BrettMayson 1e404cf85b
General - SQF Improvements (#9698)
Co-authored-by: Dystopian <>
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <>
Co-authored-by: Grim <>
2024-02-04 14:50:24 -03:00

124 lines
3.2 KiB

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Alganthe, johnb43, LinkIsGrim
* Adds a stat to ACE Arsenal.
* Arguments:
* 0: Tabs to add the stat to <ARRAY of ARRAYS>
* - 0: Left tab indexes <ARRAY of NUMBERS>
* - 1: Right tab indexes <ARRAY of NUMBERS>
* 1: Stat class (unique string for each stat) <STRING>
* 2: Config entries to pass <ARRAY of STRINGS>
* 3: Title <STRING>
* 4: Show bar / show text bools <ARRAY of BOOLS>
* - 0: Show bar <BOOL> (default: false)
* - 1: Show text <BOOL> (default: false)
* 5: Array of statements <ARRAY of CODE>
* - 0: Bar code <CODE> (default: {})
* - 1: Text code <CODE> (default: {})
* - 2: Condition code <CODE> (default: {true})
* 6: Priority <NUMBER> (default: 0)
* Return Value:
* 0: Array of IDs <ARRAY of STRINGS>
* Example:
* [[[0, 1, 2], [7]], "scopeStat", ["scope"], "Scope", [false, true], [{}, {
* params ["_statsArray", "_itemCfg"];
* getNumber (_itemCfg >> _statsArray select 0)
* }, {true}]] call ace_arsenal_fnc_addStat
* Public: Yes
params [
["_tabs", [[], []], [[]], 2],
["_class", "", [""]],
["_stats", [], [[]]],
["_title", "", [""]],
["_bools", [false, false], [[]], 2],
["_statements", [{}, {}, {true}], [[]], 3],
["_priority", 0, [0]]
_tabs params [
["_leftTabs", [], [[]]],
["_rightTabs", [], [[]]]
_bools params [
["_showBar", false, [false]],
["_showText", false, [false]]
_statements params [
["_barStatement", {}, [{}]],
["_textStatement", {}, [{}]],
["_condition", {true}, [{}]]
// Compile stats from config (in case this is called before preInit)
call FUNC(compileStats);
private _return = [];
private _changes = [];
private _fnc_addToTabs = {
params ["_tabsList", "_tabsToAddTo", "_tabSide"];
private _statName = "";
private _currentTab = [];
private _stat = [];
// Make stat name
_statName = [_class, _tabSide, [str _x, format ["0%1", _x]] select (_x < 10)] joinString "";
_currentTab = _tabsList select _x;
// Find if there is an entry with same ID
if (_currentTab findIf {_x select 5 == _statName} != -1) then {
TRACE_1("A stat with this ID already exists", _statName);
} else {
_stat = +_finalArray;
_stat set [5, _statName];
_currentTab pushBack _stat;
_return pushBack _statName;
// Store information, so that only tabs that were changed can be sorted again
_changes pushBackUnique [_x, _tabSide];
} forEach _tabsToAddTo;
private _finalArray = [_priority, _stats, _title, [_showBar, _showText], [_barStatement, _textStatement, _condition], ""];
if (_leftTabs isNotEqualTo []) then {
[GVAR(statsListLeftPanel), _leftTabs, "L"] call _fnc_addToTabs;
if (_rightTabs isNotEqualTo []) then {
[GVAR(statsListRightPanel), _rightTabs, "R"] call _fnc_addToTabs;
private _stats = [];
private _tabToChange = [];
// Ensure priority is kept
_x params ["_tab", "_tabSide"];
_tabToChange = [
] select (_tabSide == "R");
_stats = _tabToChange select _tab;
// Sort by priority
_stats sort false;
} forEach _changes;