2015-02-11 14:37:18 -06:00

67 lines
1.9 KiB

* Author: PabstMirror
* Starts disarming the target from the target
* Generates the specific list of items that should be removed from a disarm type
* Arguments:
* 0: caller (player) <OBJECT>
* 1: target <OBJECT>
* 1: type of disarm <STRING>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
_listOfItemsToRemove = [];
_doNotDropAmmo = false;
switch (toLower _type) do {
case ("primaryweapononly"): {
_listOfItemsToRemove = [(primaryWeapon _target)];
_doNotDropAmmo = true;
case ("secondaryweapononly"): {
_listOfItemsToRemove = [(secondaryWeapon _target)];
_doNotDropAmmo = true;
case ("handgunweapononly"): {
_listOfItemsToRemove = [(handgunWeapon _target)];
_doNotDropAmmo = true;
case ("backpack"): {
_listOfItemsToRemove = [(backpack _target)];
case ("alldangerous"): {
_listOfItemsToRemove = weapons _target;
if (!(_x in _listOfItemsToRemove)) then {
_listOfItemsToRemove pushBack _x;
} forEach (magazines _target);
if ((!(_x in _listOfItemsToRemove)) && {_x in DANGEROUS_ITEMS} && {_x != ""}) then {
_listOfItemsToRemove pushBack _x;
} forEach ((items _target) + (assignedItems _target));
case ("strip"): {
// _listOfItemsToRemove = [_target] call EFUNC(common,getAllGear);
_listOfItemsToRemove = [];
if ((!(_x in _listOfItemsToRemove)) && {_x != ""}) then {
_listOfItemsToRemove pushBack _x;
} forEach ((weapons _target) + (magazines _target) + (items _target) + (assignedItems _target) + [(backpack _target), (vest _target), (uniform _target)]);
[_caller, _target, _listOfItemsToRemove, _doNotDropAmmo] call FUNC(disarmDropItems);