mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Disable anim previews when center isn't the player * Abuse configs to change the edit loadout 3DEN entry * Remove inheriting as it's not needed * Remove uneeded condition * Add zeus modules for ACE Arsenal, revert old arsenal modules * Add 3 new arsenal EHs * Add a setting to disable the identity tabs in ace arsenal * Pass loadoutName in the onloadoutLoad EH * Change foreach to forEach and ctrlcommit to ctrlCommit * Resize the right window when the load bar isn't there * Add a tooltip for the "clear container" button * Improve onKeyDown, add classname copying using ctrl+c
304 lines
7.7 KiB
304 lines
7.7 KiB
// Control types
#define CT_STATIC 0
#define CT_BUTTON 1
#define CT_EDIT 2
#define CT_SLIDER 3
#define CT_COMBO 4
#define CT_LISTBOX 5
#define CT_TOOLBOX 6
#define CT_PROGRESS 8
#define CT_HTML 9
#define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11
#define CT_TREE 12
#define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14
#define CT_HITZONES 17
#define CT_XKEYDESC 40
#define CT_XBUTTON 41
#define CT_XLISTBOX 42
#define CT_XSLIDER 43
#define CT_XCOMBO 44
#define CT_OBJECT 80
#define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81
#define CT_LINEBREAK 98
#define CT_USER 99
#define CT_MAP 100
#define CT_MAP_MAIN 101
#define CT_LISTNBOX 102
#define CT_ITEMSLOT 103
#define CT_CHECKBOX 77
// Static styles
#define ST_POS 0x0F
#define ST_HPOS 0x03
#define ST_VPOS 0x0C
#define ST_LEFT 0x00
#define ST_RIGHT 0x01
#define ST_CENTER 0x02
#define ST_DOWN 0x04
#define ST_UP 0x08
#define ST_VCENTER 0x0C
#define ST_TYPE 0xF0
#define ST_SINGLE 0x00
#define ST_MULTI 0x10
#define ST_TITLE_BAR 0x20
#define ST_PICTURE 0x30
#define ST_FRAME 0x40
#define ST_BACKGROUND 0x50
#define ST_GROUP_BOX 0x60
#define ST_GROUP_BOX2 0x70
#define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 0x80
#define ST_TILE_PICTURE 0x90
#define ST_WITH_RECT 0xA0
#define ST_LINE 0xB0
#define ST_UPPERCASE 0xC0
#define ST_LOWERCASE 0xD0
#define ST_SHADOW 0x100
#define ST_NO_RECT 0x200
#define ST_KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO 0x800
// Slider styles
#define SL_DIR 0x400
#define SL_VERT 0
#define SL_HORZ 0x400
#define SL_TEXTURES 0x10
// progress bar
#define ST_VERTICAL 0x01
// Listbox styles
#define LB_TEXTURES 0x10
#define LB_MULTI 0x20
// Tree styles
#define TR_SHOWROOT 1
// Default grid
#define GUI_GRID_WAbs ((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_HAbs (GUI_GRID_WAbs / 1.2)
#define GUI_GRID_W (GUI_GRID_WAbs / 40)
#define GUI_GRID_H (GUI_GRID_HAbs / 25)
#define GUI_GRID_X (safezoneX)
#define GUI_GRID_Y (safezoneY + safezoneH - GUI_GRID_HAbs)
// Default text sizes
class ScrollBar;
class RscObject;
class RscText;
class RscTextSmall;
class RscTitle;
class RscProgress;
class RscProgressNotFreeze;
class RscPicture;
class RscLadderPicture;
class RscPictureKeepAspect;
class RscHTML;
class RscButton;
class RscShortcutButton;
class RscButtonSmall;
class RscEdit;
class RscCombo;
class RscListBox;
class RscListNBox;
class RscXListBox;
class RscTree;
class RscSlider;
class RscSliderH;
class RscXSliderH;
class RscActiveText;
class RscStructuredText;
class RscControlsGroup;
class RscToolbox;
class RscMapControl;
class RscCheckBox;
class RscFrame;
class ctrlDefault;
class ctrlControlsGroup;
class ctrlDefaultText;
class ctrlDefaultButton;
class RscBackgroundStripeTop;
class RscBackgroundStripeBottom;
class RscIGText;
class RscIGProgress;
class RscListBoxKeys;
class RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
class RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars;
class RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars;
class RscLine;
class RscActivePicture;
class RscButtonTextOnly;
