mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* Add quickmount GetIn menu * Add compartment support * Check engine, check pilot, check static turret driver * Add doc, condition, translation * Add hybrid config entries, fix MP issue * Optimize condition * Ignore Enabled setting in vehicle * Work around SQF validator macro issue * Fix config macro entries * Add workaround for getting damage when seat changing while moving * Add setting for Get In menu disabling * Fix race when 2 players try to get the same seat * Convert if-else to switch * Decrease move-back timeout to 0.5s * Check if vehicle is flipped * Add getin statement for parent menu * Improve canShowFreeSeats * Apply latest trends * Improve fnc_addFreeSeatsActions * Change copilot and gunless turret icons * Fix macro name * Fix FFV icon * Optimize turret icon code * Extend setting to 4 values * Fix menu is shown when vehicle is full * Optimize UAV checking code * Fix bug with disabled FFV turrets * Remove bugged FFV, Add turret locality check, Add Failed message * Replace some macros with function * Fix validator * Remove global variables, Add debug
248 lines
11 KiB
248 lines
11 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Dystopian
* Creates actions for vehicle free seats.
* Arguments:
* 0: Vehicle <OBJECT>
* 1: Unit <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Child actions <ARRAY>
* Example:
* [cursorObject, player] call ace_quickmount_fnc_addFreeSeatsActions
* Public: No
#define ICON_DRIVER "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscUnitInfo\role_driver_ca.paa"
#define ICON_PILOT "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getinpilot_ca.paa"
#define ICON_CARGO "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscUnitInfo\role_cargo_ca.paa"
#define ICON_GUNNER "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\getingunner_ca.paa"
#define ICON_COMMANDER "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscUnitInfo\role_commander_ca.paa"
#define ICON_TURRET "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\RscIngameUI\RscUnitInfo\role_gunner_ca.paa"
#define ICON_FFV "A3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\CrewAimIndicator\gunnerAuto_ca.paa"
#define TO_COMPARTMENT_STRING(var) if !(var isEqualType "") then {var = format [ARR_2("Compartment%1",var)]}
// if unit isn't moved to new seat in TAKEN_SEAT_TIMEOUT, we move him back to his seat
[ARR_5( \
{!isNull objectParent (_this select 0)}, \
{ \
params [ARR_2("_player","_damageBlocked")]; \
if (_damageBlocked) then {_player allowDamage true}; \
LOG_1("moved in in %1 frames",diag_frameno-GVAR(frame)); \
}, \
[ARR_4(_player,_damageBlocked,_moveBackCode,_moveBackParams)], \
{ \
params [ARR_4("_player","_damageBlocked","_moveBackCode","_moveBackParams")]; \
[ARR_2(_player,_moveBackParams)] call _moveBackCode; \
if (_damageBlocked) then {_player allowDamage true}; \
localize "str_mis_state_failed" call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); \
} \
)] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
#define IS_MOVED_OUT \
( \
isNull objectParent _player \
&& { \
[] isEqualTo _currentTurret \
|| {local _target isEqualTo (_target turretLocal _currentTurret)} \
} \
#define MOVE_IN_CODE(command) (_this select 0) command (_this select 1)
private _fnc_move = {
(_this select 2) params ["_moveInCode", "_moveInParams", "_currentTurret", "_moveBackCode", "_moveBackParams", ["_enabledByAnimationSource", ""]];
TRACE_7("fnc_move params",_moveInCode,_moveInParams,_currentTurret,_moveBackCode,_moveBackParams,_enabledByAnimationSource,call {GVAR(frame)=diag_frameno});
// check bugged FFV
if (
!("" isEqualTo _enabledByAnimationSource)
&& {1 > _target doorPhase _enabledByAnimationSource}
) exitWith {};
// workaround getting damage when moveOut while vehicle is moving
private _damageBlocked = false;
if (isDamageAllowed _player) then {
_player allowDamage false;
_damageBlocked = true;
private _preserveEngineOn = _player == driver _target && {isEngineOn _target};
moveOut _player;
if (_preserveEngineOn) then {_target engineOn true};
// moveIn right after moveOut doesn't work in MP for non-local vehicles, player just stays out
// so we have to wait some time (e.g. until player is out and turret locality become vehicle locality)
// usually it's done in the same frame for local vehicles/turrets and takes 3-7 frames for non-local, so in MP can look a little lagging
if (IS_MOVED_OUT) exitWith {
LOG("moved out in current frame");
[_player, _moveInParams] call _moveInCode;
{params ["_target", "_player", "_currentTurret"]; IS_MOVED_OUT},
params ["", "_player", "", "_moveInCode", "_moveInParams", "_moveBackCode", "_moveBackParams", "_damageBlocked"];
LOG_2("moved out in %1 frames",diag_frameno-GVAR(frame),call {GVAR(frame)=diag_frameno; 0});
[_player, _moveInParams] call _moveInCode;
[_target, _player, _currentTurret, _moveInCode, _moveInParams, _moveBackCode, _moveBackParams, _damageBlocked]
] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute;
scopeName "main";
params ["_vehicle", "_player"];
private _vehicleConfig = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle;
private _isInVehicle = _player in _vehicle;
private _fullCrew = fullCrew [_vehicle, "", true];
