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#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: Glowbal, mharis001
* Collect treatment actions for medical menu from config.
* Adds dragging actions if it exists.
* Arguments:
* None
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_medical_gui_fnc_collectActions
* Public: No
GVAR(actions) = [];
private _configName = configName _x;
private _displayName = getText (_x >> "displayName");
private _category = getText (_x >> "category");
private _condition = compile format [QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(target), %1 select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%2')] call DEFUNC(medical_treatment,canTreatCached)), ALL_BODY_PARTS, _configName];
private _statement = compile format [QUOTE([ARR_4(ACE_player, GVAR(target), %1 select GVAR(selectedBodyPart), '%2')] call DEFUNC(medical_treatment,treatment)), ALL_BODY_PARTS, _configName];
private _items = getArray (_x >> "items");
GVAR(actions) pushBack [_displayName, _category, _condition, _statement, _items];
} forEach configProperties [configFile >> QEGVAR(medical_treatment,actions), "isClass _x"];
if ("ace_dragging" call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded)) then {
GVAR(actions) pushBack [
LELSTRING(dragging,Drag), "drag",
{ACE_player != GVAR(target) && {[ACE_player, GVAR(target)] call EFUNC(dragging,canDrag)}},
GVAR(pendingReopen) = false;
[ACE_player, GVAR(target)] call EFUNC(dragging,startDrag);
GVAR(actions) pushBack [
LELSTRING(dragging,Carry), "drag",
{ACE_player != GVAR(target) && {[ACE_player, GVAR(target)] call EFUNC(dragging,canCarry)}},
GVAR(pendingReopen) = false;
[ACE_player, GVAR(target)] call EFUNC(dragging,startCarry);
// testing code for multi-line
// for "_i" from 0 to 12 do {
// GVAR(actions) pushBack [format ["Example %1", _i], "medication", {true}, compile format ['systemChat "%1"', _i]]
// };