDiffVector);
// Projection of the relative position over the longitudinal axis
_lambdaLong = _diffVector vectorDotProduct _relPos;
// Projection of the relative position over the trasversal axis
_lambdaTrasAbs = vectorMagnitude (_relPos vectorDiff (_diffVector vectorMultiply _lambdaLong));
if (_lambdaLong >= 0 && _lambdaLong <= _magDiffVector && _lambdaTrasAbs <= 5) exitWith {
// Delete the line marker
if (AGM_Map_syncMarkers) then {
[[_x select 0], "AGM_Map_fnc_removeLineMarker", 2] call AGM_Core_fnc_execRemoteFnc;
} else {
deleteMarkerLocal (_x select 0);
AGM_Map_lineMarkers = AGM_Map_lineMarkers - [_x];
_handled = true;
} forEach AGM_Map_lineMarkers;