mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
2015-03-01 18:02:56 +01:00

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#include "script_component.hpp"
"ACE_WIND_PARAMS" addPublicVariableEventHandler { GVAR(wind_period_start_time) = time; };
"ACE_RAIN_PARAMS" addPublicVariableEventHandler { GVAR(rain_period_start_time) = time; };
"ACE_MISC_PARAMS" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
if !(isServer) then {
30 setLightnings (ACE_MISC_PARAMS select 0);
30 setRainbow (ACE_MISC_PARAMS select 1);
30 setFog (ACE_MISC_PARAMS select 2);
ACE_wind = wind;
if (true) exitwith {};
// Update Wind
_fnc_updateWind = {
ACE_wind = [] call FUNC(getWind);
setWind [ACE_wind select 0, ACE_wind select 1, true];
2 setGusts 0;
// Set waves: 0 when no wind, 1 when wind >= 16 m/s
1 setWaves (((vectorMagnitude ACE_wind) / 16.0) min 1.0);
//systemChat format ["w:%1 %2,ACE_w:%1 %2, w", [wind select 0, wind select 1, ACE_wind select 0, ACE_wind select 1]];
[_fnc_updateWind, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Update Rain
_fnc_updateRain = {
if(GVAR(enableRain)) then {
if(!isNil "ACE_RAIN_PARAMS" && {!isNil QGVAR(rain_period_start_time)}) then {
_oldStrength = ACE_RAIN_PARAMS select 0;
_rainStrength = ACE_RAIN_PARAMS select 1;
_transitionTime = ACE_RAIN_PARAMS select 2;
_periodPosition = (time - GVAR(rain_period_start_time)) min _transitionTime;
_periodPercent = (_periodPosition/_transitionTime) min 1;
0 setRain ((_periodPercent*(_rainStrength-_oldStrength))+_oldStrength);
[_fnc_updateRain, 2, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Update Temperature
_fnc_updateTemperature = {
_time = daytime;
_month = date select 1;
// Temperature
_hourlyCoef = -0.5 * sin(360 * ((3 + (date select 3))/24 + (date select 4)/1440));
GVAR(currentTemperature) = (GVAR(TempDay) select (_month - 1)) * (1 - _hourlyCoef) + (GVAR(TempNight) select (_month - 1)) * _hourlyCoef;
GVAR(currentTemperature) = GVAR(currentTemperature) + GVAR(currentTemperature) - 2 * humidity - 4 * overcast;
GVAR(currentTemperature) = round(GVAR(currentTemperature) * 10) / 10;
// Humidity
GVAR(currentHumidity) = (GVAR(Humidity) select _month) / 100;
if (rain > 0 && overcast > 0.7) then {
GVAR(currentHumidity) = 1;
} else {
_avgTemperature = ((GVAR(TempDay) select (_month - 1)) + (GVAR(TempNight) select (_month - 1))) / 2;
_pS1 = 6.112 * exp((17.62 * _avgTemperature) / (243.12 + _avgTemperature));
_PS2 = 6.112 * exp((17.62 * GVAR(currentTemperature)) / (243.12 + GVAR(currentTemperature)));
GVAR(currentHumidity) = GVAR(currentHumidity) * _PS1 / _PS2;
GVAR(currentHumidity) = 0 max GVAR(currentHumidity) min 1;
// @todo: take altitude and humidity into account
GVAR(currentRelativeDensity) = (273.15 + 20) / (273.15 + GVAR(currentTemperature));
[_fnc_updateTemperature, 20, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;