private ["_driverCompartments", "_isDriverIsolated", "_cargoCompartments", "_cargoCompartmentsLast", "_compartment", "_currentTurret", "_moveBackCode", "_moveBackParams"];
if (_isInVehicle) then {
_driverCompartments = (_vehicleConfig >> "driverCompartments") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;
// Air class by default has driverCompartments=0 and cargoCompartments[]={0}, so we have to disable them
_isDriverIsolated = _driverCompartments isEqualTo 0 && {_vehicle isKindOf "Air"};
_cargoCompartments = getArray (_vehicleConfig >> "cargoCompartments");
if !(_x isEqualType "") then {
_cargoCompartments set [_forEachIndex, format ["Compartment%1", _x]];
} forEach _cargoCompartments;
_cargoCompartmentsLast = count _cargoCompartments - 1;
// find current compartment
_fullCrew select (_fullCrew findIf {_player == _x select 0})
) params ["", "_role", "_cargoIndex", "_turretPath"];
_currentTurret = _turretPath;
switch (_role) do {
case "driver": {
if (_isDriverIsolated) then {
[] breakOut "main";
_compartment = _driverCompartments;
_moveBackCode = {MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInDriver)};
_moveBackParams = _vehicle;
case "cargo": {
private _cargoNumber = fullCrew [_vehicle, "cargo", true] findIf {_player == _x select 0};
_compartment = _cargoCompartments select (_cargoNumber min _cargoCompartmentsLast);
_moveBackCode = {MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInCargo)};
_moveBackParams = [_vehicle, _cargoIndex];
default {
private _turretConfig = [_vehicleConfig, _turretPath] call CBA_fnc_getTurret;
_compartment = (_turretConfig >> "gunnerCompartments") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;
_moveBackCode = {MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInTurret)};
_moveBackParams = [_vehicle, _turretPath];
private _actions = [];
private _cargoNumber = -1;
scopeName "crewLoop";
_x params ["_unit", "_role", "_cargoIndex", "_turretPath", "_isPersonTurret"];
if (!isNull _unit && {alive _unit}) then {
if (_role == "cargo") then {
} else {
private ["_name", "_icon", "_statement", "_params"];
switch (toLower _role) do {
case "driver": {
if (
lockedDriver _vehicle
|| {unitIsUAV _vehicle}
|| {0 == getNumber (_vehicleConfig >> "hasDriver")}
) then {
breakTo "crewLoop";
if (_isInVehicle) then {
if (_compartment != _driverCompartments || {_isDriverIsolated}) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
_params = [{MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInDriver)}, _vehicle, _currentTurret, _moveBackCode, _moveBackParams];
_statement = _fnc_move;
} else {
_params = ["GetInDriver", _vehicle];
_statement = {_player action (_this select 2)};
if (_vehicle isKindOf "Air") then {
_name = localize "str_getin_pos_pilot";
_icon = ICON_PILOT;
} else {
_name = localize "str_driver";
_icon = ICON_DRIVER;
case "cargo": {
if (_vehicle lockedCargo _cargoIndex) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
if (_isInVehicle) then {
if (_compartment != (_cargoCompartments select (_cargoNumber min _cargoCompartmentsLast))) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
_params = [{MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInCargo)}, [_vehicle, _cargoIndex], _currentTurret, _moveBackCode, _moveBackParams];
_statement = _fnc_move;
} else {
_params = ["GetInCargo", _vehicle, _cargoNumber];
_statement = {_player action (_this select 2)};
_name = format ["%1 %2", localize "str_getin_pos_passenger", _cargoNumber + 1];
_icon = ICON_CARGO;
default { // all turrets including FFV
if (_vehicle lockedTurret _turretPath) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
if (_role == "gunner" && {unitIsUAV _vehicle}) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
private _turretConfig = [_vehicleConfig, _turretPath] call CBA_fnc_getTurret;
if (!_isInVehicle) then {
_params = ["GetInTurret", _vehicle, _turretPath];
_statement = {_player action (_this select 2)};
} else {
private _gunnerCompartments = (_turretConfig >> "gunnerCompartments") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData;
if (_compartment != _gunnerCompartments) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
// due to arma bug the unit is stuck in wrong anim when move in turret with configured enabledByAnimationSource
private _enabledByAnimationSource = getText (_turretConfig >> "enabledByAnimationSource");
if (
!("" isEqualTo _enabledByAnimationSource)
&& {1 > _vehicle doorPhase _enabledByAnimationSource}
) then {breakTo "crewLoop"};
_params = [{MOVE_IN_CODE(moveInTurret)}, [_vehicle, _turretPath], _currentTurret, _moveBackCode, _moveBackParams, _enabledByAnimationSource];
_statement = _fnc_move;
_name = getText (_turretConfig >> "gunnerName");
_icon = switch true do {
case (0 < getNumber (_turretConfig >> "isCopilot")): {ICON_PILOT};
case (_role == "gunner"): {ICON_GUNNER};
case (_role == "commander"): {ICON_COMMANDER};
case (_isPersonTurret): {ICON_FFV};
case ("" isEqualTo getText (_turretConfig >> "gun")): {ICON_CARGO};
default {ICON_TURRET};
private _action = [
format ["%1%2%3", _role, _cargoIndex, _turretPath],
_name, _icon, _statement, {true}, {}, _params
] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
_actions pushBack [_action, [], _vehicle];
} forEach _fullCrew;