mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
2015-01-13 20:56:02 +01:00

92 lines
3.9 KiB

* Author: commy2
* Disables key input. ESC can still be pressed to open the menu.
* Argument:
* 0: True to disable key inputs, false to re-enable them (Bool)
* Return value:
* Nothing
#include "script_component.hpp"
private ["_state", "_dlg"];
_state = _this select 0;
if (_state) then {
if (!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull])) exitWith {};
if ("ACE_DisableUserInput" in ([BIS_stackedEventHandlers_onEachFrame, {_this select 0}] call FUNC(map))) exitWith {};
// end TFAR and ACRE2 radio transmissions
0 spawn FUNC(endRadioTransmission);
// Close map
if (visibleMap && {!(player getVariable ["ACE_canSwitchUnits", false])}) then {openMap false};
closeDialog 0;
createDialog QGVAR(DisableMouse_Dialog);
_dlg = uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse);
_dlg displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
_key = _this select 1;
if (_key == 1 && {alive player}) then {
createDialog (["RscDisplayInterrupt", "RscDisplayMPInterrupt"] select isMultiplayer);
_dlg = finddisplay 49;
_dlg displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
_key = _this select 1;
!(_key == 1)
for "_index" from 100 to 2000 do {
(_dlg displayCtrl _index) ctrlEnable false;
_ctrl = _dlg displayctrl 103;
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["buttonClick", "while {!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable ['GVAR(dlgDisableMouse)', displayNull])} do {closeDialog 0}; failMission 'LOSER'; [false] call FUNC(disableUserInput);"];
_ctrl ctrlEnable true;
_ctrl ctrlSetText "ABORT";
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip "Abort.";
_ctrl = _dlg displayctrl ([104, 1010] select isMultiplayer);
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["buttonClick", "closeDialog 0; player setDamage 1; [false] call FUNC(disableUserInput);"];
_ctrl ctrlEnable (call {_config = missionConfigFile >> "respawnButton"; !isNumber _config || {getNumber _config == 1}});
_ctrl ctrlSetText "RESPAWN";
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip "Respawn.";
if (_key in actionKeys "TeamSwitch" && {teamSwitchEnabled}) then {(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0; teamSwitch};//_acc = accTime; teamSwitch; setAccTime _acc};
if (_key in actionKeys "CuratorInterface" && {getAssignedCuratorLogic player in allCurators}) then {(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0; openCuratorInterface};
if (_key in actionKeys "ShowMap" && {player getVariable ["ACE_canSwitchUnits", false]}) then {(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0; openMap true};
if (serverCommandAvailable "#missions" || {player getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false] && {(call FUNC(player)) getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,AllowChatWhileUnconscious), missionNamespace getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,AllowChatWhileUnconscious), false]]}}) then {
if (!(_key in (actionKeys "DefaultAction" + actionKeys "Throw")) && {_key in (actionKeys "Chat" + actionKeys "PrevChannel" + actionKeys "NextChannel")}) then {
_key = 0;
_key > 0
_dlg displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", {true}];
["ACE_DisableUserInput", "onEachFrame", {
if (isNull (uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull]) && {!visibleMap && isNull findDisplay 49 && isNull findDisplay 312 && isNull findDisplay 632}) then {
["ACE_DisableUserInput", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
[true] call FUNC(disableUserInput);
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;
} else {
if ("ACE_DisableUserInput" in ([BIS_stackedEventHandlers_onEachFrame, {_this select 0}] call FUNC(map))) then {
["ACE_DisableUserInput", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
(uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(dlgDisableMouse), displayNull]) closeDisplay 0;