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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Fix incorrect function input for spectator hiding * Remove locations tab from spectator - Doesn't add much value, adds complexity and the implementation is half baked. Would rather add back in at a later date (if at all) with a better implementation. - I have an idea to replace the locations tab with a meta tab so users can toggle things like projectile drawing via the UI and are not forced to use a hotkey. Might also be a good place to display the extended controls.
139 lines
3.9 KiB
139 lines
3.9 KiB
* Author: Nelson Duarte, SilentSpike
* Updates spectator UI help element
* Note that there are some redundant conditions in this file
* This is intentional, since controls appear via priority que
* The overhead is minimal
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_spectator_fnc_ui_updateHelp
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
#include "\A3\ui_f\hpp\defineDIKCodes.inc"
if !(GVAR(uiHelpVisible)) exitWith {};
private _cameraMode = GVAR(camMode);
private _availableModes = GVAR(availableModes);
private _hasTarget = !isNull GVAR(camTarget);
private _controls = [];
// When not in first person, camera rotation applies
if (_cameraMode != MODE_FPS) then {
_controls pushback ["[RMB]", localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_CameraRotation"];
// When in free camera, focus/un-focus with LMB
if (_cameraMode == MODE_FREE) then {
if (_hasTarget) then {
_controls pushBack ["[LMB]", localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Unfocus"];
} else {
_controls pushBack ["[LMB]", localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Focus"];
// When the camera has a focus, switch mode applies (if other modes are available)
if (_hasTarget && {count _availableModes > 1}) then {
_controls pushBack [
format ["[%1]", toUpper ([DIK_SPACE] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey)],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_CameraMode"
if (_cameraMode == MODE_FREE) then {
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1/%2]", [DIK_W] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey, [DIK_S] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Movement"
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1/%2]", [DIK_A] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey, [DIK_D] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Strafing"
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1/%2]", [DIK_Q] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey, [DIK_Z] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Height"
} else {
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1]", toUpper ([DIK_RIGHT] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey)],
localize LSTRING(nextUnit)
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1]", toUpper ([DIK_LEFT] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey)],
localize LSTRING(prevUnit)
if (_cameraMode != MODE_FPS) then {
_controls pushback [
format ["[%1]", ([DIK_N] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey)],
localize LSTRING(nextVis)
_controls pushBack [
format ["[%1]", toUpper ([DIK_BACK] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey)],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Interface"
_controls pushBack [
format ["[%1]", [DIK_F1] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Controls"
// Too many controls in the UI, leave these out?
// _controls pushBack [
// format ["[%1]", [DIK_M] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
// localize "str_usract_map"
// ];
// _controls pushBack [
// format ["[%1]", [DIK_I] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
// localize LSTRING(uiIcons)
// ];
// _controls pushBack [
// format ["[%1]", [DIK_O] call CBA_fnc_localizeKey],
// localize LSTRING(uiProjectiles)
// ];
if (_cameraMode == MODE_FREE) then {
_controls pushBack ["[LSHIFT]", localize "STR_A3_Spectator_Helper_Shift"];
_controls pushBack ["[LALT]", localize LSTRING(camSlow)];
if (count _controls > MAX_CONTROLS_HELP_ENTRIES) then {
private _help = CTRL_HELP;
_help ctrlEnable false;
_help lnbSetColumnsPos [0, 0.45];
lnbClear _help;
_help lnbAddRow _x;
_help lnbSetColor [[_forEachIndex, 0], [0.75,0.6,0,1]];
} forEach _controls;
// Set height based on number of rows
private _newH = (GVAR(uiHelpH) / MAX_CONTROLS_HELP_ENTRIES) * count _controls;
private _newY = safezoneY + safezoneH - _newH;
(ctrlPosition _help) params ["_newX","","_newW"];
_x ctrlSetPosition [_newX, _newY, _newW, _newH];
_x ctrlCommit 0.15;
} forEach [CTRL_HELP_BACK, _help];