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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
- Add stackable wound handler system for easy 3rd party extensibility and overriding of default wound handler. - Change mapping from wound type -> damage types, to damage type -> wound types. Improves the semantics and makes configuration easier to reason about. - Allow damage types to influence wound properties (bleed, size, etc.) with configurable variance parameters. - Allow configuration of wound type variance per damage type. Enabling more logically driven variance for sensible but still varied end results. - Improve handling of non-selection-specific damage events. The wound handler now receives all incoming damages and may apply damage to multiple selections (previously only ever one) if the damage type is not configured to be selection specific (with new config property `selectionSpecific`). - Add debug script for testing explosion damage events at varied ranges. - Add custom fire wound handler.
153 lines
4.5 KiB
153 lines
4.5 KiB
#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: mharis001
* Updates injury list for given body part for the target.
* Arguments:
* 0: Injury list <CONTROL>
* 1: Target <OBJECT>
* 2: Body part <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_ctrlInjuries, _target, 0] call ace_medical_gui_fnc_updateInjuryList
* Public: No
params ["_ctrl", "_target", "_selectionN"];
private _entries = [];
// Add selected body part name
private _bodyPartName = [
] select _selectionN;
_entries pushBack [localize _bodyPartName, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
// Indicate if unit is bleeding at all
if (IS_BLEEDING(_target)) then {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Status_Bleeding), [1, 0, 0, 1]];
// Give a qualitative description of the blood volume lost
switch (GET_HEMORRHAGE(_target)) do {
case 1: {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Lost_Blood1), [1, 1, 0, 1]];
case 2: {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Lost_Blood2), [1, 0.67, 0, 1]];
case 3: {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Lost_Blood3), [1, 0.33, 0, 1]];
case 4: {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Lost_Blood4), [1, 0, 0, 1]];
// Indicate if a tourniquet is applied
if (HAS_TOURNIQUET_APPLIED_ON(_target,_selectionN)) then {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Status_Tourniquet_Applied), [0.77, 0.51, 0.08, 1]];
// Indicate current body part fracture status
switch (GET_FRACTURES(_target) select _selectionN) do {
case 1: {
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Status_Fractured), [1, 0, 0, 1]];
case -1: {
if (EGVAR(medical,fractures) in [2, 3]) then { // Ignore if the splint has no effect
_entries pushBack [localize LSTRING(Status_SplintApplied), [0.2, 0.2, 1, 1]];
// Indicate the amount of pain the unit is in
if (_target call EFUNC(common,isAwake)) then {
private _pain = GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(_target);
if (_pain > 0) then {
private _painText = switch (true) do {
case (_pain > 0.5): {
case (_pain > 0.1): {
default {
_entries pushBack [localize _painText, [1, 1, 1, 1]];
// Show receiving IV volume remaining
private _totalIvVolume = 0;
_x params ["_volumeRemaining"];
_totalIvVolume = _totalIvVolume + _volumeRemaining;
} forEach (_target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,ivBags), []]);
if (_totalIvVolume >= 1) then {
_entries pushBack [format [localize ELSTRING(medical_treatment,receivingIvVolume), floor _totalIvVolume], [1, 1, 1, 1]];
// Add entries for open, bandaged, and stitched wounds
private _woundEntries = [];
private _fnc_processWounds = {
params ["_wounds", "_format", "_color"];
_x params ["_woundClassID", "_bodyPartN", "_amountOf"];
if (_selectionN == _bodyPartN && {_amountOf > 0}) then {
private _classIndex = _woundClassID / 10;
private _category = _woundClassID % 10;
private _className = EGVAR(medical_damage,woundClassNames) select _classIndex;
private _suffix = ["Minor", "Medium", "Large"] select _category;
private _woundName = localize format [ELSTRING(medical_damage,%1_%2), _className, _suffix];
private _woundDescription = if (_amountOf >= 1) then {
format ["%1x %2", ceil _amountOf, _woundName]
} else {
format [localize LSTRING(PartialX), _woundName]
_woundEntries pushBack [format [_format, _woundDescription], _color];
} forEach _wounds;
[GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(_target), "%1", [1, 1, 1, 1]] call _fnc_processWounds;
[GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(_target), "[B] %1", [0.88, 0.7, 0.65, 1]] call _fnc_processWounds;
[GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(_target), "[S] %1", [0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1]] call _fnc_processWounds;
// Handle no wound entries
if (_woundEntries isEqualTo []) then {
_entries pushBack [localize ELSTRING(medical_treatment,NoInjuriesBodypart), [1, 1, 1, 1]];
} else {
_entries append _woundEntries;
// Add all entries to injury list
lbClear _ctrl;
_x params ["_text", "_color"];
_ctrl lbSetColor [_ctrl lbAdd _text, _color];
} forEach _entries;
_ctrl lbSetCurSel -1;