mirror of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3.git synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
2016-02-18 13:58:18 -03:00

42 lines
1.5 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
if (!hasInterface) exitWith {};
GVAR(cacheAmmoLoudness) = call CBA_fnc_createNamespace;
GVAR(deafnessDV) = 0;
GVAR(deafnessPrior) = 0;
GVAR(volume) = 1;
GVAR(playerVehAttenuation) = 1;
GVAR(time3) = 0;
GVAR(damageCoefficent) = 1;
GVAR(volumeAttenuation) = 1;
["SettingsInitialized", {
// Only run PFEH and install event handlers if combat deafness is enabled
if (!GVAR(EnableCombatDeafness)) exitWith {};
// Update hearing protection now:
[] call FUNC(updateHearingProtection);
// Spawn volume updating process
[FUNC(updateVolume), 1, [false]] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
// Update veh attunation when player veh changes
["playerVehicleChanged", {_this call FUNC(updatePlayerVehAttenuation);}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
["playerTurretChanged", {_this call FUNC(updatePlayerVehAttenuation);}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);
// Reset deafness on respawn (or remote control player switch)
["playerChanged", {
GVAR(deafnessDV) = 0;
GVAR(deafnessPrior) = 0;
ACE_player setVariable [QGVAR(deaf), false];
GVAR(time3) = 0;
[] call FUNC(updateHearingProtection);
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
// Update protection on possible helmet change
["playerInventoryChanged", {[] call FUNC(updateHearingProtection);}] call EFUNC(common,addEventhandler);
}] call EFUNC(common,addEventHandler);