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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Add search to teleport players UI * Change group side icons to look better * Improve teleport UI and add stringtable entries * Add Assign Repair Vehicle module * Add Assign Repair Facility module * Add Assign Engineer module * Add Full Heal module * Add Suicide Bomber module * Make heal module work without ace_medical * Add suicide bomber module translations * Improve attribute cargo to use displayName * Improve set engineer ui * ACE_Curator for repair modules + author array * Add angle param to getModuleDestination * Prevent multiple suicide bomber modules on same target * Heal module: support BI scripted revive system * Requested changes
77 lines
1.9 KiB
77 lines
1.9 KiB
* Author: SilentSpike
* Initalises the `patrol area` zeus module display
* Arguments:
* 0: dummy controls group <CONTROL>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [CONTROL] call ace_zeus_fnc_ui_patrolArea
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
//Generic Init:
params ["_control"];
private _display = ctrlParent _control;
private _logic = GETMVAR(BIS_fnc_initCuratorAttributes_target,objNull);
_control ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "setFocus";
//Validate the module target:
private _unit = effectiveCommander (attachedTo _logic);
scopeName "Main";
private _fnc_errorAndClose = {
params ["_msg"];
_display closeDisplay 0;
deleteVehicle _logic;
[_msg] call FUNC(showMessage);
breakOut "Main";
switch (false) do {
case !(isNull _unit): {
[LSTRING(NothingSelected)] call _fnc_errorAndClose;
case (_unit isKindOf "CAManBase"): {
[LSTRING(OnlyInfantry)] call _fnc_errorAndClose;
case (alive _unit): {
[LSTRING(OnlyAlive)] call _fnc_errorAndClose;
private _fnc_onUnload = {
private _logic = GETMVAR(BIS_fnc_initCuratorAttributes_target,objnull);
if (isNull _logic) exitWith {};
if (_this select 1 == 2) then {
deleteVehicle _logic;
private _fnc_onConfirm = {
params [["_ctrlButtonOK", controlNull, [controlNull]]];
private _display = ctrlparent _ctrlButtonOK;
if (isNull _display) exitWith {};
private _logic = GETMVAR(BIS_fnc_initCuratorAttributes_target,objnull);
if (isNull _logic) exitWith {};
private _unit = effectiveCommander (attachedTo _logic);
private _radius = GETVAR(_display,GVAR(radius),50);
private _position = GETVAR(_display,GVAR(position),getPos _logic);
[QGVAR(modulePatrolArea), [_unit,_position,_radius,5], _unit] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent;
deleteVehicle _logic;
_display displayAddEventHandler ["unload", _fnc_onUnload];
_control ctrlAddEventHandler ["buttonClick", _fnc_onConfirm];