class RscShortcutButtonMain;
class RscButtonEditor;
class RscIGUIShortcutButton;
class RscGearShortcutButton;
class RscButtonMenu;
class RscButtonMenuOK;
class RscButtonMenuCancel;
class RscButtonMenuSteam;
class RscLoadingText;
class RscIGUIListBox;
class RscIGUIListNBox;
class RscBackground;
class RscBackgroundGUI;
class RscBackgroundGUILeft;
class RscBackgroundGUIRight;
class RscBackgroundGUIBottom;
class RscBackgroundGUITop;
class RscBackgroundGUIDark;
class RscBackgroundLogo;
class RscMapControlEmpty;
class RscVignette;
class CA_Mainback;
class CA_Back;
class CA_Title_Back;
class CA_Black_Back;
class CA_Title;
class CA_Logo;
class CA_Logo_Small;
class CA_RscButton;
class CA_RscButton_dialog;
class CA_Ok;
class CA_Ok_image;
class CA_Ok_image2;
class CA_Ok_text;
class ctrlCheckbox;
class ctrlCheckboxBaseline;
class ctrlStatic;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoScrollbars;
class ctrlStructuredText;
class RscTextMulti;
class RscTreeSearch;
class RscVideo;
class RscVideoKeepAspect;
class RscActivePictureKeepAspect;
class RscEditMulti;
class RscMapSignalBackground;
class RscMapSignalPicture;
class RscMapSignalText;
class RscColorPicker;
class RscInterlacingScreen;
class RscFeedback;
class RscTrafficLight;
class RscButtonSearch;
class RscIGUIText;
class RscOpticsText;
class RscOpticsValue;
class RscIGUIValue;
class RscButtonMenuMain;
class RscButtonTestCentered;
class RscDisplaySingleMission_ChallengeOverviewGroup;
class RscDisplayDebriefing_RscTextMultiline;
class RscDisplayDebriefing_ListGroup;
class RscButtonArsenal;
class RscTextNoShadow;
class RscButtonNoColor;
class RscToolboxButton;
class ctrlStaticPicture;
class ctrlStaticPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlStaticPictureTile;
class ctrlStaticFrame;
class ctrlStaticLine;
class ctrlStaticMulti;
class ctrlStaticBackground;
class ctrlStaticOverlay;
class ctrlStaticTitle;
class ctrlStaticFooter;
class ctrlStaticBackgroundDisable;
class ctrlStaticBackgroundDisableTiles;
class ctrlButton;
class ctrlButtonPicture;
class ctrlButtonPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlButtonOK;
class ctrlButtonCancel;
class ctrlButtonClose;
class ctrlButtonToolbar;
class ctrlButtonSearch;
class ctrlButtonExpandAll;
class ctrlButtonCollapseAll;
class ctrlButtonFilter;
class ctrlEdit;
class ctrlEditMulti;
class ctrlSliderV;
class ctrlSliderH;
class ctrlCombo;
class ctrlComboToolbar;
class ctrlListbox;
class ctrlToolbox;
class ctrlToolboxPicture;
class ctrlToolboxPictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlCheckboxes;
class ctrlCheckboxesCheckbox;
class ctrlProgress;
class ctrlHTML;
class ctrlActiveText;
class ctrlActivePicture;
class ctrlActivePictureKeepAspect;
class ctrlTree;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoHScrollbars;
class ctrlControlsGroupNoVScrollbars;
class ctrlShortcutButton;
class ctrlShortcutButtonOK;
class ctrlShortcutButtonCancel;
class ctrlShortcutButtonSteam;
class ctrlXListbox;
class ctrlXSliderV;
class ctrlXSliderH;
class ctrlMenu;
class ctrlMenuStrip;
class ctrlMap;
class ctrlMapEmpty;
class ctrlMapMain;
class ctrlListNBox;
class ctrlCheckboxToolbar;
class Display3DEN {
class ContextMenu :ctrlMenu {
class Items {
class Arsenal {
items[]= {"aceArsenal", "virtualArsenal"};
class virtualArsenal {
text = "BI Virtual Arsenal";
action= QUOTE(['arsenal'] call bis_fnc_3DENEntityMenu);
class aceArsenal: virtualArsenal {
text = "ACE Arsenal";
action= QUOTE(call FUNC(open3DEN));
class Controls {
class MenuStrip: ctrlMenuStrip {
class Items {
class Tools {
items[] += {"ACE_arsenal_portVALoadouts"};
class ACE_arsenal_portVALoadouts {
text = CSTRING(portLoadoutsText);
picture = QPATHTOEF(common,data\logo_ace3_ca.paa);
action = "call ace_arsenal_fnc_portVALoadouts;";