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2015-04-30 01:17:26 -05:00

122 lines
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* Author: Glowbal
* Parse the ACE_Medical_Advanced config for all injury types.
* Arguments:
* ReturnValue:
* <NIL>
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_injuriesRootConfig", "_woundsConfig", "_allWoundClasses", "_amountOf", "_entry","_classType", "_selections", "_bloodLoss", "_pain","_minDamage","_causes", "_damageTypesConfig", "_thresholds", "_typeThresholds", "_selectionSpecific", "_selectionSpecificType", "_classDisplayName", "_subClassDisplayName", "_maxDamage", "_subClassmaxDamage", "_defaultMinLethalDamage", "_minLethalDamage", "_allFoundDamageTypes", "_classID", "_configDamageTypes", "_i", "_parseForSubClassWounds", "_subClass", "_subClassConfig", "_subClassbloodLoss", "_subClasscauses", "_subClassminDamage", "_subClasspain", "_subClassselections", "_subClasstype", "_type", "_varName", "_woundTypes"];
_injuriesRootConfig = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Advanced" >> "Injuries");
_allFoundDamageTypes = [];
_configDamageTypes = (_injuriesRootConfig >> "damageTypes");
// minimum lethal damage collection, mapped to damageTypes
_defaultMinLethalDamage = getNumber (_configDamageTypes >> "lethalDamage");
GVAR(minLethalDamages) = [];
// Collect all available damage types from the config
for "_i" from 0 to (count _configDamageTypes -1) /* step +1 */ do {
// Only get the subclasses in damageType class
if (isClass(_configDamageTypes select _i)) then {
_allFoundDamageTypes pushback (configName (_configDamageTypes select _i));
_minLethalDamage = if (isNumber((_configDamageTypes select _i) >> "lethalDamage")) then {
getNumber((_configDamageTypes select _i) >> "lethalDamage");
} else {
GVAR(minLethalDamages) pushback _minLethalDamage;
GVAR(allAvailableDamageTypes) = _allFoundDamageTypes;
GVAR(woundClassNames) = [];
GVAR(fractureClassNames) = [];
// Parsing the wounds
// function for parsing a sublcass of an injury
_parseForSubClassWounds = {
_subClass = _this select 0;
if (isClass (_entry >> _subClass)) exitwith {
_subClassConfig = (_entry >> _subClass);
_subClasstype = _classType + (configName _subClassConfig);
_subClassselections = if (isArray(_subClassConfig >> "selections")) then { getArray(_subClassConfig >> "selections");} else { _selections };
_subClassbloodLoss = if (isNumber(_subClassConfig >> "bleedingRate")) then { getNumber(_subClassConfig >> "bleedingRate");} else { _bloodLoss };
_subClasspain = if (isNumber(_subClassConfig >> "pain")) then { getNumber(_subClassConfig >> "pain");} else { _pain };
_subClassminDamage = if (isNumber(_subClassConfig >> "minDamage")) then { getNumber(_subClassConfig >> "minDamage");} else { _minDamage };
_subClassmaxDamage = if (isNumber(_subClassConfig >> "maxDamage")) then { getNumber(_subClassConfig >> "maxDamage");} else { _maxDamage };
_subClasscauses = if (isArray(_subClassConfig >> "causes")) then { getArray(_subClassConfig >> "causes");} else { _causes };
_subClassDisplayName = if (isText(_subClassConfig >> "name")) then { getText(_subClassConfig >> "name");} else {_classDisplayName + " " + _subClass};
if (count _selections > 0 && {count _causes > 0}) then {
GVAR(woundClassNames) pushback _subClasstype;
_allWoundClasses pushback [_classID, _subClassselections, _subClassbloodLoss, _subClasspain, [_subClassminDamage, _subClassmaxDamage], _subClasscauses, _subClassDisplayName];
_classID = _classID + 1;
// TODO classTypes are strings currently. Convert them to unqiue IDs instead.
_woundsConfig = (_injuriesRootConfig >> "wounds");
_allWoundClasses = [];
_classID = 0;
if (isClass _woundsConfig) then {
_amountOf = count _woundsConfig;
for "_i" from 0 to (_amountOf -1) /* step +1 */ do {
_entry = _woundsConfig select _i;
if (isClass _entry) then {
_classType = (ConfigName _entry);
_selections = if (isArray(_entry >> "selections")) then { getArray(_entry >> "selections");} else {[]};
_bloodLoss = if (isNumber(_entry >> "bleedingRate")) then { getNumber(_entry >> "bleedingRate");} else {0};
_pain = if (isNumber(_entry >> "pain")) then { getNumber(_entry >> "pain");} else {0};
_minDamage = if (isNumber(_entry >> "minDamage")) then { getNumber(_entry >> "minDamage");} else {0};
_maxDamage = if (isNumber(_entry >> "maxDamage")) then { getNumber(_entry >> "maxDamage");} else {-1};
_causes = if (isArray(_entry >> "causes")) then { getArray(_entry >> "causes");} else {[]};
_classDisplayName = if (isText(_entry >> "name")) then { getText(_entry >> "name");} else {_classType};
// TODO instead of hardcoding minor, medium and large just go through all sub classes recursively until none are found
if (["Minor"] call _parseForSubClassWounds || ["Medium"] call _parseForSubClassWounds || ["Large"] call _parseForSubClassWounds) exitwith {}; // continue to the next one
// There were no subclasses, so we will add this one instead.
if (count _selections > 0 && count _causes > 0) then {
GVAR(woundClassNames) pushback _classType;
_allWoundClasses pushback [_classID, _selections, _bloodLoss, _pain, [_minDamage, _maxDamage], _causes, _classDisplayName];
_classID = _classID + 1;
GVAR(AllWoundInjuryTypes) = _allWoundClasses;
// Linking injuries to the woundInjuryType variables.
_damageTypesConfig = (configFile >> "ACE_Medical_Advanced" >> "Injuries" >> "damageTypes");
_thresholds = getArray(_damageTypesConfig >> "thresholds");
_selectionSpecific = getNumber(_damageTypesConfig >> "selectionSpecific");
_varName = format[QGVAR(woundInjuryType_%1),_x];
_woundTypes = [];
_type = _x;
// Check if this type is in the causes of a wound class, if so, we will store the wound types for this damage type
if (_type in (_x select 5)) then {
_woundTypes pushback _x;
}foreach _allWoundClasses;
_typeThresholds = _thresholds;
_selectionSpecificType = _selectionSpecific;
if (isClass(_damageTypesConfig >> _x)) then {
if (isArray(_damageTypesConfig >> _x >> "thresholds")) then { _typeThresholds = getArray(_damageTypesConfig >> _x >> "thresholds");};
if (isNumber(_damageTypesConfig >> _x >> "selectionSpecific")) then { _selectionSpecificType = getNumber(_damageTypesConfig >> _x >> "selectionSpecific");};
missionNamespace setvariable [_varName, [_typeThresholds, _selectionSpecificType > 0, _woundTypes]];
}foreach _allFoundDamageTypes;