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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Fix incorrect function input for spectator hiding * Remove locations tab from spectator - Doesn't add much value, adds complexity and the implementation is half baked. Would rather add back in at a later date (if at all) with a better implementation. - I have an idea to replace the locations tab with a meta tab so users can toggle things like projectile drawing via the UI and are not forced to use a hotkey. Might also be a good place to display the extended controls.
144 lines
4.5 KiB
144 lines
4.5 KiB
* Author: Nelson Duarte, AACO, SilentSpike
* Function used to draw the 3D icons and track the cursor object
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call ace_spectator_fnc_ui_draw3D}]
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#define HEIGHT_OFFSET 1.5
private _camTarget = GVAR(camTarget);
private _cursorObject = objNull;
// This function doesn't work for units underwater, due to use of screenToWorld. Would be complicated to work around this.
private _intersections = [getMousePosition select 0, getMousePosition select 1, _camTarget, vehicle _camTarget] call BIS_fnc_getIntersectionsUnderCursor;
if !(_intersections isEqualTo []) then {
_cursorObject = (_intersections select 0) select 3;
if !(_cursorObject isKindOf "Man") then {
_cursorObject = effectiveCommander _cursorObject;
GVAR(cursorObject) = _cursorObject;
if !(GVAR(uiMapVisible)) then {
if (GVAR(drawUnits)) then {
// Groups and Units
_x params ["_unit", "_type", "_icon"];
private _position = (_unit modelToWorldVisual (_unit selectionPosition "Head")) vectorAdd [0,0,HEIGHT_OFFSET];
if (_type == 2 && { _unit distanceSqr GVAR(camera) < DISTANCE_NAMES_SQR } && {_unit in _camTarget || _unit in _cursorObject}) then {
drawIcon3D [
[0, 0, 0, [0.4, 0.8] select (_unit in _camTarget)],
// Apply modifiers
if (_type == 1 && { time <= GETVAR(_unit,GVAR(highlightTime),0) }) then {
_icon set [1, [1,1,1, ((_icon select 1) select 3)]];
_icon set [2, _position];
// Draw icon
drawIcon3D _icon;
nil // Speed loop
} count GVAR(iconsToDraw);
// Draw projectiles and grenades paths
if (GVAR(drawProjectiles)) then {
private _projectilesNew = [];
private _grenadesNew = [];
// Draw projectiles if there are any
_x params [
["_projectile", objNull, [objNull]],
["_segments", [], [[]]]
if !(isNull _projectile) then {
// Store new segment
private _newestIndex = _segments pushBack [
getPosVisual _projectile,
(vectorMagnitude velocity _projectile) call {
if (_this < 250) exitWith { [0,0,1,1] };
if (_this < 500) exitWith { [0,1,0,1] };
// Clamp number of segments to be drawn
if (_newestIndex > MAX_PROJECTILE_SEGMENTS) then {
_segments deleteAt 0;
// Store projectiles for next frame
_projectilesNew pushBack [_projectile, _segments];
// Draw all projectile segments
private _oldLoc = [];
_x params ["_locNew", "_colorNew"];
if !(_oldLoc isEqualTo []) then {
drawLine3D [_oldLoc, _locNew, _colorNew];
_oldLoc = _locNew;
nil // Speed loop
} count _segments;
nil // Speed loop
} count GVAR(projectilesToDraw);
GVAR(projectilesToDraw) = _projectilesNew;
if !(isNull _x) then {
private _grenadeVelocityMagnitude = vectorMagnitude velocity _x;
// Draw grenade (rotate icon to represent spinning)
drawIcon3D [ICON_GRENADE, [1,0,0,1], getPosVisual _x, 0.6, 0.6, if (_grenadeVelocityMagnitude > 0) then { time * 100 * _grenadeVelocityMagnitude } else { 0 }, "", 0, 0.05, "TahomaB"];
// Store grenade for next frame
_grenadesNew pushBack _x;
nil // Speed loop
} count GVAR(grenadesToDraw);
GVAR(grenadesToDraw) = _grenadesNew;