bux ec0ece059f use Killed event, fix missing public setVar
add more text, don't delete dead unit
2016-01-10 20:58:54 +01:00

46 lines
1.1 KiB

* Author: bux578
* Initializes the player
* Arguments:
* 0: player <OBJECT>
* 1: sides <ARRAY<OBJECT>>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player, [west]] call ace_switchunits_fnc_initPlayer
* Public: No
#include "script_component.hpp"
params ["_playerUnit", "_sides"];
if (vehicle _playerUnit == _playerUnit) then {
[_sides] call FUNC(markAiOnMap);
_playerUnit setVariable [QGVAR(IsPlayerUnit), true, true];
_playerUnit allowDamage false;
GVAR(OriginalUnit) = _playerUnit;
GVAR(OriginalName) = name _playerUnit;
GVAR(OriginalGroup) = group _playerUnit;
// remove all starting gear of a player
removeAllWeapons _playerUnit;
removeGoggles _playerUnit;
removeHeadgear _playerUnit;
removeVest _playerUnit;
removeAllAssignedItems _playerUnit;
clearAllItemsFromBackpack _playerUnit;
removeBackpack _playerUnit;
_playerUnit linkItem "ItemMap";
removeUniform _playerUnit;
[_playerUnit, "ACE_SwitchUnits", true] call EFUNC(common,setForceWalkStatus);
[_playerUnit, _sides] call FUNC(addMapFunction);