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122 lines
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122 lines
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import fnmatch
import os
import re
import ntpath
import sys
import argparse
def check_sqf_syntax(filepath):
bad_count_file = 0
def pushClosing(t):
closing << Literal( closingFor[t[0]] )
def popClosing():
closing << closingStack.pop()
with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
brackets_list = []
isInCommentBlock = False
checkIfInComment = False
ignoreTillEndOfLine = False
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = False
isInString = False
lineNumber = 0
for c in content:
if c == '\n':
lineNumber += 1 # so we can print accurate line number information when we detect a possible error
if (isInString):
if (c == inStringType):
isInString = False
elif (isInCommentBlock == False): # if we are not in a comment block, we will check if we are at the start of one or count the () {} and []
if (checkIfInComment): # This means we have encountered a /, so we are now checking if this is an inline comment or a comment block
checkIfInComment = False
if c == '*': # if the next character after / is a *, we are at the start of a comment block
isInCommentBlock = True
if (c == '/'): # Otherwise, will check if we are in an line comment
ignoreTillEndOfLine = True # and an line comment is a / followed by another / (//) We won't care about anything that comes after it
if (isInCommentBlock == False):
if (ignoreTillEndOfLine): # we are in a line comment, just continue going through the characters until we find an end of line
if (c == '\n'):
ignoreTillEndOfLine = False
if (c == '"'):
isInString = True
inStringType = c
elif (c == '/'):
checkIfInComment = True
elif (c == '('):
elif (c == ')'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['{', '[']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at )"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
elif (c == '['):
elif (c == ']'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['{', '(']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at ]"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
elif (c == '{'):
elif (c == '}'):
if (brackets_list[-1] in ['(', '[']):
print "Possible missing bracket detected at }"
print filepath + "Line number: " + str(lineNumber)
bad_count_file += 1
if (c == '*'):
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = True;
elif (checkIfNextIsClosingBlock):
if (c == '/'):
isInCommentBlock = False
elif (c != '*'):
checkIfNextIsClosingBlock = False
if brackets_list.count('[') != brackets_list.count(']'):
print "A possible missing [ or ] in file " + filepath + "[ = " + str(brackets_list.count('[')) + " ] =" + str(brackets_list.count(']'))
bad_count_file += 1
if brackets_list.count('(') != brackets_list.count(')'):
print "A possible missing ( or ) in file " + filepath + "( = " + str(brackets_list.count('(')) + " ) =" + str(brackets_list.count(')'))
bad_count_file += 1
if brackets_list.count('{') != brackets_list.count('}'):
print "A possible missing { or } in file " + filepath + "{ = " + str(brackets_list.count('{')) + " } =" + str(brackets_list.count('}'))
bad_count_file += 1
return bad_count_file
def main():
print("# Validate SQF files missing brackets #")
sqf_list = []
bad_count = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m','--module', help='only search specified module addon folder', required=False, default=".")
args = parser.parse_args()
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('../addons' + '/' + args.module):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.sqf'):
sqf_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
for filename in sqf_list:
bad_count = bad_count + check_sqf_syntax(filename)
print ("Bad Count {0}".format(bad_count))
return bad_count
if __name__ == "__main__":