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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Add all missing german translations for the ace medical system * RHS Compat - Add 2 round hellfire to pylon options (#6893) * RHS Compat - Add 2 rnd hellfire pylon Close #5957 * change magwell name * gvar->addon * Fastroping - Add user setting to confirm cutting ropes (#6876) * Fastroping - Add user setting to confirm cutting ropes * always confirm * fix * Update stringtable.xml * compatibility with CBA scripted 2d optics framework * compatibility with CBA scripted 2d optics framework * Bewusstlosstatus -> Bewusstlosigkeit * Verblutungseffekt -> Blutungs effekt * Aktivitere ACE Sanitäter Aktionen -> Aktiviere Sanitäter Aktionen * Sanitätermenüs -> Sanitätsmenü * kritsche -> kritische * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_treatment/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_treatment/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Add missing german translations for advanced fatigue, ai, arsenal & ballistics * Update addons/ai/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Add missing german translations for ace cargo * Add missing german translation for vehicles * Add missing german translation for weaponselect * Add missing german translations für ace repair * Add missing german translations for ace quickmount * Add missing german translations for ace explosives * Add missing german translations for ace common * Ace flashlight missing german translation * Add missing german translations for ace scopes * add missing translations for ace respawn * Add missing german translations for ace overpressure * ACE Nametags german translation * . * ace magazinerepack german translation * ace interaktion german translations * add missing german translation for ace interaction menu * ACE Hearing german translations * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Missing german translation in ace dogtags * Missing german translations ace hot * ace pylons missing german translations * ACE Cook off German Translations * zeus german translations * Fast roping german translations * gforces german translations * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Map - Don't enable map light for parachutes (#6961) * Refuel - Drop nozzle at unit's feet if no valid pos found (#6957) * Refuel - Drop nozzle at unit's feet if no valid pos found Fix #6944 * Update fnc_dropNozzle.sqf * Update addons/refuel/functions/fnc_dropNozzle.sqf Co-Authored-By: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com> * Common - Don't add UAV AI to localUnits array (#6951) * Common - Don't add UAV AI to localUnits array * Update addons/common/functions/fnc_setupLocalUnitsHandler.sqf Co-Authored-By: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com> * Fastroping - Remove FRIES on vehicle deletion / adjust Ghosthawk Fries (#6932) * fastroping_fnc_deequipFRIES, remove FRIES on vehicle deletion * Prevent FRIES from clipping into Ghost Hawk right door * UNequipFRIES * Remove fastroping checkVehicleThread * Document FRIES equip and unequip functions * Update stringtable.xml * Nightvision german translations * Update stringtable.xml * remove non-stringtable stuff ???
102 lines
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102 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Vehicles">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_On">
<English>Speed Limiter on</English>
<German>Begrenzer an</German>
<Spanish>Limitador de velocidad activado</Spanish>
<Polish>Ogranicznik prędkości włączony</Polish>
<Czech>Omezovač rychlosti zapnut</Czech>
<French>Limiteur de vitesse Activé</French>
<Russian>Ограничение скорости включено</Russian>
<Hungarian>Sebességkorlátozó bekapcsolva</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Limitador de Velocidade Ativo</Portuguese>
<Italian>Limitatore Attivo</Italian>
<Korean>속도 제한기 켜짐</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_Off">
<English>Speed Limiter off</English>
<German>Begrenzer aus</German>
<Spanish>Limitador de velocidad desactivado</Spanish>
<Polish>Ogranicznik prędkości wyłączony</Polish>
<Czech>Omezovač rychlosti vypnut</Czech>
<French>Limiteur de vitesse Désactivé</French>
<Russian>Ограничение скорости выключено</Russian>
<Hungarian>Sebességkorlátozó kikapcsolva</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Limitador de Velocidade Desativado</Portuguese>
<Italian>Limitatore Non Attivo</Italian>
<Korean>속도 제한기 꺼짐</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_SpeedLimit">
<English>Speed Limit</English>
<Italian>Limite di velocità</Italian>
<Polish>Ograniczenie prędkości</Polish>
<Russian>Ограничение скорости</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_SpeedLimiter">
<English>Speed Limiter</English>
<Spanish>Limitador de velocidad</Spanish>
<Polish>Ogranicznik prędkości</Polish>
<Czech>Omezovač rychlosti</Czech>
<French>Limiteur de vitesse</French>
<Russian>Ограничитель скорости</Russian>
<Portuguese>Limitador de Velocidade</Portuguese>
<Italian>Limitatore di Velocità</Italian>
<Korean>속도 제한기</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_IncreaseSpeedLimit">
<English>Increase Speed Limit</English>
<German>Maximale Geschwindigkeit erhöhen</German>
<Italian>Aumenta limite di velocità</Italian>
<Polish>Zwiększ ograniczenie prędkości</Polish>
<Russian>Увеличить ограничение скорости</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_DecreaseSpeedLimit">
<English>Decrease Speed Limit</English>
<German>Maximale Geschwindigkeit verringern</German>
<Italian>Diminuisce limite di velocità</Italian>
<Polish>Zmniejsz ograniczenie prędkości</Polish>
<Russian>Уменьшить ограничение скорости</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_SettingKeepEngineRunningName">
<English>Disable automatic engine shut-off</English>
<German>Motor nach Verlassen laufen lassen</German>
<Russian>Убрать автовыключение двигателя</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_SettingKeepEngineRunningDesc">
<English>Prevent the automatic shut-off of the engine when exiting vehicles.</English>
<German>Verhindere das automatische Abschalten des Motors beim Verlassen des Fahrzeugs.</German>
<Russian>Запрещает автоматическое выключение двигателя при выходе из транспорта</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_HideEjectAction">
<English>Hide Eject Action</English>
<German>Abspringen-Aktion verstecken</German>
<Polish>Ukryj akcję Wyskocz</Polish>
<Russian>Убрать действие 'Выпрыгнуть'</Russian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Vehicles_HideEjectActionTooltip">
<English>Hides the Eject entry from the action menu. Requires a game restart.</English>
<German>Versteckt den Abspringen-Eintrag aus dem Aktionsmenü. Benötigt Neustart des Spiels.</German>
<Polish>Usuwa akcję Wyskocz z menu akcji. Wymaga restartu gry.</Polish>
<Russian>Убирает действие 'Выпрыгнуть' из меню. (Требует перезагрузки)</Russian>